I saw a TALL, and I mean the other 3 guys were too but this man, wow, compared to me anyway, I’ve always been small that’s probably why they thought I was younger. He was like 6,3 and I’m stuck all the way down here at at 5,3 lord help me.
This man was dashingly handsome, actually the most handsome man I’ve seen, he had the sharpest jawline, tanned skin, dark wavy hair and don’t get me started on his figure he must work out all day everyday I mean, Wow you can see his abs threw his shirt.
I’m not meant to be saying how handsome he is. He fucking kidnapped me what am I saying, I can’t even think straight these men are scaring the hell outa me.
It’s getting worse I’m struggling to stand on both my feet, my body’s shaking more intensely than before which I didn’t think was possible. He started walking over to me..
He looks me up and down and has an emotionless look on his face one that I can’t figure out..
« Your a little small aren’t you ? How old are you ? » He says still emotionless.
« E-eighteen » I stutter, struggling to get my words out.
« Oh wow so your not a child then I see, what’s your name girl ? »
« K~kelly » I mumbled just above a whisper
I’m pissing myself off with the stuttering now but it’s like i’m trying to form words and they just aren’t coming out properly..
« Oh but, Kelly, you can’t even say your own name ? » He says amused
I say nothing as my cheeks glow red from embarrassment.
« What are you going to do with her, Boss ? » One of the three men say.
« I don’t know, we’ll see if she’s useful to lead us to Anissa, if not then I guess she’ll be no use, then we’ll just kill her »
I quietly gasp in fear and dread knowing I won’t be able to help them, reason being is I haven’t spoke to my mother in years..
« What » he says looking at me with a raised eyebrow knowing he heard me gasp.
« I haven’t spoke to my mother in years, she doesn’t want anything to do with me, i won’t be of any use. »
« I’m sure there’s something we can do Boss, she’s only young you shouldn’t just kill her » a faint voice says, it was one of the three men, at least one of them isn’t a complete psycho.
« Zip it Derrick » the ‘Boss’ spits firmly.
« She’s no use if her mother takes no interest in her I mean who could blame Anissa, look at the state of her.. »
I held back my tears but it wasn’t working very well as a tear rolls down my cheek at the hurtful words knowing they were true. I clean and wash myself just fine, i just don’t have the money for nice fancy clothes.
« Don’t kill me, please. I’ll do anything. » I blurt out before I could stop myself. It wouldn’t even be that much of a shame to die, but if i was going to, i would want to die quickly and something tells me i’d be tortured to death in this place. Honestly i’d rather not let that happen..
He looks at me questionably before saying, « Fine, i’ll spare you. Don’t think for a second i won’t shoot a bullet through your skull if you make one wrong move. If you don’t work as leverage, you’re dead. »
I nod my head in response not knowing what else to do or how to reply. I know i’m going to end up dead, i’m not even family to her.
« Derrick, one of my men will show you to your room and get you some.. new clothes » he said looking at my current outfit, making it obvious he didn’t like it.
I still don’t say a word.. what is there to say..
As me and Derrick are about to leave the room oh and he’s the one who tried sticking up for me so he’s ok I guess, I mean he still took part in kidnapping me.
Walking out the room and into the hallway that seemed to go on for miles, i was taking in what was actually happening. I went from being in my home on a normal day to being held captive in a fricking mansion with a million men and suits.
« Don’t look so scared princess, i won’t bite » Derrick smirked.
« What’s his name ? » I asked. Obviously he has something to do with the Mafia so She must be like an enemy or something.
« Cade » He replied.
Well that doesn’t sound very scary.
« But don’t call him that, you don’t want to make him mad »
As I enter the room Derrick shuts the door with a slight smile on his face which made me feel a little bit better.
I miss my small home, it wasn’t anything special, I couldn’t afford many homely things inside but it was still my home and I missed it. I wish i was in my cold bedroom in my own bed. I’m trying to hold back tears to show I’m strong but I can’t stop myself, they keep falling from my now sparkling~blue eyes.
I practically just had to beg for my life and I’m staying somewhere I could get killed at any moment.
After I finish crying I get in the shower and put some of the new clothes on, I know this is normal for them, but this is like staying in a luxury hotel.
I got out and dried my long brunette hair, it looks so much more shiny I thought to my self in shock. I never had enough money to buy proper hair products or nice clothes, but my hair looks more beautiful then ever. And wow these clothes are hella comfy.
As i sit and stare at the wall, contemplating life, thinking about everything thats happening, a knock at my door snaps me away from my thoughts