My fiancé quickly moved to my side, his hand lowered against my back. That action spoke loud enough, I was looking way too long at his dad for his comfort. My eyes averted down to the ground, Bodhi wrapped his arm across the back of my neck pulling me closer to his chest.
« I told you dad that she’s gorgeous. » Bodhi smirks with pride, of course he wanted to rub my beauty in everyone’s face.
« That she is. » Kaz says with a quickness.
« It’s a Cardoso thing, our Brazilian genes are strong. » My dad comments with a loud chuckle.
« Wait till I introduce her to my team, they’re all going to be so jealous. » Bodhi joins my dad with the same type of laughter, this was embarrassing for me.
My dad and Bodhi are both looking at me like if I was a piece of meat on sale, I crossed my arms over my chest trying to distract myself. Kaz remained quiet while looking at his son, he shakes his head with a frown.
« She’s your future wife, not a investment son. » Kaz says quietly so my father wouldn’t hear him.
My eyes slowly trailed up to meet his eyes. He wasn’t looking at me at all, his eyes were focused on his son entirely.
« You know that baby, right ? » Bodhi turns his attention on me, he’s such a dumbass.
I faked a smile, my eyes had a glint of sadness that I tried my best to disguise.
« Of course. » I answered with a short response.
Kaz stared at me with a certain fascination, I cowered away like a fool. I couldn’t risk my dad punishing me tonight, I’m still sore from the night before.
« Let’s take our seats. » My mom suggested, I was thankful for her taking the heat off of me.
It was a simply round table filled with vines wrapped around the soft edges, my plan was to sit as far away as I could from Kaz but that didn’t exactly work out because he sat right next to me. My shoulders grew tense when he accidentally stroked his shoulder with mine, Bodhi intertwine our fingers together.
This man can’t seem to give up on showing me off
« Order anything on the menu, it’s all my treat. » Kaz mentions while holding the menu in front of his face.
My moms eyes sparked with excitement, alcohol roamed her mind of course.
« I’ll just head over to the bar real quick. » She smiles, everyone nodded except me. I know exactly where this leads to, she’s just falling deeper and deeper into her alcohol abuse.
I grabbed ahold of my water cup, I prayed that I’d somehow magically drown with the water in my hand but that was unrealistic. All the men were starting to talk, I simply just listened and observed everyone but Kaz. Something just was unsettling about him not in a bad way, just in a heat type of way.
I was starting to get super bored not even my food was keeping me entertained, my mind kept going back to the fact that my parents have yet to tell me where my brother is at.
My brother has always been the wild child, he got high off drugs, got into fights, robbed people when we had enough money to buy the Hamptons, he’s gotten arrested twice but this second time was different. My dad kept him away from me, he said it was bad for my new image. I haven’t spoken or seen him in two years which will never sit right with me because he never left me alone with my parents for more than two days voluntarily but I have a plan to get him back to me.
« Have you guys decided where the wedding is taking place ? » Kaz asked, he took a sip of his alcohol beverage.
This is my time to slowly start bringing my brother into conversation.
« Talitha is still deciding on the color scheme let alone the venue. » Bodhi laughed, I had no interest in my wedding at all. It was boring planning for something that made me so unhappy, I tried in the beginning but it just became to much.
« You guys should have the wedding at the farm. » Kaz mentions.
I’ve always wanted to see a real farm, growing up I was in equestrian competitions. My big brother bought me a white horse, I named her dolly but my dad had to sell her for money. I remember how much of a fight I put up, my father has always figured out a way to hurt me.
« Dad, Talitha wouldn’t want to have her dream wedding at a farm. » Bodhi says, I tilted my head to look at him better.
He doesn’t know me, I’m someone completely different with him.
« I actually would love that. » I said with a hint of irritation. « When can we leave ? »
« You can’t be serious. » Bodhi chuckles.
« Deadly. » I responded before looking right back at Kaz, he smirks with a intimidating glint in his eyes.
« My brother will be joining us there. » I mentioned, my eyes met my father’s angry ones. This is how I was going to see my brother, I finally was getting something I actually wanted. « Right, daddy ? » I asked my dad with a sweet smile.
There was no way in hell he would say no to me in front of them, he clears his throat before nodding his head faking his own smile.
« There’s enough room for everyone and we’ll take the jet first thing in the morning. » Kaz says.
« That’s perfect, thank you. » I said as our eyes locked on each other again, his eyes were gorgeous and so mesmerizing. I wanted to lick every inch of this man and I want him to lick me back.
« What about my hockey game ? » Bodhi interrupted our so what moment.
« If you want to marry her, I’d recommend hurrying up before someone else steals her from you. » His dad tells him, I straighten my back while crossing my leg over my thigh.
It was something about his words, it sounded almost like a threat. My fiancé rolled his eyes and loosen his tie, I wanted to smirk back at Kaz but that seemed inappropriate.
Distracted by my very own dirty thoughts I didn’t realize the hand trailing up my leg till a pair of fingers entered between my milky thighs very slowly, my breath got caught in the back of my throat.
My hand crawled under the table to stop these thick fingers from entering me, my chest was heaving up and down. Holding the huge hand under the table I quickly realized who it belong to.
« You seem stress. » He whispers, the same hand that was minutes away from fingering me was now placed back in the public eye and was gripping a glass of alcohol.
He raised the glass to his lips before causally looking at me, he sipped his drink while winking at me. My pussy was throbbing with excitement and my nails dug against my outer thigh.
My father in law just tried to finger me, and I wanted him to finish the job completely despite my fiancé sitting right next to me.