

The ballroom was decorated in various hues of silver and blue; from what I’d heard the colors of the senator’s alma mater. I couldn’t care less, but the swanky party was perfect for exacting my revenge.

“Champagne, sir?” the girl asked, batting her eyelashes as she gave me a seductive smile. In her hand was a tray full of crystal flutes.

Preparing for the upcoming celebration.

“Absolutely. I’m in a fantastic mood.” I grabbed a glass, allowing my gaze to linger on her voluptuous breasts. I was hungry as hell tonight. The taste of the bubbly was spectacular. The senator had spared no expense in touting his brand of bullshit. “Tell me, do you have any idea where the senator is?”

“I think he’s in the next room,” she purred.

I lifted my glass in appreciation before glancing toward the main opening. If the accounts were correct, Senator Hargrove would announce his candidacy at precisely nine p.m. He was a man of many things, including a static regimen. I could appreciate that, even though he was a true lowlife. I’d been given the opportunity to see pictures of his extracurricular and very kinky activities. The asshole was a true pig.

I enjoyed the scenery, walking through the crowd of celebrities, influencers, and low-level politicians hanging on the senator’s coattails. This would prove to be a fascinating evening. When I saw her, I stopped short, gazing from afar. I was a man who usually took what he wanted without care of recourse, but the game was far too important to risk giving Drummand any concept of an upper hand.

But I could enjoy the view.

Caroline Hargrove was magnificent, her copper-colored hair flowing all the way down to the small of her waist. With her standing under a burst of shimmering light near the bar, surrounded by a group of admirers, I was able to enjoy every aspect of her beauty. She was fortunate to have her mother’s looks, beautiful in a voluptuous manner. Her hourglass figure and long legs had always created a twitch in my cock and tonight was no exception. She was Drummand’s only child, at least that had been acknowledged in the press. Very protected, her life had been more of a fairytale.

She’d attended the finest schools, graduating college a little over a year ago with a degree in business. However, her true love was painting, and I’d already found out that she had a gallery showing tomorrow night. I would be there. She was witty and charming, even more so when surrounded by her friends. In public, she attempted to toe the line, but was extremely opinionated and desperately in need of discipline. I couldn’t wait to peel away the layers, exposing the glorious and very submissive side that I knew dwelled within her.

Tonight, she held court, four female friends gushing over every aspect of the evening.

I’d learned as much about her as possible, finding out aspects about her likes and dislikes, from clothing to wine. I knew exactly how to entice her darkest fantasies, spark the woman who was living in a glass cage. I would ply her with gifts, pervert her with my depraved desires, and undo her with my touch. I’d give her the kind of unbridled pleasure she never knew existed and all for a single price.


I polished off the champagne and checked my watch. Perfect. I didn’t care what table I set the glass down on as I left the room, finding the senator all alone in a suite meant for a king. I stood in the doorway, studying him. He seemed edgy, his lips moving in silence as he read words from a piece of paper. No doubt his fabulous speech for the American people.

I didn’t bother knocking, taking long strides inside.

He finally sensed a presence, jerking his head from his steadfast focus. “Dominick. What... What are you doing here?” The fear in his voice was palpable.

“Why, celebrating your upcoming announcement, Senator. You should be very proud of your accomplishments.” I patted my chest as I looked around the room. They’d furnished the space with food and drink, plush seating, and not one but three oversized televisions, all to glorify his bullshit. I walked toward the bar, making myself a drink then stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, peering out at the gorgeous city. My city. And all the while, he didn’t utter a single word.

I was able to see his reflection in the crystal-clear glass, even the nervous tic that had appeared in the corner of his mouth. I was certain the man was sweating in his very expensive Armani tuxedo.

“What do you want, Dominick? I will be on camera in five minutes. I don’t have time for this.” The flutter in his voice was telling. He was terrified.

“What do I want?” I issued the words slowly. “I’m curious, Drummand. Are you planning on confiding all your sins to your constituents?”

“What sins?” The anger had increased in his tone.

Excellent. I took two sips of my drink, not bothering to answer until he took a step in my direction. “Why don’t you pick one? Gambling? Whoring? Would you like to inform the crowd and the American people that you owe almost two hundred thousand dollars to my family?”

“What? You bastard. I’m in the process of paying that back!” he insisted. “Besides, I spent the majority of that money at one of your casinos, a carbon copy of the one you’re trying to get approved with the board of supervisors.”

“Are you threatening me, Drummand? As you can imagine, that would not be in your best interest.”

He recoiled, his face and neck turning a ghastly shade of green. “I’m not threatening anyone, Dominick. As I said, I’m in the process of paying you back every dime.”

“Mmm... Yes, well, the interest is killing you. Besides, that’s not the point.”

“And what the fuck is the point?”

I turned sharply, closing the distance. “The point is that I own you, Mr. Hargrove. Nothing you do can occur without my approval.” I adjusted his bowtie, giving him an evil grin. “I certainly don’t have any intention of preventing you from running, if you obey my rules.”

