
Chapter 1


Alone! Despised and Rejected. That is how I saw myself. That Is how they all saw me. I was the pack reject, or, the fancy word, an omega. The lowest of ranks among the wolves and the most worthless.

"You should have just died with your parents, freak!" Mia repeated, kicking me while I was down.

"I don't get why you're still here. Your parents were traitors!'' Mike added.

"You don't belong here." Jennifer said. "You're not one of us, you're a pathetic excuse of a werewolf.''

"You're weaker than a human. You disgust me!''

And the insults were hauled, one after another. I'm not sure for how long they kicked my stomach, or how many times I was punched after they encouraged me to get back up. The truth is, after you're beaten while down, then you learn a lesson. You get used to staying down. To take a beating.

"Alright, come on guys.'' Mistress Maggy called out, approaching from a distance. "That's enough.'' She said, pulling Jennifer, her daughter, away. She stood next to the others, who watched me intently. Mistress Maggy, a short dark haired 45 year old woman with a pot belly, was incharge of all the omegas. The truth is that she hated us, but I was at the top of her list.

"Elara...'' She let out, staring down at me. "When are you ever going to learn that this is not your place?''

End of Flashback

Standing in this moment,  all eyes on me,  I suddenly realise that perhaps I do belong here.  I have hope that things are finally better. The moon goddess has blessed me.

Now that I look at him,  the famous Alpha Gale, I feel my heart skip a bit. He is my mate, my Alpha.  All my suffering was going to be over. I wasn't going to be bullied anymore. I was the mate of an alpha. The moon goddess has not forgotten after all.

"You are my mate.''  Alpha Matthew repeats,  this time his authoritative voice soaring through the vicinity as he captures the attention of more people. It isn't long until a crowd surrounds me. Everyone was staring at me with disgust and judgement. but my eyes are only fixed on him. the incredibly handsome man that is my fated mate.

"Her?'' I hear someone mumble. "It can't be.''

"He has to find someone else.''

"He cannot possibly be mated to her.''

Murmurs and voices arise from the crowd.   Suddenly alpha Gareth walked up to him, whispering something in his ear that made him look at me with an indifference.

"You're an omega?'' He lets out, furrowing his eyes. I shake my head. "Yes."

"Why didn't you tell me?''  he asked, his voice slightly raised.

" I didn't think that mattered.''  I answered honestly. I watched the change in his expression. He wasn't looking at me with desire or admiration anymore. There was an ugly feeling that sat at the bottom of my stomach. Everyone that looked at me suddenly made me feel like the world was sinking in around me.

"Get on your knees!''  he demanded, his voice soaring through the air, seeking submission from everyone around.

I could feel the tears pricking my eyes as I fell to my knees abruptly.  My mind was convinced that something bad was about to happen. but I was hopeful. After all these years of suffering and pain,  something good had finally happened.

I spotted Jennifer and Mistress Mary standing at a distance watching. They looked at me with their usual disgust and content.  But I couldn't care less. The moon goddess has given me a mate. That is all I could ever ask for.

" What's your name?''  he asks, causing me to look up at him with great confusion.

"Elara Moore..'' I let out.

He wasted no time as he came to stand before me. I stared at the ground, bowing my head in respect and submission. The words that came after were meant to paralyse me and shutter my heart completely.

"Elara Moore,  I believe that the moon goddess has made a mistake by making you my mate.  I, Alpha Gale, reject you as my fated mate.''

I clutched my chest, feeling the stabbing pain as celebration erupted. My rejection somehow made more sense to the people. I looked up at him, but he avoided my eyes and walked away with Alpha Gareth, leaving me there, on my knees, as if I meant nothing.

My heart felt like it shattered into a thousand pieces. I thought Alpha Gale was going to save me, to protect me from all the pain. But instead, he rejected me, just like everyone else. I stayed there on my knees, tears streaming down my face, feeling the weight of humiliation. The crowd was still celebrating, jeering at me, and I realised that nothing had changed. I was still the omega, still worthless.

Mistress Maggy approached me, a sly smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She had always despised me, and now she revelled in my misery. "Well, well, Elara," she taunted, "Seems like even the moon goddess hates you."

