I pressed a sloppy kiss on his cheek, causing Brandon to grin. He turned his face towards me and gave me a proper kiss on my lips.
What I didn’t expect was when I unintentionally glared in Mr. Adams his direction, he was already staring. As soon as he saw me looking, he quickly went back to reading his paper, as if he was being busted for doing something he shouldn’t have done.
I just didn’t get his deal.
Did he like me ? Did he think I was a good girlfriend to his son ? Because it sure seemed to look like he didn’t. It wasn’t that he was being rude to me because honestly, I hadn’t even had a real conversation with him yet.
I wish I didn’t care so much about Mr. Adams his opinion of me. But the truth is that I did. I cared way more than I should have.
And no matter how much I hated to admit it, I was fascinated by him. Any person would call him insane for going into Brandon’s bedroom when he knew I was changing in there and for talking to me like that, but it honestly kind of turned me on.
Did that make me crazy ?
It probably didn’t mean anything. I was just having these crazy thoughts because he reminded me of my boyfriend so much. My boyfriend, whom I loved dearly.
While I was still laying in Brandon’s arms, I could feel his eyes burning on me again. I told myself to just ignore it because it meant nothing, but the way my heart was almost pounding out of my chest told me otherwise.
Why was I feeling like this ? I couldn’t possibly be attracted to my boyfriend’s father, could I ? Was that a thing ? Hell, was it even legal ?
I stood up, tired of my mental ordeal.
« Bring me home ? I still have lots of homework to do, » I asked Brandon.
He nodded and stood up as well, following my movements.
In that moment Jocelyn had entered the living room and looked at us with curious eyes. « Are you leaving already ? » she asked.
I nodded and smiled apologetically at her. « Yeah, I still have some homework to do, » I explained. I almost wanted to apologize for leaving, but that just seemed crazy. Maybe it was because of the fact that I was lying. I actually had already finished all of my homework, I just wanted to get out of here.
« Well, I hope you enjoyed dinner ! »
I chuckled softly. « It was lovely. And once again I apologize for my careless behavior. » After I said that, I looked at Brandon and he gave my hand a soft squeeze.
Jocelyn waved it off before she pulled me into a hug. Surprised by her sudden action, I quickly recovered myself and hugged her back. I could’ve known she was a hugger.
When she released me after a couple of seconds, it hit me I had to say goodbye to Mr. Adams now.
Did I have to give him a hug as well or could I just give him a handshake ? No, that would be pretty weird since I just hugged Jocelyn goodbye. By the thought of hugging him, my cheeks immediately heated up and I prayed to God no one noticed.
As Jocelyn bombarded Brandon with questions about his homework, I took this moment as my time to quickly hug Mr. Adams and then get the hell out of this place.
Once I stood in front of him, I awkwardly spoke up, for some reason making sure Brandon and Jocelyn weren’t listening. « Thanks again for dinner, Mr. Adams. And sorry about my cursing, it won’t happen again. Promise. »
He was just standing there, saying nothing with a small smirk on his face. It was like he was enjoying this ! Well, let’s see if this little smirk was still on his face after I teased him a little bit.
I held out my arms, waiting for him to give me a hug which he did. So this he could do ?
Since he was so much taller than me, my face was pressed against his torso and I hated the fact that I liked the feeling of it. To get rid of my inappropriate thoughts, I stood on my toes and brought my mouth to his ear.
« And try not to undress me with your eyes the next time I’m here, it’s rude. Have a good night, Noah. »
I didn’t even stay to watch his reaction. I just turned around, said goodbye to Jocelyn once again and followed Brandon to his car.
To say I made the worst first impression ever was the understatement of the year, but knowing that I did make a first impression Mr. Adams probably wouldn’t forget for a while, made me grin from ear to ear the whole car ride back home.
My house was everything that Brandon’s house wasn’t. While his house was almost like a mansion, mine was small and boring.
I lived in East LA and people didn’t exactly speak fondly of this side of the city, which was kind of dramatic in my opinion. Sure, there was some theft now and then in this neighborhood and sometimes fights broke out, but it’s not like people got killed here on a daily basis.
I was standing in front of my house and I turned around to wave at Brandon. As he drove off, I grabbed my keys out of my purse and opened the door, accidentally throwing it shut behind me louder than intended. As I headed to the kitchen, I threw my bag on the floor with the disapproved face of my mom in the back of my mind. She hated it when I left my stuff laying around the house, even though it was always a mess in here anyways.
I hadn’t eaten much during dinner and I was already starving again. I usually ate much more than I did tonight, but I was way too nervous for that. And I also threw half of my food on my lap, wasting a damn good lasagne.
I opened the fridge and as expected there wasn’t much to eat except two slices of cold pizza. I guess cold pizza it was.
I put the plate with the two pieces in the microwave, setting the alarm for half a minute. While I was waiting, I leaned against the kitchen counter and my mind drifted back to tonight. I still wasn’t sure what to think of Brandon’s dad. I know his comment about spanking me was inappropriate, but I probably misinterpreted the whole thing.
« Hey sis, » a voice behind me said, scaring the shit out of me. I thought my mother was already fast asleep and the last thing I expected was my brother being home.
I turned to him and raised my eyebrows, somewhat surprised but also annoyed. « What are you doing here ? Aren’t you supposed to be with your girlfriend ? »