
Chapter Three: Candy

I woke with a start, the wind whipping at my window harshly to wake me up, I shot up out of bed, confused and tired. It took me a while to calm down and realize I was in a dorm now, not my old bedroom.

I put my hand to my face and sighed, deciding I might as well take a shower now.

I glanced at the alarm clock I'd placed the night before and widened my eyes, it was 5 am, I'd woken at the exact time they used to wake me up for testing.

A cold shiver came over me but I shook it off, standing hurriedly to make my way to the shower.

The mirror in the bathroom took up most of the wall, showing me all of my body when I removed my clothes and stared at myself. I took myself apart one piece at a time: My legs were strong, described as flawless by a few men and women, I'd always believed more in muscle then general look of them, but I was happy with them either way. I had a toned torso, visible abs, and even though I'd never thought about it much, good-sized boobs. I had a decent amount of hips to stop my body from being a rectangle shape and my waist wasn't model tiny but it was certainly small at least. The one thing I hated about my body though, was the scars. On my back mainly were long and angry scars down to my waist, some puncture marks that never healed and bruises that would fade eventually, but not for a while. My arms had a few faded scars down them, I suppose it gave me an aura of power to others, but to me, it only served as a reminder of my upbringing.

My arms were toned and clearly strong, if I flexed, the muscles could pop out significantly, size didn't matter though, my punch could knock anyone out if I put enough power behind it. Should I mention that I have tattoos down my arms? I have two tattoo sleeves down my arms, I got them a few years ago when I wanted to try to cover some scars, they mainly consist of skulls, patterns, and other dark things.

Finally my face again, I had several piercings once, in my nose, eyebrows, and ears that have left slightly visible holes.

*Time skip*

Now I was clean, I opened my bags to find clothing, turns out Jensen had packed for me with a few other nurses in the facility to help him so I rummaged around till I found something suitable.

In the end, I decided on ripped black jeans, a loose black T-shirt, my chain necklaces and black sneakers.

Slipping my hand into a hidden pocket, my hand brushed over the piercings I'd kept all these years and took them out, walking to the mirror and fixing them to my face again. I didn't mind the pain, I'd heal quickly.

I had a bull ring, a piercing for the bridge of my nose, one for the corner of my eyebrow, two hoops that went through my lips, and a bar that went through my ear with some hoops down the side.

With that done I returned to my bedroom, deciding with the hours I had before classes started I could spend unpacking.

I put my clothes in the wardrobe, set up some possessions on the counters, and found a phone Jensen must have bought, it took me an hour or so to get the hang of using it but by the end, I could use it just fine.

When I heard the first bell ring through the grounds, I grabbed my folder and slipped my phone into my pocket, locking my dorm door behind me.

My first 'lesson' was History, truthfully with my brainpower and 197 IQ I already knew everything they could try and teach me at this school, but I need some kind of paper that says I have a degree in it all to be able to work or function in life.

With my exceptional strength and speed, I made it to class early, startling the man inside, he put his coffee down and adjusted himself as I walked past calmly, making my way to the back of the classroom and almost immediately looking out the window.

After exactly 13 minutes people started filing in, the seat next to me was empty but soon a flash of pink emerged from the door and planted itself next to me.

She was casual but smartly dressed in jeans, a hipster jacket, and a neck scarf. Her face was made up, but not overdone and her long black hair was pulled back into a pony-tail. Yet somehow I was drawn to watch her. There was something in the way she held herself, as if unsure of where her limbs should be in order to appear naturally placed. Her eyes moved quickly over everything in front, to the sides and ever few minutes behind also. In those brief moments, she was looking my way I was struck by how bright her eyes were and the prominence of her cheekbones. And then there was the little briefcase that dangled at her side, small but most certainly locked.

I returned to looking through the window and sighed.

"Heya, I'm Candy, you're new here right? what's your name then?"

When I didn't reply she poked my arm, causing me to reel back.


"Nice to meet ya, want to get lunch later?" I could feel her smile it was so bright, I despised it.

"Not really" I mumbled.

"Oh come on, my treat!?"

I turned and looked at her, pink dusted her cheeks the same way the receptionist's cheeks were when I met her, do I make her nervous too?.

Her eyes were full of pure curiosity, I was confused until I realized a lot of people were also staring at me with the same look on their face. Some of the men in the room were clearly having perverted thoughts while others simply had no shame in watching me.

"Fine," I gave in, reluctant to continue the conversation.

When the class had finished an hour later, I moved to leave but was stopped by Candy, she seemed reluctant to let me go without her so I tolerated her beside me as I walked to the second period, Chemistry.

I tuned out her obsessive rambling the entire walk to the science building, but as I neared the door it turns out, she's in that class too.

In Chemistry, Candy insisted on us being partners and I had to listen to her chatting about her friends and some guy called 'Levi' that everyone had a crush on, whatever that was.

About halfway through class, they had us stood up and working on mixing chemicals when the door opened and wind sliced through the room, I ignored it intentionally, more than happy to work on the experiment.

However, Candy had other ideas, she repeatedly tapped my shoulder and chanted 'Levi' quietly until I pushed her away and looked up.

The boy wore a loose black silk shirt with leather cuffs and black trousers. However, he got better the more I looked. His rich chocolate hair that had darker tones to it was impressive. He had strong arched brows and eyelashes so thick, it could be illegal. And then his eyes, they were deep and catastrophic, a vivid baby blue as a great body of water that softly melted into a milky green. This close, I could see the flecks of silver in his eyes. He had distinct cheekbones and an angular jaw, his pale skin made him look devilishly handsome.

I could appreciate his looks, that's for sure. But I didn't understand the others gaping at him, I simply huffed and continued my work.

"Dude, can't you see how gorgeous he i- Holy Shit You're Ripped!" Candy's hand had wrapped around my bicep and her sudden outburst had distracted the attention on Levi to me.

"What." I stiffened slightly.

"Take your lab coat off, seriously how muscled are you?!" Candy exclaimed.

I raised a eyebrow to her and slipped it off, my tattooed, toned arms showing now.

Multiple gasps rang through the room, I looked up to see even Levi watching me.

"Flex." Candy spoke, almost entranced.

So I did, confused as to why, but I wanted her hand off me as soon as possible, if this is what she wanted then fine.

Several 'damn's and 'holy shit's from other people were all I heard for a few seconds, Candy took her hand off my arm and I relaxed slightly, putting my coat back on and shaking my head.

Levi took his seat behind me and Candy's table and for the rest of class, all I heard was Candy breaking down over how 'ripped' I was.

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