

Knew all the more as he slid his palms upwards under the thin band of her panties and curled his fingers to peel the sodden, black-lace garment away from her sweat-moistened ass and the pussy she had so painstakingly waxed bare the previous night for his appreciation. Knew and ached and bit down on her lip, as he reached into the wet little nook between her shivering thighs with thumb and middle finger, pincering out the slim device he had so tenderly placed there. Now, please please now. She dared not articulate her inward begging, lest he desist another time.

Eric clicked the vibrator into motion and skimmed it teasingly over the surface of Daniella's plumpish upper thighs, keeping it ever just shy of her parted labia. He monitored each response of her taut body and near-agonised face, loving the sweet pain of denial that racked her. He withdrew the thrumming silver pencil and raised it to the pale mounds of her breasts, circled each dark nipple till it thrust out bullet-like on her straining, heaving chest. He traced a line down her sternum, over her prettily fleshy stomach, down between her legs, so its whirring tip barely touched her hot, pumped little clitoris. She gave a desperate high-pitched moan and tried to push herself on to it, but he held it back so it skimmed her and no more. Then he drew it down and up her slick, puffed lips, circled her clit, pushing a little harder then easing off, playing her cruelly, as her body yearned for release.

Daniella loved and despised what he was doing to her body. She was beyond reading him, trying to work out what was driving the man she thought she'd been getting to know. All she could feel was the tease of that orgasm, ever-impending and just beyond her reach. He was taunting her as he toyed: 'So close, Daniella, and you want it so, so bad, don't you, sweetheart?' He unbuttoned his shirt and tore it off on a sudden impulse, the vibrator left humming busily on the chair between her thighs. Then he pressed himself close to her, his hard, lean pectoral muscles packed against her breasts, his hot breath on her face. He kissed her hard. She could taste pinot-flavoured lust on her tongue as he crushed his mouth to hers, while one hand picked up the vibrator and played its tip against her pussy once more. He broke the kiss slightly, his lips still brushing hers as he spoke. 'Tell me what you want, baby, it's okay, you can say it.'

'Make me come. Please.' She could hear her voice, fevered and way beyond pride. 'Eric please, I can't stand it...'

'How, like this?' He dropped back down to the V between her legs and gave her clit a few deft licks, sending further shockwaves across the surface of her body. 'Or this?' And he sank the vibrator an inch into her wet hole, making her seize with pent-up tension.

'Any way,' she said despairingly, 'just do me, Eric, please, please get me off!'

'Do you beg me?'

'Yes, yes I fucking beg you, is that what you want? Please!'

He held the vibrator inside her still inside her, fixing her with a gaze she couldn't begin to fathom. Then he whisked it out of her and for a moment held it in front of her tauntingly. He stood up, dropped it on to the wood-panelled floor and stamped on it repeatedly and hard. Her disbelieving ears could hear it being ground into splintering fragments. Eric just stood there as if awaiting a reaction, an infuriating grin plastered all over his handsome face, his great cock still thrusting arrogantly, ridiculously out of his trousers.

Her head lolled back against the chair, her body sizzling with frustration, her mind whirling and tilting with defeated lust, confusion and just a hint of fear. 'You - You... What are you fucking doing?' Then his smile vanished as he seemed to change his mind, or else make a swift move in whatever weird game he was playing. He swooped down to his knees, gripped her hard by the small of her back and with the other hand thrust what must have been three fingers into her soaking, pulsing cunt.

She squealed at the unexpected, rude invasion, at being suddenly stretched so wide, but she welcomed it too - Christ, did her whole body and soul embrace it, the unambiguous display of male lust, the sense of being shamefully, nastily fucked by his vigorously attacking fingers. His smooth palm mashed against her clit as he squelched inside her hot tunnel, grunting intently as he did her.

His phone buzzed in his ear. 'Hush, or I stop,' he told her gravely. 'I need to take this call.' And with one hand still briskly working her, he fucking did!

'Damien, yes, I was just talking about your book.' His tone managed to be casual, even with three fingers stuck right up her. Not content, he lifted his wine glass from where he had set it on the nearby cadenza and sipped, before continuing the conversation. She gasped in both outrage and sublimated excitement, as the bastard multi-tasked. 'It should be proofed by the end of the day,' he was amiably chatting, 'but I'll let you know. Yes, it's all going swimmingly. I'm expecting we'll have quite a hit on our hands.' Piece of shit! How dare he? Daniella was disgusted she did not dry up at being used so shabbily. But she was oozing freely and losing her senses nonetheless, and hardly heard the rest of the call. 'Good to talk, Damien. Better go, I'm in the middle of something.'

After that he was back, granting her full attention at last. 'Okay lady, you want to come, then let's hear you.' She wanted it badly, and resented the fuck out of him for it. He was right there, cupping her firmly, fingers plunging three-knuckles-deep inside her wet delta, face now set in a lustful grimace inches from hers, showing her a whole lot of horny disrespect. 'You going to come? You going to come for me, sweetheart? You going to squirt all over my fucking hand?'

Oh God, was she. That long, tortuous build-up, held writhing all those times on the brink, it took mere seconds of his hard, digital abuse and she popped like an over-pumped party balloon. The sensation exploded outwards from her loins, ravishing her whole body like a flash-fire, burning her up in a fierce ecstasy of release. She was shuddering and squealing on his deep-thrust fingers like a stuck animal, spilling her juice all over him. Soon she would realise to what degree she had exposed herself before this man, this game-playing stranger who she apparently hadn't known at all. She would know that he had drawn something out of her witnessed by no other. That would be in several seconds' time, when she had stopped coming like she were insane.

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