

Mr Alawaye ended up leaving Luke alone as he continued teaching but once you annoyed Luke, he wasn't going to let you off.

Luke asked different questions during the class and Mr Alwaye almost went crazy. He knew how good Luke was at Physics, in fact, he knew Luke could pass for a lecturer who taught Physics. That was how good he was. 

He knew Luke was messing with him like every other day. He had intentionally pissed him off by calling him Adele when he knew he hated it.

But this particular morning, he seemed to have really ticked Luke off. Everyone knew Alawaye and Luke had a feud and Luke had never gone extra with him before but this morning was a whole different matter.

"Sir, no one can understand what you are saying if you are talking so quietly" Luke said again as Mr Alawaye turned to him in anger.

"I'm serious" Luke said with a serious face as he turned to his classmates.

"Or who understands?" Luke asked.

No one dared to raise their hands. As much as they were scared of Mr Alawaye, they feared Luke more. He was way too mysterious. People who had gotten on his bad sides..... Well.... Some changed schools or some just became invisble.

Aside that, no one actually understood what Mr Alawaye was saying except a few.

"See? I was just helping them speak their minds" Luke said as Mr Alawaye glared at Luke before flinging the marker towards him and storming out of the class.

Luke caught the marker in the middle of his fingers and he swirled it in his hands and watched as the class captain walked towards him.

She adjusted her glasses while she folded her hands and looked at Luke. Luke chuckled slightly at her attempt at pretending she wasn't scared of him.

"We are in our final year Luke. Can you please stop chasing Mr Alawaye away? We need to learn. If you hate Mr Alawaye so much, go solve your problem with him after school not in class. " She said and Kunle removed the marker in between Luke's fingers and stretched it towards her.

"He looked for trouble first. Have the marker" Kunle said with a small smile.

"Besides, you didn't understand what he was teaching. If you need help, just come to me okay?" Kunle said as the girl nodded and turned to steal a glance at Luke before walking away.

"Don't ask her out, I'll have to treat her nicely" Luke said with a sigh that made Kunle laugh.

Some boys barged into the class and everyone watched as they marched towards Luke. Luke placed his head on his palm while proping his elbow on the table.

"Joshua, what is this about?" Kunle asked and the boy who led other boys inside the class glared at Luke.

"Why don't you ask your friend who is so full of himself?" Joshua bellowed and Kunle stood up.

"What did he do?" Kunle asked.

"What's the big deal in a girl telling you she likes and wants to date you? You could at least told her no or said a few words instead, your royal majesty ignored her" Joshua replied and Kunle raised an eyebrow as he sat down.

"Do you know she had locked herself up in her room since she got him yesterday and refused to come out? She hasn't even eaten!" Joshua added and the class went in an uproar.

Luke wanted to laugh. So because he ignored her, she locked herself up and refused to eat. Luke laughed internally, one; the girl wasn't hungry at all because if she was; she wouldn't sacrifice herself just because she got rejected.

Besides, she wasn't the first girl to openly confess to him that she liked him and wanted to date him. If she hadn't seen how he had treated the rest, she should have definitely heard, so what was she expecting?

Luke sighed while shaking his head, girls are so dramatic.

A crowd formed around the class as Joshua continued talking to Luke. Luke had the same posture and expression as Joshua spoke, he didn't even flinch.

"What are you going to do about it?" Joshua asked and Luke yawned.

"She won't die" Luke replied and Joshua glared at him.

"Huh?" Joshua asked not getting what Luke said.

"She won't die of hunger" Luke replied and everyone roared with laughter.

Joshua Agbekele was one of the big boys of SSS3. Rumours had it that he had his own gang and all. He was feared among the students and no one wanted to get on his bad side.

Joshua clenched his fists as he glared at Luke who still had a calm expression. It was this that ticked him off the most about it. He acted as if nothing could move him and perphaps nothing really could.

"You bastard!" Joshua bellowed as he threw a punch towards Luke.

Luke's head swung sideways as Joshua punched him. Everyone went silent and even Joshua swallowed his saliva.

Kunle whistled as he shook his head at Joshua.

"Bad choice guy, bad choice" Kunle said as he turned to Luke who touched his bruised lip.

Luke slowly stood up matching up with Joshua's height.

"What was thing for?" Luke asked noticing that he was already bleeding.

Joshua glared at him and he reached out to punch Luke again.

Luke caught his fists in the mid-air while staring at Joshua. Joshua started yelling as Luke twisted his hand.

"You could hit anywhere on my body but absolutely not my face. Your family's worth can't buy it, you know" Luke said slowly as everyone heard a snap.

Joshua held his hand as he yelled. He continued yelling as Luke frowned at him. He reached for his neck and hit it. Joshua fell with a thud.

Everyone looked in shock at Luke "So noisy" Luke said as he turned to the boys Joshua had brought along.

"He only fainted, don't look at me like I killed him" Luke said as he attempted to walk out of the class.

"I also dislocated his hand so get him to an hospital real quick else, he might have to learn how to use his left hand" Luke said as he walked out touching his bruised lips.

"So early in the morning" Luke complained and he headed towards the school clinic.

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