Marcelo got out of me and ran towards his wife in complete despair, and she started screaming uncontrollably.
Thaís: I don't believe, I don't believe it, this can only be a complete nightmare.
Marcelo: Thaís, honey, let's talk, this doesn't mean anything to me, please listen to me.
Thaís: Don't touch me, shut the hell up Marcelo, I can't believe you were capable of doing this to me.
While they fought, I gathered my clothes and locked myself in the bathroom, and started to get dressed.
My parents arrived in the room and asked what had happened, and Thaís told them everything.
I heard my mother's voice asking Thaís to stay calm and my father screaming at Marcelo, it was a real terror to hear all that screaming, until Thaís said that she was going to take Letícia and leave and everything was silent, but this silence ended when my father knocked on the bathroom door.
Dad: Jessy, get out of there now.
I looked in the mirror and with a shock of reality, I realized that I had just broken my parents' image of a perfect and innocent daughter.
Father: Jessy, obey me and get out of there.
I took a deep breath, in an attempt to show that I wasn't scared, and that I just did what I wanted to do, and although it was wrong, I had no regrets.
When I opened the door, I immediately felt my skin burn from the slap I received from my father, in his other hand, he held a belt.
He took me by the arm, threw me on the bed, and hit me, something he had never done in his life.
Dad: I didn't raise you with this lack of shame on your face, I raised you to be a woman of respect.
As he screamed, I felt the belt burn my back.
- For father, please stop.
Dad: No Jessy, this will be the first and last time you behave like this.
- Aiii, for dad... Mom, tell him to stop.
She stood at the door, watching my father hit me and did absolutely nothing, she just cried motionless.
I started crying and screaming, begging my father to stop hitting me, but he only stopped when I managed to run away.
I went through the bedroom door, pushing my mother, and in the background I heard my father screaming my name, telling me to go back, but who would go back to a torture session like that?
I went out of the house, ran down the street like a crazy person, feeling my skin burn, and tears streaming down my face, and several people looking at me, not understanding anything.
When I was already out of breath, I forced myself to stop, sat on the edge of a sidewalk, and cried inconsolably.
After a few minutes, I got up and walked back home.
As soon as I entered the house, I realized that my parents were not there, they had probably gone after me, and there was no sign of Marcelo and his wife, and the door was unlocked, I walked to my room as fast as I could. I could, I took my backpack, put some clothes, my documents, my cell phone, then I went to their room and took 500 dollars from my mother's wallet, and I left the house, aimlessly, not knowing what I was going to do of my life.
I took a cab, and went to the only place I knew I could stay without risking my parents finding me, I went to the Bronx.
Pietro: Fuck Jessy, again girl? Don't you get tired of being fed up by these guys? Seems like you like being treated like a whore.
- I need a place to stay for a few days Pietro.
Pietro: No way, girl, get out of here, I already told you that this is not the place for you.
- Why are you different from these other guys Pietro? Why are you always so nice to me?
Pietro: There are people who live this life for lack of choice, Jessy, not because they want to, not everyone had the right to choose, now you have a choice, and you live doing shit.
- I just need a corner Pietro, just until I get a job.
Pietro: Come on, follow me, let's get out of here before Zuca arrives and catches you here like the last time.
- Where are the other guys?
Pietro: They left some goods, I always take care of everything.
- And you're not afraid of someone invading here being alone?
Pietro: No one has the courage, Zuca takes this here with an iron hand, if someone messes with us, he goes after us and kills us.
We walked to a place I didn't know yet, everything was dark, we went up a long staircase, until we reached an apartment.
He opened the door, then turned on the lights.
The place was big and neat.
As soon as he looked at me, he was startled.
Pietro: What happened to you girl?
He cupped my chin, ran his fingers over my shoulders, then looked down at my legs.
Pietro: Why are you all red Jessy? Did you get it?
Tears started to wet my face again.
Pietro: Who did this to you?
- My father.
Pietro: Why?
- I don't want to talk about it Pietro, can I stay here for a few days or not?
Pietro: You can, on one condition.
- Which?
Pietro: You can't fuck my brother again, or any guy here, understand?
- Not with you?
He looked at me for a while, and then he answered.
Pietro: What I want, you can't give it to me.
- What for example?
Pietro: I respect Jessy, you don't even respect yourself, let alone others, I can find sex anywhere, but I don't respect it.
- Are you telling me that you only have sex with someone who respects you?
Pietro: No, I'm saying that I only sleep with people who respect themselves.
- You didn't seem to care when you took me to that shed and put your dick in me.
Pietro: Because I didn't know you could easily feed six at the same time.
He turned his back on me and left, and I was left alone in the apartment, thinking that maybe I'd passed up the chance to get involved with a nice guy.