
Chapter 2 - The Albrecht Family

In an airport, a bunch of media had been waiting at the entrance. They were waiting for the arrival of one of the most sought-after businessmen in the industry today.

The heir of the Albrecht family. Leon Zigmund Albrecht.

He is coming back to the country from a successful business trip abroad. Another huge deal was closed by this prominent and bright young man.

Finally, they saw a tall and dashing lad come out. He was wearing a black coat with shades in his eyes. His expression was cold and aloof, as guards stopped the mobs from the media,

Without adhering to the calls of the reporters and flashes of the camera, Leon boarded the luxury car parked outside the airport. The car hurriedly drove away from the place.

Leon slumped his back on the backrest of the car and crossed his leg. The assistant before him suddenly said.

"Young Master, the President reminded me about the important matter tonight. He ordered to directly go to the Herrenhaus Manor."

Leon heard this and sighed. This event again, as his father termed it, "ritual". He remembered the very first time he heard about the weird secret of this family.


The night in the bar was at its peak and the loud music hyped up the people, along with the dancing lights and booze.

Leon sat on a couch surrounded by his friends, it was one of the rare nights he went out to hang out.

He downed a shot as his friend gave him a woman for the night.

"Pass," He only said as he took out his phone to scan the messages. It was then he saw the message from his urging him to meet right now.

He furrowed his brows at the unappointed meeting, but he still resigned to go.

"I have an unexpected meeting. You guys enjoy yourselves." Leon said to his friends as he took his coat and wore it.

"This work freak. Loosen up a bit." One of his tipsy friends tried to stop him.

Leon has always been a restrained and aloof man. Although occasionally he indulges in some vices and women, it was just him letting off some steam. In front of his work and goals, nothing could take his mind away from it especially if he enters serious mode.

This rare night was suddenly interrupted and his friends can't help but try to convince him to enjoy it a bit.

Leon just shook his head and patted them on their shoulders and once again bid them goodbye.

Although he was a tenacious person and has a mind of his own, he had great respect for his father and would not actually ditch him just because of a night out.

But as he sat in his father's office and heard the contents of his words, he can't help but ask incredulously.

"Goddess?" Even though it was unlikely for his father, Leon thought he was joking.

What kind of tradition is this?

His father who saw his expression knew what he was thinking.

"Now that you are the heir of the Albrecht, you need to follow the tradition of our ancestors. But I tell you, you won't regret it. The power of the Goddess is unimaginable."

"All you need to know is that they are the treasure of the Albrecht family. Fortune and wealth will follow the moment you own her. And in return, we give protection, shelter and security."

"Even if you did not come from me, you are my now my son. And a new generation and legacy will come from you. Do not fail me." His adopted father added.

Yes, Leon Zigmund Albrecht was only an adopted child of the head of the Albrecht family. The present president of the Albrecht family is childless. Maybe because of the taboos happening in their bloodline, the current head of the family remained infertile.

And through the years, the competition for being the head of the family was very tight. With painstaking efforts, the current head was finally able to get the throne, only to know he was childless.

And him being unwilling to pass the business to the children of his brother, his number one nemesis, he decided to adopt a child.

And the family did not detest this child as for one, he was a genius prodigy. With a photographic memory and high IQ and analytical skills, the boy grew up and became an intelligent and outstanding man.

The president was very satisfied with this adopted son of his, and he was not hesitant to make him his heir.

"Soon, it will be time for the both of you to meet. You only need to consummate. I can see the reluctance on your face, but complain again to me once you meet her. I can reckon you will change your mind by then. No one can resist the goddess." He said to his son.

Leon heard these words and felt like having a headache. He always thought his father was logical, but this right now was not it.

"Father, pardon me but this is ridiculous."


Leon remembered he had his first argument with his adopted father at that time. It was against his logic and principle to follow the latter's words.

Back in the car, Leon still thought all of these were nonsense. Maybe because of him being a genius prodigy, he was aloof and held pride in everything he has done and achieved. He didn't believe in luck, as he thinks that people should not rely on luck and instead do the work.

To sleep with a woman for luck and fortune did not sit right with him, he was principled and believed that only hard work would take him to heights and success.

But his adopted father threatened him that if he didn't meet the Goddess, he would take away his inheritance. Leon thought this was such a nuisance matter. Even though he doesn't believe in this "luck", he finally resigned. Anyway, at the age of 25, although tenacious, he was also a bit playful. Well, it was just s*x. Leon just hoped she was pretty.

So let's meet this Goddess.


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