
CH 4: He Tried to Rape Me

Lizzy’s POV

“Come on! What are you waiting for? Oh, come on, Lizzy. You’re not a teenager who has to go home before midnight. I just want to spoil you since we are lovers. Hurry, the night breeze is getting stronger,” he invited.

The glint in his eyes was nothing like the glint in Aaron’s I was used to seeing. He seemed to have turned into a different person. I had to think fast to get home. And for that, I needed a good reason.

But he wouldn’t just let me go. Just now, he said that he had paid a lot of money for this hotel room. To be honest, a little of fear was creeping into my heart, but I was still trying to think positively.

I got out of the car and I saw Aaron waiting for me while carrying a black package that he took from his car’s trunk. I was very curious about the contents.

He led me by the hand into the hotel lobby. From the outside, the hotel looked aesthetically pleasing in terms of design and interior. The hotel was quite crowded, even though it was not a luxury hotel like those in the area around the beach.

We hurriedly checked in and then entered the elevator. Aaron was silent, saying nothing. His eyes were staring at the numbers above the elevator door.

A few moments later, the elevator doors opened. Without a signal, he immediately pulled my hand out of the elevator in a hurry and he even forced me to walk quick following his walking speed. Because I was wearing high heels, I couldn’t keep up with his walking speed and eventually I lost my balance and almost fell.

He swiftly supported my waist, but instead of feeling relieved that I didn’t fall, I felt scared when I saw the look in his eyes.

“Are you okay?” he asked firmly, but his gaze was as sharp as a knife.

“Y-yes. Thank you,” I replied as I stood back up and checked the condition of my high heels. Luckily the heels weren’t broken and I could breathe freely.

After entering the room and walking towards the large window in the middle of the room, I finally realized that everything Aaron said was true. The night view from the direction of this room was incredible.

I could see the sea, the ships anchored by the shore, and the lights of the restaurants lining the beach. If I look further, I can see a towering mountain.

“Wow, it’s beautiful,” I said.

Aaron replied from inside the bathroom, “I was right, wasn’t I? I’m sure you’ll like this hotel.”

Being too engrossed in looking at the beauty of the sea, I didn’t realize that Aaron had come out of the bathroom only wrapped in a kimono towel provided by the hotel. He hugged me from behind while kissing my neck. I felt uncomfortable because that night was the first time he kissed my neck, but I was too afraid of him.

“Lizzy, take off your clothes and let me touch you. I can’t stand it anymore,” he said as his hand landed on one of my breasts. Startled, I broke away from his embrace.

I tried to get away from him. However, instead of getting angry, he smiled, making me even more panicked and scared.

“A-Aaron, please don’t do this. I’m not ready yet. I’m sorry,” I said as I tried to approach the exit.

Unfortunately, Aaron seemed to read my mind. He didn’t budge, nor did he respond to my request. He continued to approach me while occasionally licking his lower lip.

“Ah, I love a rebellious woman in bed. Keep rebelling and make me horny,” he said. Her eyes sparkled like a lion watching its quarry and ready to pounce.

“Please, Aaron. Please don’t do this,” I pleaded with a trembling body.

Just then, I saw an opportunity to escape out of the creepy room. I quickly grabbed my bag and ran towards the door. Unfortunately, Aaron caught me and threw me onto the bed. It all happened so fast and before I could digest everything, he was already on top of me.

His hands held both of mine, which he positioned above my head. A few seconds later, his tongue was wetting the entire surface of my lips.


I had to escape from him. This time, it had to work.

“Lizzy, don’t fight me or I’ll be rough with you. Now I want to taste your beautiful body and enjoy it under the full moonlight. Isn’t that romantic?” he asked.

“Please, don’t do this,” I pleaded. Clear liquid soaked my eyes and face. I fought back with all my might, but he outmatched me.

“We are lovers. It’s fine for us to do this. Stop acting like a virgin. You’ve had sex with Anya’s biological father many times, right? I want to see your skills in bed,” he exclaimed as he lifted my dress to the waist.

“No, no. Please don’t!” I begged him. But all in vain. He didn’t care about my pleas.

Suddenly, his hand tried to grab something from the kimono pocket. That’s when the courage and idea came to me. After waiting for the right moment, with all my might I pushed him away from me and I ran towards the exit. I heard his body falling to the floor and he winced in pain.

“Shit! Come here, you slut!” he yelled.

Sobbing and shaking, I ran as fast as I could away from the room. My heart was screaming for someone to come help me. Right at that moment, I saw a man walking towards me. A hope arose in my heart.

I was safe.

I approached the man and grabbed his hand. While trying to hold back tears, I said, “Sir, please help me. A man is trying to rape me. Please take me away from here.”

The man sounded confused. He let go of my hand and replied, “Where is the man you are referring to? Calm down and explain slowly.”

“A man is trying to rape me. Please take me away from here now, sir. Please,” I pleaded. The tears were no longer bearable. All I wanted was to get out of there as quickly as possible, away from Aaron.

My chest felt tight, my body was trembling so much that my palms wouldn’t stop shaking. I was really scared. My world at that moment felt chaotic. I thought I had found the right harbor for my once-frozen heart, but it turned out to be a trick.

It hurt like hell. I should have been smarter and used my logic. How could Aaron, who was an educated, established, and handsome man, fall in love with me and want to have a serious relationship with me, who was a single mother, uneducated and poor?

I have to get out of here as soon as possible, no matter what. But why were my legs suddenly weak?

“M-miss, are you alright? Take my hand. Let me take you to the lobby and we can report this to the police,” he said.

However, suddenly, out of nowhere, I heard an adult male voice call out the name of the man who was holding my hand.

“Leo, what’s wrong? Why are you still here?” the mysterious man asked as he walked towards us.

I recognized the mysterious man’s voice, a voice I was familiar with and had missed. Suddenly, his voice made me turn my head, and I saw him standing in front of me.

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