It was Cade.
Wow, I’ve never been so relieved to see someone in my entire life.
When he saw that my mouth was covered and tears were streaming down my face and Daniels hand were down my pants, Cade’s eyes widened, filled with anger and fury. He ran up to us and punched Daniel to the floor, so hard it knocked him out, he then begun to punch him while he was laid on the floor unconscious after he let some of his anger out he turned his face towards mine with a look of guilt in his eyes.
I feel embarrassed and ashamed, luckily he only got as far touching my pants.. nothing else. Cade went and called up Derrick and Adam to take Daniel to the cellar. « Don’t kill him » Cade spits, still filled with rage « I want to do that my self. »
« Yes boss » Adam says.
As they both leave the room with Daniels unconscious body, Cade rises from the ground and wipes off my tears with his thumb. « Come with me » he says.
I follow him down stairs to see a beautiful woman and cute little girl sat on the couch.
« This is my sister Mia and niece, Lucy » he says in a calming tone. « Heyyy !! » His sister says sounding excited. « Oh wow your gorgeous » she says happily, taking all of me in. « oh uh thank you » I reply, forcing a smile on my face after what just happened.
« Wow you weren’t kidding when you told me she’s cute, Cade » Mia mutters with a smirk on her face.
I look at Cade with my eyebrows furrowed.. excuse me what..
He looks back at me with his eyes slightly widened and a confused look in his face. « I did not call her cute » he says through gritted teeth. « Ye ye sure you didn’t » she giggles.
« Anyway are you coming to the party tonight ? »
I look at Cade almost like a look of consent to say yes, he looks back at me and nods his head.
« Yay, I can pick you a dress !!! » Mia shouts.
Do they not know i’m like.. kidnapped cause Mia seems to be a little too normal. Unless they’re just used to this..
« Cade I need to find a babysitter for tomorrow, the other one said she can’t keep up with Lucy and her energy anymore »
« I-Im good with children I used to have a job babysitting » I interrupt.
I did actually have a job babysitting but I had to quit because it paid too little and I was about to lose my house so I needed a new job. I wonder if they trust me enough to be with a child, they probably still think I’m like my mom, which I’m not I don’t want to be anything like her. Ever.
« Oh really ? It would be a huge favour but if you did end up being Lucy’s nanny then there’s a few things we need to discuss, is that ok ? » Mia replies.
« Yeah that’s fine » I say with another forced smile plastered on my face.
I want to do something so I won’t be completely useless. I feel like if i just exist here, he’s going to get bored and probably shoot me and i’d rather make it out here alive.
Me and Mia talk for awhile, she was asking questions and it went pretty well in my opinion, I think I made a good impression. While we were talking I found out that Mia is actually only 20 so not far off from me, Lucy is 5 and.. Cade is 23, I really got the impression he was older because.. how can a man that young have such a great body ?
I also figured out that would mean Mia was fifteen when she got pregnant, i just hope that nothing bad happened in order for her to get pregnant. But with her being apart of such a dangerous business, i wouldn’t put it past me.
« Well, I think you can start tomorrow but there’s one last thing we need to do, introduce you to Lucy and see how it goes, she’s hated most nanny’s » Mia tells me.
I raised my eyebrows and nodded my head following her.
« Well let’s go then »
« Wait. You’re just going to let her take care of Lucy, just like that ? We don’t know what she could do. I’m not allowing it. » Cade expresses firmly with his eyebrows scrunched.
A little part of me felt like crying at the fact he still didn’t trust me, I hated it, I shouldn’t want my kidnappers approval but I can’t help it. I just really don’t like the fact that people think i could be like my mom.
« Oh please, she couldn’t hurt a fly, just come on let’s go take her to met Lucy !! »
Mia seems so sweet, it’s good to have a friendly face here.
I enter a very pink room filled with toys and a big princess bed filled with stuffed animals and the cute little Lucy approaches me and says « you look like a princess »
« Well Aren’t you just the most sweet little girl ever, thank you, princess »
« I-I’m a princess too ? » She’s says shocked
I love her already.
« Of course you are, you have the beauty of a princess and you live in a big palace I’m so jealous ! » I say in a childish voice trying to get her to warm up to me.
*She gasps* « I AM A PRINCESS, MOMMY IM A PRINCESS !!!!, will you watch princess movies with me ? »
« Of course I will sweety »
« YAY ! Mommy won’t watch moana with me » she says with a frown on her face.
« That’s because we’ve watched moana 500 times Lucy ! » Mia says rolling her eyes with a slight giggle.
« Mommy can Kelly babysit me now please please please » Lucy begs.
« She will tomorrow but we have to go to a party tonight hunny, Derrick will watch you tonight »
« Okay » she says disappointedly.
« Bye hunny »
« Bye mommy, Bye princess Kelly !!! »
« Bye princess Lucy » I didn’t even need to force a smile, her cuteness made me feel loads better.
As we walk out the room Cade walks the opposite way, while still walking, not turning around i hear him say « be ready in 30 minutes »
Me and Mia walk to her room because she was desperate to pick out a dress for me, she says I have the ‘perfect body type’ I wish I could believe it but I can’t. She picks out the most beautiful dress and I must say it looks better on my body than I thought it would, you can see all my curves, the ones I didn’t even know I had, all in the right places.
We get ready to leave and I see Adam and Cade waiting in the car, they were talking about something, they suddenly stop chatting and look directly at me, looking me up and down.
Mia and I enter the car I sit in the back besides Adam while Cade drives with Mia, also in the front.
The car ride there was silent until Adam says « kitten, I hope your going to dance with me at this party »
What is it with this guy and calling me kitten..
« Shut your mouth, Adam. » Cade says sounding slightly annoyed. My cheeks turn red but luckily it’s dark so no one can tell. I see Mia threw the mirror with a big smirk sat on her face, it makes me feel flustered.
We finally arrived at the party and make our way in.
Cade and Mia go off, probably have someone important to find. Meanwhile I stand there feeling extremely nervous as Adam approaches me and says « don’t be nervous kitten, dance with me. » He grabs me by the hand and takes us to the dance floor.
As we dance i actually have fun and it excites me that I’m at my first party. I look at a different direction for a max of 2 seconds and I see Cade staring over at us. I feel embarrassed that he’s been watching me dance, but within a blink he’s gone. I look around for him but my eyes can’t seem to find him so I go back to dance with Adam but he’s not there. I can’t find anyone and i begin to panic as the lights dim, the dance floor crowd gets bigger and the music gets louder. I’m getting pushed around like I have the weight of a feather.
I would try and take this as my chance to escape but there’s guards all over the place. Suddenly, some random man puts his hands on my hips and starts kissing my neck, he begins trying to kiss my lips I use all the strength I have to try push him off but I don’t have the strength I shout for help but the musics to loud, still trying to push him off. « Oh come on baby let’s have some fu-« his sentence gets cut off as he falls to the ground I look up to see Cade looking back at me with furious eyes.
Twice. This has happened twice. He’s surely going to kill me now, I don’t blame him, He’s had to save me multiple times, I must be getting on his nerves.
I run out side trying to escape the noise and the embarrassment, obviously i couldn’t actually leave the building but there was some huge open doors leading to some sort of garden with high ass gates all around.