“Rules? Christ, that’s ridiculous. People don’t give a shit about gambling. Hell, half the people in this town wager on something,” Drummand hissed. “I can explain that away in a heartbeat.” He dared laugh.

“Well, maybe you’re right. Then how are you going to explain this?” I pulled out a single photograph, one of the most damning that Kelan had sent. “What you do to young women is disgusting, Drummand. This girl in particular appears underage. Did you know that?”

I wasn’t entirely certain whether the man was going to have a heart attack. His face turned a bright crimson, his eyes bulging. Coughing, he moved toward the drink on the coffee table, gulping the entire contents. After the liquor had been consumed, he pointed his shaking index finger, the threat almost charming.

“How. Dare. You,” he managed.

I laughed, pulling yet another photograph out of my pocket. “I know all your dirty little secrets, Senator Hargrove. There isn’t anything you can hide and no matter what you do or if you try and run, I will find you.”

“You are a bastard.”

The second picture was much more devastating, exposing a secret no one knew. He’d failed miserably. His desire for young women would be his undoing.

His mouth twisted, his body swaying.

“Yes, that may be true. Here’s the thing, Drummand. I don’t give a shit what you think. I don’t give a shit about you at all, but I do believe you care about your reputation, the various businesses you’ve turned into an empire. And I am certain that you don’t want to go to prison.”

“Damn you,” he struggled, wheezing. “What do you want from me. What?”

I slipped the photographs back into my pocket. “Simple and in agreeing to my demands, the gambling debt will be wiped off, the pictures secured in a vault meant for my eyes only. Just in case you try and betray me.”

“Just fucking tell me, for God’s sake. What? I don’t have anything. The businesses are crap, every dollar I invested gone. I’m wiped out. But then, you already know that.”

“True, but there is something much more precious to you. Isn’t there?” I moved closer, giving him a polished smile. His confusion fueled the ache in my loins. “Your daughter.”

“I... I don’t understand.” He darted his eyes back and forth across mine.

“Caroline. She’s mine. Completely and forever to do with anything I damn well please. You’re going to help explain to her that she’s been sold to me. Now, you can do that in any manner that you like, but in forty-eight hours, I’m coming to collect.”

He spit, coughed, and his entire body began to tremble. “You aren’t serious. I can’t sell my daughter. I won’t. You’re a lunatic!”

“Oh, I’m very serious, Drummand. You’ve fucked with my family and my businesses for long enough. It’s time I fuck with you. This is entirely your choice. If you want to run for president, thereby accepting my offer, then I’ll be the first to applaud your announcement. If you don’t show up at the press conference or simply give an innocuous announcement, then I’ll understand, and my men will be coming to collect every dime you owe me. And that money will be collected, punishment given for your infractions. And the pictures? They’ll arrive at the police station sent anonymously. I think that’s clear. Don’t you?”

Closing his eyes, he rubbed his jaw, the glass almost falling out of his hand. “You are worse than your fucking father, Dominick. You’re a demented bastard.”

“Thank you for the compliment.” I finished my drink and patted him on the shoulder. “I’ll be looking forward to your speech.” Chuckling, I dropped the glass, moving toward the door. I stopped just long enough to offer one last incentive. “I suggest you heed my warning and my request, at least if you’d like to keep your daughter alive.” I knew the words would haunt him, keeping him in line. I had no intention of harming Caroline, but I would have no trouble destroying the asshole.

Without saying another word, I walked out of the room, closing the door in order to give him some privacy. What I didn’t bother telling him was that I planned on tasting the merchandise before the deal was even finalized. The beginning of her submission. I already enjoyed the game.

As I walked back into the ballroom, I headed immediately for the lovely Caroline, bypassing her friends. They acknowledged my presence with murmurs of appreciation. I ignored them. Caroline was my prize. Tonight, I would taste her one way or the other. I waited as the girls flocked around her, fawning over her as if she could singlehandedly alter their lives.

“Where is the gallery?” the redhead asked, smiling in an alluring manner as she noticed my advance.

Caroline shrugged. “The Reynolds Gallery.”

“That’s fantastic!” the buxom blonde squealed. “I’m so proud of you.”

“We’ll see,” Caroline said under her breath.

She was very talented, but Jim Reynolds, the owner of the gallery, was a pig and had no doubt underpriced her paintings; his commission also unacceptable. The man was the king of porn, the gallery merely a front. His private art collection was his bread and butter, selling for hundreds of thousands on the overseas market. Dark kink was all the rage.

The crowd grew livelier, wait staff coming from all directions with flutes of champagne.

“I’m certain you’re very proud of your father,” I said casually.

She darted her eyes in my direction, chuckling under her breath. “He’s a brilliant man and yes, I am.”

“Who is he?” the redhead whispered, her eyes shimmering with lust.

“Fuckable,” another answered.

Caroline laughed with her friends, pretending not to pay a damn bit of attention. I wasn’t put off in the least. She had no idea what was in store for her.

