"Oh I will." His voice rang loud even though the words came out in an angry whisper.
I had no answer for him. My hands felt like jelly as he glared at my skin and head spun. What had I been thinking? Do your worst? Did I want to die?
His fist hit my face and I could feel his rage. I felt his anger in the punch. Most of the time, humans would hit me for their own pleasure like the sick beings they were. Hell, even John had hit me for the pleasure of seeing me suffer. But this was different.
He was angry and not at some random idiot and I was only his substitute punchbag/sex toy but he was mad, at me. I could see hate burning in his eyes as got ready to take another swing at me. But behind that hate, I could see pain. A pain I couldn't fathom or begin to understand.
"What's the matter?" He asked, spitting out the words. "Don't feel like taunting me now, do you?"
"Ha! Do you think hitting me will make you worth anymore?" The metallic taste burnt in my mouth, blood dripped out of my nose. "Now that you're an adult, you're worth even less. The only reason you're still here is because no one would buy someone who costs less then nothing..."
That struck a nerve.
That struck a big nerve.
And he struck me with all his force. I guess I should have seen it coming but honestly, I didn't mind if he killed me. I didn't care what he felt. If it was up to me, John, my master and every single person in this house could explode into flames.
A kick to the face reminded me that I was being beaten. The pain was so normal at this point that I hardly felt it. But I did hear it.
An ugly crack rang through the air as a sharp pain shot up my chest. It was followed by another crack and another one.
John was breaking all my bones. Man... he was really going to kill me.
Although I was blocking out the pain, my body couldn't take it anymore. The dark world started to lose all and any colour that it had left. I felt like I was floating on a cloud but at the same time I felt like I was drowning.
A hard slap pulled me back into the cold world I was stuck in. John's angry face greeted me when I open my eyes again and the cruel reality of my life taunted me with the pain of all my broken bones.
"You've got a lot of nerve to pass out on me like that." He spat at my face. "Nekos are genetically engineered to heal way faster then humans. Let's see how fast you can heal after I've broken every single bone in you body."
That was true, I could already feel the burning sensation that came with my healing abilities. But just because I could heal fast, didn't make the pain any less. In fact, it doubled the pain.
"Have you got nothing else to say? No stupid comment about me being worthless? You useless fuck, you were created in a laboratory. You were once a test tube."
"What... is making fun of me going to make you more important?" I licked my lips. "I let you touch me in places that make me want to scream. What more do you want from me?"
There a long pause as John stared me down. If it had been early that day, he would have said sex. The whole "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours." But now he was in a bad mood. He hated when master called him a slave and he certainly hated it even more that I, a Neko, would dare to make fun of him. Like he's the only one who suffered.
"You said I'm only for people's pleasure, for their fun. And still I'm worth more then you." I glared directly into his eyes, daring him to hurt me more then anyone had ever hurt me before. "What more do you want from me?"
"I want you to die."
He said, his hand circling my neck and giving it a hard squeeze. The world around me went slowly dark as I saw John's hateful eyes beaming back at me. My eyes closed and darkness engulfed me.