
The Accidental Pregnancy


“Congratulations Mrs. Wilson,” the nurse said with a soft smile. “The test came out positive, you’re a month pregnant.”

I felt a cold wave of shock wash over me as though someone poured a bucketful of ice water on me. My heart jolted painfully in my chest and my lips parted involuntarily as the memories that led to this unexpected event came rushing back at me like a violent wind.

Robert, my childhood crush and husband who I was in a contract marriage returned that night drunk and overjoyed, the reason being the advertising company landed a huge advertising deal with one of the biggest luxury establishments in the city.

I knew he was drunk. I knew he wasn’t in control of his actions. I shouldn’t have let that night happen. But I have loved him dearly for a very long time and was unable to resist him. I was willing to do anything for his satisfaction and happiness.

For a long time, I have craved to have such intimate moments with him. Since we got married two and half years ago, that was the most intimate he’s been with me, so I lost myself in that thought. Lost myself in the heat of the passionate moment, both of us forgetting to use protection.

“Here,” the nurse said, handing me the test reports.

I swallowed a lump that formed at the back of my throat, my hands trembling as I reluctantly collected it, still struggling to believe it to be true.

“Are….are you sure this is correct?” I tried to confirm as I said to the nurse awkwardly, unable to keep myself from stuttering. “Perhaps there was a mistake somewhere….maybe the test wasn’t properly conducted?...”

A single night of mistaken passion couldn’t have led to something as life-changing as pregnancy. It was just a quick one-time something. Perhaps this was another woman’s pregnancy report mistaken as mine. But my name, Lily Wilson boldly inscribed on it as I took a quick peep at it betrayed that little hope.

“Yes,” the nurse said, nodding firmly. “The pregnancy test was properly conducted. Every health worker here is a professional. We do not joke with something as serious as this.”

On hearing that, the remaining pieces of my heart dropped in my stomach. The day started as any other, but now everything has changed. This pregnancy will change everything.

“Good luck on your pregnancy Mrs. Wilson,” the nurse said, holding my shoulder and giving me a small smile. “You are in a delicate state now. Don’t overwork yourself and make sure to be coming regularly for your prenatal checkups.”

She said before leaving me to roast in the flame of misery and despair she ignited.

Jane, my best friend since childhood who had come with me to the hospital for the checkup burst into the room and took the reports from me.

Going through the contents, she gasped as she looked at me, her eyes widening and sparkling with excitement. “Oh my God, Lily! This is wonderful news! A baby! It’s just what you and Robert need. A new beginning! I’m so happy for you!!”

Jane’s smiles reached her ears. Her joy was infectious but I couldn’t bring myself to share in it.

I managed a smile, stiff and unnatural. My mind was elsewhere, grappling with the harsh reality of this situation. My marriage to Robert wasn’t built on love; it was a contract, a cold, formal agreement with clear and strict terms. One of which explicitly forbids children.

As Jane continued to gush about baby names and nursery decorations as we stepped out into the hallway of the hospital, my mind drifted to the harsh cold words of the contract the day I signed it “NO BABIES NO MATTER WHAT.”

Tears prickled at the corners of my eyes but I quickly blinked them away, forcing myself to keep smiling as I maintained a happy demeanour. This wouldn’t have happened if Robert hadn’t returned home drunk that night. Now I’ll have to pay the price for it.

I couldn’t let Jane see me in such a miserable state. She’ll raise a brow and feel bad because she was caring and always shared in my emotions. She didn’t know my marriage to Robert was based on a contract. I never told her. And I didn’t plan to anytime soon.

She kept assuring me that this pregnancy would bring an end to my unhappy marriage and make Robert finally love me as I deserve. Little did she know this pregnancy would produce the opposite effect. Little did she know it would be the bane of my existence.

I was breaching the contract agreement with this pregnancy and if Robert finds out, I will have to suffer severely for it. I must not tell him. He must not find out. I will keep it from him for as long as I can no matter what I have to do.

Halfway through the hallway, we unexpectedly ran into Robert. I was shocked to see him with another woman who was in a hospital gown as if also going for a medical check-up.

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