Royce's P.O.V
'Royce, get down from that damn motorcycle!'
'Dad is going to kill you!'
'It's not even yours! You can't just get on it!'
I ignored Pablo's warnings and continued to have my fun on the awesome looking motorcycle.
It was so clean and well taken care of, it made me want to buy one for myself. The black leather seat was polished nicely and the rest of it was the same.
Who knows who the bike belonged to but that didn't stop me from trying it out. Especially since Pablo and the brat dragged me to the mall by force.
While they shopped like pretty little girls, I waited outside and smoked a cigarette. That's when I saw this beauty and I knew I had to atleast get on it.
But now the girls were done shopping and were ruining my fun.
"Royce, please listen to Pablo." the brat begged and stood beside me.
I glanced at him and smirked when I saw the lovebite I gave him sticking out of the collar of his shirt.
I looked over at Pablo and was glad when his phone rang. I gave my attention back to the nervous boy in front of me and didn't waste my time to quickly peck the corner of his mouth.
"Lift up the collar of your shirt." I instructed and continued to inspect the handles of the bike.
"Royce, get off the motorcycle already before you damage it. It's getting late and dad called to tell us dinner is ready!" Pablo yelled at me in frustration and placed his phone back in his pocket.
I narrowed my eyes at him and thought of an idea. "I'll get off as soon as you go buy me my favorite fruit smoothie." I bribed with a sincere smile.
Pablo heavily sighed but agreed and left back towards the mall. Great distraction to continue my fooling around.
Chris stood awkwardly and didn't know what to do but watch me.
Sometimes I hated the brat so much I wanted to just bury him somewhere in a ditch, while other times I desired him so much I would sneak out of my room just to fall asleep beside him.
I never thought I would feel this way towards another man but I was slowly accepting it and I hoped nobody would find out about our little love affair.
Especially my dad and his mom.
"Want a ride?" I questioned and smiled when he giggled knowing there was no way I could actually give him one.
But his beautiful laugh was cut short when he looked at something behind me. I turned around and saw a muscular man with a white beard walking towards us with a glare.
He wore a black leather vest and had both of his arms tattoed with skulls, flames and numbers.
So this beauty belonged to a biker? Nice.
"What the hell are you doing on my bike you little punk?" he yelled at me once he was close to us.
I rolled my eyes and felt the brat grab on to my arm. "I'm testing it out." I simply replied back.
"I'm giving you five seconds to get off my motorcycle or I swear I'm going to knock you out!" the biker threatened and started to crush his fists in warning.
I chuckled and glanced at Chris who was trying to convince me to get off. "Please Royce!" he begged causing my hand to settle on his hip.
I wanted to keep messing with the biker guy but I didn't want to end up fighting in front of the innocent brat so I reluctantly got off.
"2- yeah you better get off kid. I was this close to socking you in that pretty face of yours." the biker proudly stated like he won some type of fight.
The urge to just punch his fat face and knock him over was getting the best of me the more he mocked me.
"Don't listen to him, Royce. Let's go already." Chris begged and tried to drag me away by my arm.
The biker looked over at the whiny brat and licked his disgusting lips like some nasty pedophile when he stared at his ass.
"Do that shit one more time and see if I don't knock your fucking dentures out." I warned the creep and yanked my arm away from Chris as I approached the pedophile.
The biker then stepped in front of me and we stood only inches apart waiting for one of us to make the first move. I knew the brat was begging me to stop but the anticipation to fight was making my ears ring.
The familiar adrenaline was coursing through my body which caused me to quickly shield the blow the guy tried to give me on the right side of my face. I lifted my own arm and put all my strength into my own punch.
I felt the way my knuckles heavily collided with the side of his mouth and I swear I heard something crack.
"Royce! Please stop!" Chris cried and pushed me away from the old biker who was now on the ground groaning in pain.
I wanted to continue my attack but the brat was standing in between us so I couldn't harm him unless I hurt Chris.
And that was the last thing I ever wanted to do to the brat.
"Royce, what the hell did you do! I'm gone for ten minutes and you already beat the crap out of some guy?!" Pablo exclaimed as he ran towards us with my smoothie in his hand.
I took my drink from him and sipped the fruity strawberry smoothie with delight, not caring about the scene in front of us. Pablo tried to help the biker guy but was rudely pushed away.
Serves him right for trying to comfort the enemy.
"Can we please go home already!" Chris suddenly yelled causing me to flinch a little at his sudden high voice.
His eyes were glossy and his hair was messy from tugging on it so much. But what got my attention the most was how red his lips were.
He had a bad habbit of biting on them when he was nervous or scared, but it really turned me on when he glossed them with his tongue. Making them so plump and ready for my taking.
If Pablo wasn't here I probably would of stolen another kiss from him but that'll have to wait for later.
"We can go home as soon as you stop screaming." I replied and rubbed my damaged ear.
Chris frowned and for a second I thought he was going to cry but instead he turned around and headed for the car.
Pablo heavily sighed and followed him as I continued to sip my delicious drink. Strawberry smoothies were just so good, especially after a fight.
I started to follow the two sissy boys and was not expecting for the biker guy to aggressively tackle me down to the ground.
Before I had a chance to fight back, I suddenly felt his knife on the side of my abdomen. In less than a second he stabbed me and then got up to leave.
His hand was covered in blood along with his knife as he got on his bike and quickly drove away.
I glanced down at my injury and watched as dark blood spilled out of it in a rapid speed. I panicked and tried to cover it with my hand as best as I could.
Pablo and Chris were probably already in the car waiting for me, not knowing I was just brutally stabbed...
Why do bad things always happen to good people?
Royce's P.O.V continued...
I opened my tired eyes and looked around my room. What day was it? I couldn't remember how I got here.