- But I do not understand, all the girls in the country want to marry the prince! cries Ariane, laughing, embarrassed.
— I'm in love with a boy from my village and I want to go home. The idea of marrying this prince was never part of my plan.
I sit on the bed and run a hand over my forehead. And here I am involving my servant in my story. She could absolutely report my words and I would be fired on the spot. Or worse, execute?
"Is that why you don't obey and just do what you want?"
"That's not it," I sighed. It's just that... All these rules are nonsense. I don't understand why I should comply.
- Do you want me to help you ?
I straighten up suddenly, intrigued.
"To what?"
- To get you eliminated, of course!
I open my eyes wide. Why the hell would she help me?
"Do you pity me that much?"
— No, not at all, but I know this kind of situation where you desperately want someone without any means of getting this person... I don't consider myself professional, but gossip is told between servants and I know the prince. I may be able to help you?
I'm thinking. Solenn is not helping me at the moment, so maybe Ariane could fix it? Either way, if it doesn't work, I'll figure it out myself. If I have to go talk to the prince to leave, I will! No one has the right to hold someone against their will and I miss Aiden terribly.
- I'm listening to you.
“I don't know if it'll work, but… Don't think ignoring him for a month will work. You can keep your distance from him, but there is a time when you have to go see him. The prince is a curious man who loves challenges and... you represent all the attractions of a good challenge. Keep it simple with him and perfectly polite, if you stand out from the crowd, he will start to take an interest in you.
- So if I understand correctly, I avoid it without avoiding it too much and I remain simple without revealing too much about myself while being someone else?
- You understood everything ! Ariadne exclaims.
I get up smiling, perfectly serene. Everything will be alright. Impersonating another person can't be that hard, right? I'll see you soon, Aiden.
So I decided to change the subject:
— Ariane, can you explain to me how the system works here?
- Yes of course. What do you want to know ?
- What time should I get up in the morning?
She laughs at me. It's true that sleep is an important ritual of the day. I need at least fourteen hours of sleep to be in great shape!
“If you want to spend time with the prince, get up. His Highness gets up quite early. It seems that he does not sleep much, he only needs a few hours. I will wake you up in the morning but don't delay too long, you must blend in.
She adds :
— There is no lights out in the evening for the selected ones but it is mandatory to be in good shape in the morning. And also, your meals will be taken for lunch and dinner in the company of the royal family at specific times. You are not allowed to skip meals unless you are sick of course.
"Okay, and... Why can't I walk around the halls?"
- The selected engage in activities of all kinds such as dancing, embroidery or they meet to discuss the tea rooms. Strolling through the hallways is rather a boring activity.
We then knock on the door. Ariane will open while I lie on my stomach, exhausted. Walking through the hallways is awesome. It's not every day that you can visit a palace like this!
"Yes... All right," says my servant, closing the door.
She closes the door behind her and tells me:
- It is time for lunch !
- And you ?
She seems taken aback.
- Me ? Uh, I eat later. Normally...
I frown. She's not eating? She looks fine though...
- Normally ?
— Go and put on a dress, the others selected are already downstairs and... You don't even have your hair done, my God! Quick, hurry...
- No, I'm ready. I don't wear a dress. It itches, it's too long and I'm going to trip over it.
“But Sarah! You have to blend in.
I tick. I had forgotten that detail.
“I'll take the risk this time. I promise, tomorrow a new Sarah will be in front of you.
I get up to open the door, asking Ariane on the way:
"Where is the...dining room?"
- Reception room. I'll take you there, but are you sure about... the dress? There are some very pretty ones.
- It'll be OK.
She sighs as she closes the door. Then we go down the stairs that I took earlier to arrive in front of the reception hall.
— Good... Everything is ready. Don't get too attached to the girls here, most of them are sure to be hypocrites and for the short time you'll be here it would be foolish to mess things up.
— Ariane, let's not talk about that here... And yes, don't worry. I'm not that stupid.