Chris's P.O.V
It was December now and the weather was hectic outside. The heavy snow falling from the sky covered everything outside in a white thick layer.
I have never seen nor touched snow so I loved everything about it. It was just beautiful to watch the small snowflakes fall to the ground.
My mom was more than excited for our first christmas together and in a way I was too. After spending a couple of months in this new house, I've learned how to get around without problems.
Pablo and Mark were naturally kind guys and I enjoyed being around them. Mark never pressures me into calling him 'dad' and always tries to make me comfortable in his home which I was happy about.
Life would be perfect here if it wasn't for my second step-brother..
Royce still acts weird and always has horrible injuries on his body. I keep telling Luis that there is something seriously wrong with him but he keeps assuring me it's part of being a ninteen year-old boy.
It's like nobody sees what I do when it comes down to Royce. Ever since we kissed in my room, he's been keeping his distance from me.
The worst part is that he doesn't even look at me let alone. It's really annoying and I sometimes regret letting him kiss me.
But the way his lips felt on mine still made me feel numb and made my stomach flutter with desire. He was so perfect to me and all I wanted was for him to be mine but that was impossible at the moment.
Not long ago Royce brought his new girlfriend, Cymphony, over for dinner and I swear it felt like somebody stabbed me in the heart when he would lean over to kiss her.
I was just glad Mark didn't let Cymphony sleep in Royce's room for the night.
"What has you so deep in thought, Chris?" Pablo's soft voice distracted me from my thoughts.
I looked at the brown eyed boy and shrugged. "Just thinking about some things." I replied and watched him sit in front of me.
We both glanced outside the window and watched the snow continue to fall.
"Nothing about Royce, right?" he questioned teasingly causing me to smile.
Pablo knew his brother more than anybody. He understood what made him smile, what didn't, and why he was upset and so on.
So Pablo has always seen all of Royce's mean actions towards me, like the time he kicked me under the dinner table or when he shoved by me without caring if I fell or not.
Pablo even witnessed Royce trying to trip me by the stairs. Which did not end well. He was grounded while I was pampered by my mom.
"No, but can I ask you a question?" I asked Pablo and saw him nod.
I bit my lip and thought about a way to ask a question without sounding crazy. "Is there anything wrong with, Royce?" I sincerely questioned.
Pablo seemed surprised at first but then went back to a relaxed composure. "I can see why you would think that, but Royce is a perfectly healthy boy." he replied but the way he said it made me doubt him.
Was he hiding something?
"Are you sure?" I pressured on.
Pablo avoided my stare and looked back outside. "Positive." he replied and gave me a forced smile.
We sat quietly for awhile and I stared back at Pablo to see him in deep thought. I knew his thoughts weren't good because he had a frown on his face.
And Pablo never frowns..
"You know you can tell me anything, right? I promise I won't say a word to anybody." I assured him and hoped he would tell me what was on his mind.
Pablo stared back at me and sincerely smiled this time. "Thanks kido but this one isn't my choice to tell or not." he apologized.
"So there is something wrong with him! I knew it!" I happily exclaimed, knowing I wasn't going crazy.
"Chris, I think it's better if you just stay quiet. If Royce hears you talking about him, I don't think you're going to like the outcome of it." Pablo warned seriously.
I sat in my spot and just couldn't help but feel happy at Pablo's confession. Now it was my mission to find out what exactly was wrong with Royce and I think I knew exactly who could help.
"Well, I will listen to your warning and just leave it as it is." I lied to Pablo and got up and left towards my room.
I quickly locked the door and patiently waited for Mark to come home. He worked as a construction worker so I knew he was going to be here soon.
I paced around my room and tried distracting myself. I decided to leave to get some lunch but I stumbled back when I bumped into somebody in the hallway.
"I'm sorry, are you alright?" the man stealing witch questioned as she dared touching me.
I got my arm out of her hold and faked a smile. "I'm fine." I replied.
A glare formed in my eyes when I saw her wearing Royce's sweater and leggings with obviously no underwear underneath.
Typical slutty girl.
"What are you doing talking to the brat?" Royce's annoyed voice interrupted us.
I looked at him and was not surprised to see him shirtless. He placed his hand on Cymphony's waist and pressed a kiss to the side of her head.
Jealousy was a horrible feeling and knowing exactly what the two just did made me pass by them without a word.
How could he have sex with her when not long ago he kissed me?! I rushed into the kitchen and just felt like crying and hitting something at the same time.
I grabbed an apple from the counter and made my way back to my room. I didn't even feel like talking to Mark anymore.
The realization that me liking Royce was just a mistake depressed me. I passed by his room and made my way towards mine.
I closed the door and locked it before falling on to my bed. I ate my apple peacefully and plugged in some music to listen to.
Meghan Trainor- No good for you played and I thought how perfect the song was at the moment.
I chewed on a piece of apple and sang the lyrics out loud. I threw the remaining apple on the wall and felt better after releasing some anger.