
Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Kira stared at me in anticipation. Her eyes shone as if she just won the lottery.

‘We already talked about this a lot of times babe, I am not just cut out for this outing shit, okay?’

‘But you need to unwind Lexi, you need to let off some steam,’ Kira whined.

‘I can do that by going over some of the projects I have at hand, I will get over this engagement thing in no time.’

‘You really won’t get out of this room, right?

‘I am so sorry to disappoint you,’ I looked at her and gave her the most apologetic expression I can muster. She smiled as if nothing happened and pulled me into a hug.

‘Since you don’t want to leave this house, then I would just have to stay my angel then, right?’ She mused and a sigh left my lip as I wrap my arms around her.

‘So, what is it you are doing?’ She sounded excited and her eyes shone as she stares at me.

‘I need to come up with some awesome designs that I would submit to ABM industries, they want me to do the interior designing of their new office,’ I scrunch up my face, this is going to take me days to figure out since this is the first time, I would be decorating a company.

‘And have you got any samples yet?’ The concern in Kira's voice wasn’t hidden. She knew how sad I would be if I didn't get the samples submitted in time.

‘I am looking up some designs online and blending them. Hopefully, before this week runs out, I would have come up with great decorations to present to them.’

‘What can I help you with, she leaned closer to look over my shoulder. Those look outstanding.’

‘You think so?’ The frown on my face deepens as I stared at the white and blue intricate design. It fascinated me, but I don't think the company would want something like this.

Kira shook her head next to me. She must have guessed my thoughts. ‘The colours are too bright, but I am not talking about that. I am talking about the design. You can incorporate it into your sample and use dull colours for it,’ she suggests.

‘That is a great idea babe,’ she beamed at my word. ‘I will send that to my list and assemble them later.’

She nodded her head and swiped to the next design. We buried our heads in it, trying to figure out what goes where and putting ideas together.

It is a great thing I decided to use my skills as an interior decorator to help get my dad’s company back on its feet since I know nothing about construction. I suspect it is the reason most companies refuse to invest in us. Though I’ve put aside my passion just to learn the important stuff that can help us get an investor, I fear without a good team to deliver what we are offering, getting an investor would bring us nothing.

A knock at the door brought our attention back to the outside world, and I frowned. Mom wouldn't be back from her store.

‘I will get the door,’ Kira quickly offered and got up from the floor while I continue with the task at hand.

‘Mrs Cornell,’ I heard Kira say, and I frowned.

‘Kira! How are you?’ Mom greeted as she walked into the room, her gaze everywhere but mine. ‘What are you two doing in there all day? It has been two hours since I came back, and this is 9 P.M.’

My gaze flew to the clock on the wall, and I gasp.

No way!

When I lifted my gaze to look at Kira, her expression mirrored mine. We were so stunned to find out we have been working on the design for 6 hours straight.

‘I didn't know you are here; I would have knocked sooner to let you know it was late already,’ mom took in her bottom lip, a habit that lets you know she is feeling sorry for not doing something at the right time. ‘I thought Lexi wasn't home, or she was asleep, so I didn't bother to knock until dinner was ready.’

‘We are working on some designs. I guess we must have been so invested in it.’ Kira beamed a smile at her. ‘I better call mom to let her know I will stay over here.’

‘Don’t worry, I will call her for you. You two should come down for dinner before going back to work, okay?’ With that, she pulls out her phone and left the room without sparing me a glance and it hurt.

My mum never avoided me before, but I guess our unresolved dispute is keeping her from talking to me. As if reading my mind once again, Kira frowned at me and sigh.

‘You should talk to her,’ she plops down beside me and gently ruffle my hair. ‘She is going to kill herself with guilt if you don't talk to her.’

‘But she is the one in the wrong here, yet she chooses not to talk to me,’ I protested.

‘Can't you see she is feeling guilty for hiding such a big thing from you and she believe you are angry at her, so she doesn’t dare to say a word to you?’

I scoffed and almost laughed at her. Mom hasn’t cared about my feeling for a while now, why would she care about what or how I feel now? That isn’t like her at all.

‘Promise me you will talk to her and let her know you are happy for her,’ Kira bumped my shoulder, her eyes fixed on me.


‘No, that won't do. I need your word,’ she insisted.

‘Fine, I promise to talk to her but not now,’ I affirmed. ‘I need to clear my head and gather my thoughts before speaking to her.’

‘That will do, as long as I have your word,’ She beamed, now let's go eat before getting back to work.

I drop my laptop on the table and shut it down gently before walking out of the room with her, we arrived just as mom finished setting up the table.

She looked up and beam at us, I could sense her itching to say something, but she swallowed her word.

‘Thank you, mom,’ I said to ease her nervousness and her eyes lit up.

‘You welcome, baby,’ this time her smile was as bright as the sun.

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