I grabbed two glasses of champagne as a waiter passed, handing her one. At first, she attempted to wave it off then allowed herself to look into my eyes. When she accepted, our fingers touched and while I was no romantic by any means, there was a keen electricity jetting into my cock. My mind moved to the vile and ungodly things I wanted to do to her. “To your father’s success.”

“I appreciate that, but he’s already successful,” she stated, the command in her voice sexy as fuck. “I didn’t get your name. Are you one of his... followers?”

“Dominick Lugiano and I don’t follow anyone.” I turned my attention away from her on purpose.

“Oh. Interesting. Most people do.” There was no name recognition of any type, or if there was, she was a consummate actress.

She obviously had no idea I wasn’t ‘most people.’

“He’s hot.” The small blonde moved closer to Caroline, whispering in her ear.

“In a way,” Caroline said, yawning as if on cue.

I resisted commenting. The game was far too enticing. The crowd seemed jazzed, the music increasing in volume. Drummand was almost ready to make his appearance. My cock twitched once again, hungry for more than just a taste.

“Father is late.” Caroline had a disgusted tone in her voice.

“Only by a few minutes. Greatness takes time and I know this is a tremendous decision for him,” I offered.

“Yes, it has been. My father is a true believer in democracy.” She almost choked on her words.

“And you don’t believe?”

Caroline laughed, the sound bitter. “There is very little I believe in any longer, Mr. Lugiano.”

“Dominick. Please.” Her friends crowded around me, no doubt checking off a tick list regarding my worthiness. “And I’d be fascinated to learn more.”

A blush crept up from her neck, adorning her lovely cheeks. “Dominick,” she repeated. “And a Hargrove doesn’t air their dirty laundry. Not for anyone at any time.”

Her first subtle but very telling gesture. My dark desire was off the charts. I envisioned her naked body writhing under mine, her lovely wrists and ankles shackled.

“A wise move.”

She exhaled in an exasperated fashion. “I’m much more intelligent than my father. But of course, don’t tell him that.”

I’d heard she was spoiled. The confirmation only added fuel to the fire.

“Touché, Caroline,” I said under my breath. She was becoming more fascinating by the minute. My hunger for her had originally been about crushing her father. Perhaps the end game would be more intriguing than I’d thought.

I noticed Drummand waiting in the hallway, flanked by his chief of staff and several other minions. He appeared to be having a difficult time, pacing back and forth, peering into the room every so often.

I moved closer to Caroline. “You look stunning tonight. You are your father’s daughter.”

Another blush.

Another darted look.

Only this time, I noticed a twinge of desire in her eyes.

My cock was throbbing, my balls tight as a drum. I leaned even closer, inhaling. The exotic scent of her perfume was a sensual and very powerful aphrodisiac, increasing my animalistic hunger.

That was the exact moment Drummand found me, his anger evident on his reddened face. He backed away from the door.

She didn’t seem flustered by my rather forward actions, merely offering a sarcastic smile, her hand fluttering over her mouth. She had an air of arrogance, something I would remember. “He’s never late. I wonder what the problem is,” she stated for all her friends to hear.

“He will be right with us.” My command was off hand, as if I didn’t give a shit.

And I wasn’t wrong.

I was never wrong.

Senator Drummand Hargrove strutted into the room, a huge smile on his face. If there was anything bothering him, not a single soul in the room could tell. He was a damn good actor. However, I did notice he slipped me a single look before approaching the platform, planting both hands on the podium. The crowd gathered closer, ready to glom onto every word.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” Drummand began, his cool expression polished. Professional. Everyone in the room leaned forward, the entire crowd silent as church mice. The only sound was the constant clicks of cameras. The influential senator would certainly be tomorrow’s headliner on the New York Times. I couldn’t wait to read the toxic banner.

He cleared his throat, daring to take another glance in my direction. I wondered just how many people noticed the two beads of sweat oozing down both sides of his face. “Thank you so much. Your support means everything to me.” The crowd cheered again. He waited until the noise died down, milking the audience. “I’m here to announce my candidacy for the president of the United States.”

The roar of the crowd was deafening, cheers and whistles drowning out everything else in the room.

But his heartbeat.

I heard it from where I was standing.

I took my time finishing my champagne before clapping and by then, at least ten people glanced in my direction.

Including the senator.

I gripped Caroline’s elbow, lowering my head as he continued to watch. “I’m certain your father has everything under control. Why don’t we grab a drink elsewhere?” I asked the question just loud enough for her friends to overhear. I waited exactly five seconds for her answer. When it didn’t come promptly I headed for the door.

“Mr. Lugiano. Dominick.”

Her lilting voice was right behind me. I resisted adjusting my throbbing cock.

“Yes?” My question was asked without turning around.

“I’d love to take you up on that offer. These types of events bore me to tears.”

I lifted a single eyebrow, satisfied with the outcome of the evening thus far. I said nothing as she walked past me, tilting her head and giving a sultry gaze, the stunning scarlet dress hugging her rounded curves. Every move was provocative, tempting, only she had no idea she’d met her match.

After all, I was the big bad wolf.

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