
Chapter 4


2 days later, my birthday arrived on March 6th.

I was sleeping quite cozily on my bed, but the knock on the door woke me up from my sleep.

“Aileen, wake up, breakfast is ready!” I heard Dave yelling right outside my door.

Why’s he here to wake me up today? Usually, the maids come to wake me.

I sat up, and rushed over to the door, opening it.

Only for Dave to greet me with a soft smile.

“Happy birthday.”

I was taken aback by his presence.


“Um…” I lowered my gaze, fixing my hair.

“T-thank you….”.

“Was I the first one to wish you?” he asked, leaning on the door.

I nod at him. “Yeah.”

“I see…”.

“Anyway, come downstairs. Your mom made breakfast and is calling you.”

“You…” he examined my face and clothes.

“Just woke up, I guess.”

“Take your time. We’ll be waiting.”

He was about to leave but I asked, “Don’t you have to go to work today?”.

He turned around shaking his head in disapproval.

“I took a day off for the special occasion.”

“Your mom also.”

“Let’s enjoy the day together as a family.”

I was a bit stunned at first but then, I gave a smile at him before he walked away.

Family huh….that’s the reason why I can’t approach you like others.

It’s because we are family, I’m not allowed to have these feelings for you.

Sometimes, I wonder why we had to be a family in the first place.

Maybe, then I could go up to you and say out all the things that I want to.

I closed the door and stood in front of the mirror. My hair is in a mess, and my PJs have become loose, falling off my shoulder.

He keeps seeing me in my vulnerable state all the time.

I tried to put on a forced smile, forgetting all the thoughts in my head.

It’s my freaking birthday after all. I’m supposed to be happy!

When I went downstairs I saw Mom putting on the plates.

Seeing that I rushed to her side.

“Mom!” I yelled hugging her.

“Good morning.”

“Good morning, and Happy birthday.” She said, placing a kiss on my forehead.

“You must be hungry, sit down.”

I took a seat, and Dave came a second later. He also sat down together with us.

“What’s for breakfast?” he asked, turning to mom.

“Scrambled eggs, pancakes, and fried bacon with orange juice,” Mom replied. “Aileen’s favorite breakfast.”

“We used to eat this together all the time, and yet she never got bored of it.”

“You can’t get bored of your favorite foods!” I retorted, taking a bite of the fried bacon from my plate.

“True,” Dave asserts with a laugh.

During breakfast, they discussed the party that they’d be hosting in the evening.

Everyone in the pack is invited, and his beta family will also be coming.

I was quite nervous to meet new people, but Dave assured me that they were all good people.

During the afternoon, the maids were decorating the whole house, and it took them till evening to finish everything on time.

I went to the kitchen to see Mom making fruit tarts, so I went to take a bite.

It was at that time, that I saw Dave coming from outside carrying a wrapped box in his hands.

He was smiling and seemed to be in a good mood.

What’s inside that box?

When I was getting ready, I noticed that people were starting to arrive.

I had put on a light pink dress with frills that reached up to my knees, along with matching pink heels.

I kept my hair loose, after putting on a hairclip at the sides.

I went out the door and saw Dave standing.

I became puzzled.

He seemed to be quite impressed by my looks, as he looked at me in awe, observing from head to toe.

I was starting to feel embarrassed by the intense stare.

Do I look bad? Is my make-up not done well?

What is trying to say by that face?

“You look beautiful,” he added, placing his hands inside his pockets and giving a smile at me.


“That dress suits you well.”

I felt my cheeks becoming hot at his compliment.

“um….thank you….”.

I sneaked a few glances at him. He wore a blue suit with a blue vest and it made him look like a model in real life.

He turned 24 a month ago. I keep forgetting that he’s not that old.

I love how he kept his messy brown hair neatly arranged to the side to look more polished.

His hazel eyes seemed soft and sharp at the same time.

“Y-you…you look good as well.” I stuttered, trying my best to keep the contact.

He was taken aback by my compliment.

But he narrowed his eyes, giving a smile at me.

“Well…I’m flattered to hear it from you.”

“Shall we get going? Your mom is waiting.” He added, holding out his hand towards me.

I nod, taking his hand.

We both walked downstairs together and saw the crowd of people that had gathered to attend my birthday.

My mom was downstairs talking with some guests.

When we arrived downstairs, people surrounded us.

“Is this your daughter, Alpha David?” one of them asked.

He nodded in agreement. “Yes, my daughter.” He placed an arm around my shoulder, keeping me close to him.

“Emilia, come here!” he called towards Mom’s direction.

“Yes, coming.”

She came and joined us.

They did introductions and I greeted them.

Everyone wanted to talk to me, so I felt very tired after I was done.

I took a seat on the couch feeling tired.

“Not used to people, I see?” a voice comments, drawing my attention.

I turned around to see a man standing right behind me.

“Who are you?” I couldn’t help but ask.

He smirked and came over to stand in front of me.

He had golden ash hair in curls, and neon blue eyes with were quite attractive, matching his physique.

A glass of wine in his one hand as he examined me from head to toe.

“You are pretty, I have to admit,” he comments, licking his lips.

“What’s your name by the way?”.

“Um…Aileen,” I said pausing for a moment.

“Aileen….sounds lovely.”

“I’m Marshall, nice to meet you, Princess,” he said holding out his hand towards me.

Why’s he calling me princess? I’m not used to hearing that.

I looked into his face and reached out my hand for a shake.

“Nice to “.

He lifted me by the hand, making me stand right in front of me as he secured his arm around my back.

He was quite tall. I had to stretch my neck to look into his face.

His eyes peered into mine, and I started to notice how close I was to him.

“Um…can you let go of me now?” I asked without feeling a bit hesitant.

“Why? You don’t like being close to me?” he added in a seductive tone.

“Do you know who I am?”.

“Who?” I glared at them.

“I’m your dad’s beta.”

“You are?” I found it hard to believe that such a flirty person could be his beta.

He nodded. “Yes.”

“So, you are my uncle then?” I grunted.

He seemed to be irritated to hear that but kept his composure.

“Uh….if you put it that way, yes. But, I’m not that much older than you to be called uncle. I’m right around the same age as Alpha David.”

“Still, it doesn’t change you are my uncle,” I added with a forced smile.

“You can let go of your niece now.”

“Or, I’ll be forced to call him here.”

“Hey, that’s going too-“.

“What are you doing with Aileen, Marshall?” a stern voice called behind us.

Dave stood right behind us when Marshall was holding me close.

He seemed to be astonished to see Dave standing.

“Uh, I can explain-“ Marshall tried to speak but before that Dave came over to my side and grabbed me by the hand, pulling me close to him.

I was so shocked and embarrassed that I couldn’t look up at him in the face.

“Were you bothering her?” he asked, pointing at Marshall.

“Uh, no, not at all. We were just talking and…”.

“She seemed to be bothered by the way you held her up in your arms. Don’t do that if she doesn’t like that!” Dave reprimanded him.

His face was serious. He wasn’t joking when he scolded Marshall.

Marshall looked at us, then narrowed his eyes.

“Uh….sorry about that. I won’t do that again,” he apologized with his head low.

“Good to hear that,” Dave glanced down at me.

“Are you alright?”.


“I’m glad.” He said with a smile.

His smile is too bright, I’m blinded by it.

“Aileen, let’s cut the cake!” Mom yelled amongst the crowd of people gathered at the hall.

“Come here.”

“Let’s go, your mom’s calling,” Dave said with a smile, dragging me away with him.

I nod at him and walk past Marshall before glancing at him for the last time.

He seemed to look a bit pissed by Dave’s actions.

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