
You theif!


I anticipated his actions but on the other hand, I was ashamed of my body, of the scars that marred my skin, and the whips and punishments I receive daily were evident on my body.

His fingers removed all my clothing, but then he halted in his actions, my heart racing when he let me go and stood on his feet,

“ Why all these scars on your body? What happened to you?”

“ I fell off a moving truck, a few years ago,” I lied without hesitation,

“ But these blotches on your body tell a different story, Abigail,”

I shifted my gaze away from him, looking around the room but him, My mate shrugged before taking a seat on the bed, and he pulled me onto his lap making me shriek with surprise, my hands trying to cover my chest as I was exposed.

He reaches out for a blanket and covers me with it, his eyes staring deep into mine, his eyes held no emotions in them just like his face. His actions solitary conveyed he cared for me.

My stomach growled loudly, shocking us both, I held my abdomen in humiliation, as I was seated on his lap, My mate simply retrieved his phone from the bedside table, dialed a number, and placed the phone on his ear,

“ Shawn I need food, now!” he ordered,

I was quiet the entire time, I watched with my eyes as he walked to the wardrobe and pulled out a T-shirt, I thought he was going to wear it, but he handed it over to me instead, with the look on his face there was no option for refusal, so I put on the T-shirt quickly.

There was a knock on the door and a lady entered with a roller filled with varieties of dishes, my eyes locked on the food, and my stomach growled at the sight of food. The aroma of the food filled my nostrils, making my mouth water to have a morsel.

“ Get out,” he said lazily to the lady who brought in the food, she was about to serve the meal when his voice resounded in the room, surprising me too.

Immediately the lady flees from the room, leaving just us in it.

I scanned his movements as he took an empty plate, and began filling it with food, after which he served in front of me,

“ Come on, dig in,”

My stomach was excited to be finally filled with good food after so many years of eating leftovers, I bowed my head in appreciation before pouncing at the food in front, gobbling down the hot meal with fear of it being snatched from me. I could not remember the last time I tasted a meal this sumptuous and healthy.

“ Slow down, or you'll choke,”

I simply ignored his words, as my sole aim was to fill my empty stomach with enough food first, I never knew when I could get so lucky once more to eat a meal like this.

My mate simply watched me eat without interrupting, I was done in a few minutes, consuming everything that was on my plate. He had a satisfied look on his face and for the first time in years, I felt full.

After eating, my mate insisted I take a rest, which I agreed to, he helped me lie on the soft mattress and I moaned inwardly as my body made contact with the bed, I have never laid on something so soft like this, and so in no time sleep took me into the dreamlands. It was a dream that I never wanted it to end.

The sounds of birds chirping were enough to wake me up, I stirred as I blinked my eyes open, and my gaze met with the lights on the ceiling, I wondered where I was until everything that happened yesterday replayed in my head, I found my mate! However, I was not in the pack house, my eyes widened as I realized the mess I was in.

Madam Doreen will kill me today! I slept outside the mansion, Breakfast! Who prepared it? These thoughts filled my head and without consideration, I jolted out of the bed I lay, moved toward the door, and exited the empty room,

The eyes of everyone were on me as I walked, in fast, strides out of the hotel in just a t-shirt that was above my knee, thank goodness, it was only ten minutes, by walking back to the pack house,

The moment I arrived, Madam Doreen stood in front of the pack house waiting. My heartbeat accelerated as I saw her,

“ Finally the slut is back!”

Words failed me as my entire body shook with fear, Two guards moved in my direction and immediately grabbed me, their actions surprising me,

“ Please let me go!” I yelled,

“ You thief! How dare you steal our new Luna's diamond necklace?” Madam Doreen mumbles with a smile on her face,

Steal, necklace, what was she saying? My mind was in a frenzy, instantly Zara came out with a few pack members,

“ So finally the thief has been caught, you will surely get the punishment you deserve this time you bitch!” Zara screamed at me, Madam Doreen walked up to me and slapped me hard on the face,

Whispers could be heard among pack members as they all looked at me with hatred on their faces, “I have done nothing wrong, please,” I sobbed,

Immediately I was dragged into the pack house where Alpha Zach and his mate Gina sat together on a couch, I was brought before them,

“ Slave and daughter of a traitor are you guilty of stealing?” the Alpha's voice boomed in the room with so much authority it ignited fear in me,

“ No, Alpha please you have to believe me, I have done no such thing?”

“ Guards search her room,” he ordered, I knew I was innocent, but I had a bad feeling about this,

The guards that were sent to check my room, come back with a box in hand that made my heart skip, the box was given to the Alpha, and my heart beat seized for a second by the content of the box.

A diamond necklace was placed neatly in the box, tears filled my eyes as I kept staring at the necklace.

“ Alpha we found this in her room,”

“ No, that is impossible, I did not steal anything,”

Alpha arcs his head at me with a questioning look, “How do you explain this then?”

I shook my head at him, as it was difficult to form words, how do I prove myself innocent now?

“ Where were you last night?” he asks lazily,

“I__I um, was in my room,”

“ Liar! You are a conniving bitch, you went to your lover last night, you planned to sell Luna's necklace, and then run away!” Zara spoke out loud to everyone's hearing,

“ That is not true,” I whispered as tears ran down my eyes,

“ Guards lock her up in the cellars!”

“ No, no, please I'm innocent. I haven't done anything. !!” I wailed in the arms of the guards as they dragged me away, for a crime, I never committed.

My body collided hard with the ground as they threw me with force, but what frightened me was when Madam Doreen walked into my cell with whips that had a lash that contained hooks on the surface.

Soon after my screams filled the cell as she whipped me mercilessly, and there was no one to help me, I only wished and prayed for death.

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