Ruby POS
“Ruby, come back here immediately! They cried in unison, as I hurried down the stairs.
- Catch her! They exclaimed to the attention of other guards, while I decided to change my path.
A dozen guards strangely began to run after me, but unfortunately I was much more agile and quick than them. Finally... until I slipped on the gray tiles, which had obviously just been very well washed and soaped.
My feet got tangled in my dress and immediately lost my balance. Oh... Luckily my body hit a sofa, while all the guards came sliding like me and crashed against the wall.
Ouch. It must hurt a lot, I think. Thank you my lucky stars and thank you this sofa.
– Ruby! What have you done again! Cried a female voice, which I immediately recognized as my mother's.
“We're playing tag, that's all. It's okay mom, I whispered, turning around.
– To the wolf? To the wolf! Pardis Ruby spare me those childish excuses! She exclaimed, as the group of guards tried to get up, but to no avail.
Seeing them all on the ground made me chuckle. Whoops. Bad idea since my mother glared at me.
“I didn't do anything for once,” I held back, raising my hands and hiding my smile.
This obviously only fueled her anger, since she was still staring hard at me. Suddenly steps were heard and my smile returned little by little when I saw my favorite guard arrive: Matteo, my good little father aged forty.
- Excuse me ma'am for this incident. This will never happen again, he began to apologize, as I stood up.
It looks like an ice rink, it's great! To be noted in the nonsense notebook. So cool !
– It's not your fault Matteo, don't apologize for him... my mother was exasperated, visibly desperate.
After having a little chat between the two of you, in good propriety, my mother finally let go of me and went back to her business. As for the guards, they got up at the end of the... hum thirteenth slide. And obviously, my seal laugh had still and always escaped my lips with each fallout they made.
Now I was now on my own two feet, facing my dear and tender Matteo who was staring at me, his arms crossed against his chest.
– Is something wrong my little chocolate? I asked quietly, smiling.
Strangely, it never pissed Matteo off when I made jokes about his looks. Because yes he has black skin, and the skull devoid of a single and small hair. I could have called him my little maltesers but I still reserved this name for another time. You have to reserve yourself in life.
"What do you have to say in your defense, Ruby?" He questioned me harshly, so I gave him my best smile.
– That thanks to all this, I have just discovered a great idea: to make an ice rink! I'll go ask Laylia what product she's using and then I can pour it into the great room! It will be too cute! "
“Ruby, you're twenty-two, not six.
“Take the twenty off then,” I replied, which made him smile a little.
He can never resist me for too long, this cute little chocolate... He's been at our service for over twenty years now and has seen me grow over the days, months, years... He adores me, I adore him.
- Next time try to slow down, you could have hurt yourself a lot, he continued later, already regaining his seriousness.
- Sir, yes sir ! I exclaimed, before he rubbed his hand through my hair.
“Your father wants to see you in his office, so go ahead and try not to cause any more nonsense,” he finished later, smiling at me.
– Ok, thank you for everything Matteo.
“Come in, Ruby,” he said in his deep voice, as I hurriedly moved forward to be level with him.
He beckoned me to sit on the red armchair and I immediately did so.
– Your mother should have been with us, but she absolutely had to prepare the suitcases.
– What suitcases? I repeated.
My father was still staring at me, and immediately a smirk appeared on my face.
“Take that smile away, sweetie, please,” he added, as I rolled my eyes.
My father knows me well, terribly well; I would even say better than my mother. Who says suitcase says travel. Who says travel says free castle. Who says free castle says freedom for Ruby.
A pleasant excitement began to gain me more and more, before I saw my father inhaling.
– Your mother and I have to leave for an indefinite period in Australia, for some business. And of course you can't come with us, Ruby, he finally said, staring at me seriously.
Ah yes anyway... My excitement subsided a little, finally. I was a little sad to hear this indeterminate word because they could therefore come back in a month, like in six months... I had already experienced this situation several times when I was young and I admit that it had never been very pleasant to know them so far from me.
- Yet... Your mother doesn't want to leave you here alone... He continued, before I let out a long groan.
– There will be Matteo and the string of male guards, shouldn't that be fine? I sighed, seeing once again that my mother was doing too much.
“Someone else is coming to watch you, Ruby,” he added, which was already annoying me.
– Oh no, no and no, no babysitters! I'm not four anymore! I exclaimed, getting up from my chair.
“Indeed, this little one is very energetic,” said a deep voice suddenly, a strange shiver running through my skin.
Hmm. Wait.
What is this voice? Who is he... ?