Prologue (part two)
I handed over the late slip to the Chemistry teacher before settling down beside Jasper.
"Hey mate," Jasper half-whispered. His head was bent over his notes, and his bangs made a curtain over his eyes.
"Don't hey me," I grimaced, still annoyed from history class. Why did she have to be so nosy?
"What happened?" Jasper asked, raising his head to look at me, his pale green eyes piercing my green ones.
"Miss Smith happened," I said in a matter-of-fact tone. Jasper just sighed.
"What now, detention?" Jasper asked curiously as he bent over his work again.
"No, she said I need tutoring," I said, annoyance kicking in at full speed.
"Look at the bright side; you get to come for practice at least," Jasper said. I shrugged. The coach has already accustomed to me missing practice due to detention already. I've been playing soccer for years now. A few missed practices could easily be solved by me and the guys heading out for a game during the weekend.
"Who is it this time?" Jasper asked a little above a whisper.
"Some Alexander dude," I said, picking up a pen when I noticed I was getting a warning glare from the teacher.
"Alexander?" Jasper asked confused. I know right, I didn't know the guy either.
"I know, I have no idea who that is either," I said, scribbling nonsense to make it look like I was taking notes.
The class was a drag. And when the bell went for lunch I sprang up from my seat with a Hallelujah! Sure, Jasper gave me the You're embarrassing me look, but I didn't care at the moment. Lunch was the only period I got to see most of the gang.
"How are we even friends?" Jasper whined as he rolled his eyes. Jasper could be so unbelievable. Sometimes, I wonder how he even got on the team, he's such a sissy.
It didn't take too long to get to the cafeteria. Our usual table was occupied by our friends. Most of them were wearing their team jerseys and the girls their cheer outfits. The girls that hung around without outfits were mostly some of our pals' girlfriends.
"Hey," Jasper said, falling into his seat as I took the one next to him.
"Hey," Samantha said, her eyes still glued to her blackberry as she occasionally bit her lip in concentration. Her dark hair was neatly pulled in a long ponytail behind her head. 'Course she's hot, but she's hyper crazy too. Her phone is basically her lifeline; take it from her and you better expect to die.
"Hey. Travis, we're meeting right after school today. We need to plan that sick party we're throwing on Friday," Jonah said, receiving a few approving nods from the members on the table.
"Yeah, about that..." I trailed. I'm not really proud of the amount of time I get detention, okay? Ignore my attitude and you'll see it really wasn't my fault most times.
"He has to meet his tutor after school," Jasper blurted out. I glared at him. He's not my mouthpiece!
"Not again dude! Who is it this time?" Jonah sighed as he ruffled his short chestnut hair that was almost military style. I think his dad made him have it trimmed so short all the time. You know, kind of comes with having a general as a dad. I think.
"Some Alexander dude," I blurted afterward, shrugging as a show of disinterest. I really didn't want to talk about this now.
"Did you say, Alexander?" Samantha asked lowering her phone for the first time since we arrived. Is this some sort of lunch miracle?
"Yeah, Miss Smith said..." I trailed has Samantha cut me short.
"Miss Smith?" Samantha said, her eyes widening.
"Yeah the history teacher," I said, rolling my eyes. Samantha has always been overly dramatic. It was just going to be some nerd.
"Keep your panties in a bunch Sam, it's just some nerd," Jasper said, making the table burst into a fit of chuckles. He totally read my mind. Is it me, or am I the only one that considers that theft?
"He's not just some nerd," Samantha started, poking her pink painted finger against Jasper's chest.
"He's the crazy one that happens to be Miss Smiths' nephew," Samantha said, still trying to bore a hole in Jasper's jersey.
"Don't you dare let Miss Smith force you into this Travis! Heck, I'll be your tutor!" Samantha insisted, her baby blue eyes widening with terror.
"Don't be silly Sam, he's just some dude. Besides you couldn't even tutor a burger," I said, making Sam shake her head violently. I got to admit, she looks hella cute when she does that.
"No, no, no! Remember Casey was the nurse's assistant last year? She said his folder had prescribed medications for bipolar disorder and sociopathic behaviors." Samantha whined clearly not happy we were all ignoring her.
"Piff, I can handle myself. Besides, all you girls do is gossip. I'd probably have to check the weather myself if one of you said good day," I said ignoring the frown Sam was wearing.
"Don't say I didn't tell you," Sam warned as she stuck out her tongue and returned her attention to her phone.
Girls. I thought, rolling my eyes.