I bit my lip, refusing to let her see my tears. But deep inside, I couldn't help but feel the raw pain of rejection gnawing at my soul. I had dared to hope, dared to believe that things would change, and now I was left with a heart shattered into a million pieces.

A group of warriors suddenly approached, causing dread to sink inside me.

"Alpha Gale wants to see you," one of them said, his tone brooking no argument.

I swallowed hard, my throat dry as sand. What did he want now? Was there more torment he wished to subject me to? With a nod, I got to my feet, my legs shaky from the raw emotions that flooded through me.

The warriors flanked me as we walked towards the pack house. Each step felt like a sentence towards horror.

Entering the pack house, I was met with the sight of Alpha Gale seated on an imposing chair, his gaze fixed on me. His expression was unreadable, making me uneasy. I had no idea why he had summoned me.

"Elara Moore," he said, his voice cutting through the silence. "Come closer."

I obeyed, my heart thudding in my chest. Being this close to him was unnerving. His power radiated off him, making me feel small and insignificant.

He leaned forward, his fingers steepled beneath his chin. "I've been thinking," he began, his eyes locked onto mine. "There's a way for you to prove your loyalty to the pack."

I furrowed my brow, not sure where this was going. Loyalty? Was he mocking me? The very pack that had rejected me?

"I've considered your situation," he continued, his voice taking on a sly tone. "You're in a position to make a choice. A choice that could change your destiny."

I blinked, confusion swirling within me. What was he talking about? What choice could he possibly be offering me?

"Everything that has happened so far has never been my choice." I let out, I have let everyone dictate my life and how i should live it.''

"And what do you expect," He said, staring at me with disgust. "You're an omega, a worthless scum hated by many."

"Is that why you rejected me?'' My voice is low, barely above a whisper.

"Of Course not." He inches closer to me, bringing his fingers over my folded knuckles. "I rejected you because i did not want to look bad in front of others, and because you've got no business being an Alpha's mate.''

I felt the pain stabbing at my heart when he said those words. I was worthless to him. A downgrade to his expectation.

"What do you want?'' I let out, pulling away, feeling my skin burn while in his presence. There was a fear that settled at the bottom of my stomach, afraid of what would come out of his mouth next.

He leaned in closer, his gaze intense."Be mine, and I'll save you from the tough life. You obey me, and I'll make things better."His words hit me hard. They echoed in my mind again, somehow convincing me that this was not some cruel joke.

"You rejected me!''

"But I can keep you safe Elara. Hide you from those that seek to hurt you. Obey my every command and I will make your life better. You'll be under my protection.'' He urged. I stared at him, his words sinking heavily into me. It was suddenly obvious what he wanted to do. What he wanted me to become.

"And if i refuse?'' My words were barely above a whisper. His fingers trace over my chin, forcing my head up.

"Then I'm going to take the little things you still value most. That tiny cabin your parents left you before death, and I'll banish you from this pack forever."

His words hit me like a truck, I felt visible pain just at the thought of losing the little I still had. It wasn't just about the house, but the backyard. Where I buried what remained of my parents after Alpha Gareth killed them. If I was banished from the pack, how would I survive?

"Think about it, pet," He said, his voice laced with pride. "What's worse than an omega?''

I knew what he was getting at, I hated the thought of it, but did I really have a choice.

"But..I have not done anything wrong. I have done my duties, Alpha Gareth won't allow you banish a member of his pack."

"This was his idea.'' He scoffs, "I only offered you something better."

I remain quiet, my gaze meets his own. His eyes hold so much fire in them. Nommater how bad I want to hate him, I can't. All I feel for him is pain and a broken connection.

"You offer me imprisonment."

"Oh come on pet, don't think of it like that."

"Don't call me that." I spoke through gritted teeth. I stared  up at him, I folded my fist as I stood up. He stood right in front of me, his figure towering over me like a statue.

"What's it gonna be?''

"I will not be your slave.'' I answered firmly, feeling the air linger with a sense of failure. That's it, I had lost everything.

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