

Ewatomi waited for the teacher to leave before she turned excited to her best friend.

"Fayoke, you won't believe what just happened" Ewatomi said and Fayoke hitched her face closer.

"What happened?" Fayoke asked.

"Snr Luke came to the clinic" Ewatomi whispered as Fayoke's eyes widened as she stared at Ewatomi.

"Fill me on the details" Fayoke exclaimed.

"He apparently got in a fight and had a busted lip. Snr Shade wasn't around so Nurse Mayo pushed me to treat him" Ewatomi started as Fayoke's eyes kept widening.

"So I did and I saw his face up close. Up close Fayoke!" Ewatomi said as she looked around dreamily.

"He's so handsome that whenever I think about it; I can't breathe" Ewatomi said and Fayoke shakes her head with a smile.

"I know he's handsome okay?" Fayoke said as Ewatomi turned to her.

"Have you seen him up close? 'Cos if you have; you won't be saying that without any expression on your face" Ewatomi replied and Fayoke burst into laughter.

"Just be careful okay. You know the rumors about him. They are actually true though" Fayoke said and Ewatomi nodded.

"Just because I admit that he's handsome doesn't mean I'm nor scared of him. I'm scared shitless of him. I mean I spilled everything while treating him" Ewatomi added and Fayoke burst into laughter.

"Ewatomi, Fayoke, its time to go to the Computer lab, what's are you guys talking so excitedly about?" A guy asked.

Ewatomi winked at Fayoke who smiled back at her. They hurriedly brought out their notes and stood up.

Ewatomi patted the guy on the back "Thanks for telling us Matthew" she said and Matthew looked at her with a weird look.

"You are a weirdo" Matthew said as he walked with the girls.












Luke's eyelids fluttered when someone entered. He  turned to the other side of the bed and found an extremely attractive female seating by the bed staring at him.

"Hey" the girl said with a smile.

"I forgot something in the hostel so I went to pick it up. When I came back, I learnt that you were in a fight and you went to the clinic. Disturbed, I ran down here only to find out Ewatomi has treated you" the girl said and Luke yawned.

"You allowed her to treat you, she's good bah?" The girl asked again.

She had an extremely clear understanding of the guy lying on the bed. He wasn't your everyday teenager. He was picky and highly observant. He could act psycho sometimes or rather he was psycho.

"So Shade, you came here to ask why I allowed someone else to treat me?" Luke asked with a yawn and Shade pouted.

"I got a bruise as you can see and if it wasn't giving immediate treatment, it was gonna swell up" Luke said again as he sat up.

"Besides, only she came forward. She's kinda bold you know" Luke said as Shade picked his sneakers for him. Luke collected it from her and wore it.

"Its almost break, let's go. I'm hungry" Shade said as Luke stood up.

They both walked out of the clinic under the gazes of numerous people; most cowering in fear.









Ewatomi walked into the clinic with a smile as she greeted the few nurses at the door.

"Why are you just coming?" Nurse Mayo asked and Ewatomi pouted.

"I had to get some snacks before working" Ewatomi replied.

"You missed him" Nurse Funke said as Ewatomi looked around.

"Who's him?" Ewatomi asked.

"Luke" Nurse Mayo replied as Ewatomi's eyes widened.

"He came back?" Ewatomi asked.

"No, after you left, he came back and said he wanted to sleep. I took him to one of single wards and he slept there throughout. Shade came a few minutes ago and they left together" Nurse Mayo said and Ewatomi felt her mood dampened.

"He felt with Snr Shade?" Ewatomi asked and Nurse Funke nodded.

"Ohh" Ewatomi said absent mindely.

"There are patients in ward six, twelve, nine, twenty four and nineteen" Nurse Mayo said as Ewatomi frowned.

"Snr Shade didn't treat anyone when she came?" Ewatomi asked.

"No. She went straight to Luke's ward and and left with him few minutes later" Nurse Funke said as Ewatomi nodded as she carried the steel tray.

"She abandons everything at the sight or sound of him" Ewatomi muttered as she walked through the clinic hallway.

Everyone knew Shade was a friend of Luke. They appeared together a lot and at a time everyone thought they were dating until Shade cleared the rumour herself.

It was obvious she had a crush on Luke or rather, liked him but no one knew the stance of the latter. Not that he cared though.

Ewatomi pursed her lips as she walked into one of the wards.










"Luke what will you have? They are out of sausage rolls" Shade asked.

"Should I get you fish pie?" Shade asked and Kunle frowned.

"Don't you know Luke is allergic to fish?" Kunle asked.

Shade blinked her eyes as she managed a smile "Ohh.... I've really never seen him eat fish" Shade muttered as small smile.

"What will you take then?" Shade asked as Luke yawned and stood up.

"Nevermind, I'll take a walk" Luke said as he rose to his feet and walked out of the cafeteria.

Shade swallowed her saliva as she sat down while fumbling with her drink.

"Stop looking like that, he's not angry with you" Kunle muttered as he sipped his drink.

Shade nodded slowly as she opened her drink and but into her fishpie. She suddenly didn't feel like eating it any longer.







Luke laid down on the grass under one of the trees as he looked around. Sticking his ear pods into his ears; he closed his eyes and dozed off.

His eyes flew open the moment he heard a famikair voice. He stood up and strolled towards the voice.

His hands remained in his pockets as he watched the scene unfold. His lips curled up slightly before he rubbed his forehead slowly.

"I did let you go, you came here on your own will" Like muttered.

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