
Held Captive By Your Love

I have just stepped over the line of what one can only describe as insanity. Perhaps even one can call it as an obsession. Whichever you want to call me while I have Trinity slumped over my shoulder shall define what my actions will lead to today.

So it is with her elegant body, which is yet so light as a feather, that we slip back through the door at the terrace. After handing her gently over to Jax, we make haste to get our fucking dumb asses back into the car. I need to get back home before she comes too again. And god, I am dreading that moment when she does.

Now I am fully expecting a tantrum, yet I want to believe that she will be relieved and perhaps even a slight bit excited. But as far as for Vic, the man is now truly going to come and kill me. Well, he needs to find me first.

I cannot fucking believe I did this!

Have I gone completely mad?

Trinity Stone is truly, no matter which way you look at it, but this woman has been my undoing. Not only have I fallen deeply in love with her, but I have also gone beyond what is rational to have her in my presence. It feels as I have lost myself; I am not Colton Cruz; in fact, right now, I feel like a monster. Which man in his right mind kidnaps his own fiancé?

Now, exactly what do I intend to do with her? Am I going to lock her in a room like a caged animal? I did not think this through; I have been blinded by love and passion. Well, it is too late now to change my mind, I have taken her from her home, and she will now become captive. That is only if she does not wish to go, which I am firmly going to believe in my heart is true. The very last thing I want to do is lock her up in a room.

So as we find our way pulling into the driveway that is locked behind very large steel gates that are manned by three of my bodyguards. Each exit to the mansion will be manned by two others. The windows have been covered with bars; there is no way out, and your way in is going to prove you very difficult as I have six men manning the grounds. You have to be one fucking clever asshole to get in here, and once you do find yourself between all my guards, you will not get alive out of here again.

Ya, I have gone complexly fucking insane.

And insane is me that is rushing with Trinity in my arms to what shall be her room. It is next to mine, with a leading door into hers. I cannot take the risk to leave her alone in mine, for it will be constantly opened. God, I have truly fucked this one up. I think I need to rethink my plan, it is going to blow up, and when it comes in my face, I am going to fall hard.

But for now, I need to get her comfortable; I will stay with her until she wakes up, then I will go downstairs to give instructions. It will only be another five hours, then Vic will realize that she has gone. I am fully expecting that phone call. Now, of course, I am not telling the man that I have his daughter, but he is going that every word that is coming from my mouth is complete bullshit.

So as I lay my princess gently on the soft satin sheets, I watch as her body disappears and the fluffy blankets enfold her curves in a cocoon. Her hair is lying in long locks of curls over her shoulders. I watch as her chest rises and falls while she is breathing short slow breaths. Hints of jasmine and vanilla fill the air as her scent moves to every corner of the room and attack my senses. She is peaceful and yet so goddamn beautiful as she is off in a slumber.


I take her hand gently and fold my own rough hard hands over. Her hands are cold to the touch, and her body seems to shiver slightly. Does she know that it is my touch? Does she know that she is in my presence?

I know she can feel me.

And this tells me that she won't be mad.

Yet, her body starts to stir. She slides her hand through her hair as she grabs her head that must be pounding; ya, I did forget how nasty that shit is that I put her under. But, we are about to find out what her reaction is going to be. For one by one, I watch as her eyes slowly start to flutter open, trying to adjust to the bright light.

She groans…

She mumbles…


She sits straight up in the bed…

“Where the fuck am I?”

She snaps her head over to where I am sitting, with a rather stupid yet very satisfied smirk on my face. But before I speak, she starts to panic.

“Where am I? Why are you here? What happened?”

“You are home, princess.”

She scans the room and gives it a once over, “This is not my room. And daddy would fucking kill you if you were in his house. Where am I, Colton?”

“I told you, princess. You are home.”

She only but shakes her head, her voice hitches a pitch, and I know that, ya, Trinity is going to throw a tantrum.

“This. Is. Not. My. Home.” She stops to breathe for a moment. “What. Have. You. Done?”

“I brought you home; your place is with me, princess.”

“So,” she only but raises her voice higher. “YOU. FUCKING. KIDNAP. ME.”

I cannot help but chuckle, once again showing how goddamn evil I have become. I truly need to sit down with myself and evaluate the level of sanity in my brain. I have seriously gone completely fucking mad. Not even mad is the right word; I think I might be bordering on psycho.

Yet, now I have a very upset Trinity about to claw my face “Colton! Answer me. Did you fucking kidnap me?”

“Princess, I see it as bringing where you should be.”

“Should be? I should be in my bed! At my home! Have you gone fucking crazy?”

“Well, I have been debating that one myself, and I firmly think that Jax and Mason will agree with you on this one.”

Now, if I thought rage and anger were fuelling her eyes, what I see now is just complete raw and untamed fury, “Do you want to tell me that Jax and Mason helped you?”


She does not give me time to get a single word in as her fit of anger seems to start to boil out of control, “Take me home right now!”

“Princess, your father will fucking kill me.”

Then she bursts out in a fit of uncontrollable laughter, “You think so. He is going to tear you to fucking pieces.”

Ya, he probably will.

Yet, he probably won’t.

The only thing that matters, and as absurd as it sounds, even though she is about to blow up, I am just happy that she is home. Though she does not hold the same sentiment as I do. So while she remains quiet, already glancing at the windows and the doors she can exit, it does give me an idea that this is not going to be so easy as I thought it might. And as she speaks again, I am proven how delusional I truly am at this very moment.

“Colton. Please. Take. Me. Home.”

I only but shake my head as I try to reach out for her hand that she has now ripped away. Then she once again speaks, but this time her voice is trembling.


She is about to cry.

Ya, that is going to make me soft.

But, as she speaks, “You. Cannot. Hold. Me. Locked. Up.”

And the tears burst open like a river breaking its bank; they stream down her face like a raging waterfall, with sobs and whaling so deafening that it hurts my ears more than it hurts my heart.

“Princess, you don’t have to be locked up if you decide you want to stay.”

Well, this has gotten her attention, but I know Trinity Stone, she is still going to try and give me the slip, and god, she will even manage to give every other man, which in fact, she already has. So leaving her unattended is going to pose a big problem. But I am firmly going to believe that when she says she wants to stay that she does truly mean it.

But one thing is for sure; I am not letting her go.

She is not going back to Vic fucking Stone.

So with eyes that are only but pleading for, I know my heart is not going to take it if I keep her locked up in this room all by herself. I turn and find those deep brown eyes that hold my entire world, and with sheer determination, I find my words somewhat trembling. We have been here before, and we find ourselves here again, but this time she will only find herself, well depending on her choice, she might find her being held against her will.

So, I need to know, “Princess, please will you stay?”

But next thing...

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