

"Why don't you tell everyone what you had in your possession twenty minutes ago, Ram?" Damon asked when he finally made it to the front of the room. Damon had realized he needed to make an example of Ram to show them all that change was coming. "No? Fine, Ram, Marcus, and Mateo were carrying a jar of vampire fangs when they returned from patrol this morning, ladies and gentlemen," he said, looking around the room.

Damon took note of the reactions to his statement, seeing who smirked and who was shocked, dividing them into two groups. He was pleased to find the group that seemed to approve of Ram's actions was considerably smaller, about fifteen in all. Maybe there was hope for them yet. He didn't miss the smirk on Ram's face.

"Please tell me, what is so funny?" Damon whispered as he rounded on the members, a vein almost popping in his neck as he fought back the urge to smack the smirk off the man's face. "These are someone's fangs. As if the act of taking them weren't despicable enough in itself, you think it's okay to laugh about it?" Damon shouted.

"He was not an original," Ram said, trying to affect a nonchalant shrug, his eyes darting between Damon and the floor as he tried to ignore the voice screaming in his head for him not to make eye contact with the enraged Alpha. "I'm a Royal Alpha Wolf; he shouldn't have come for me. What did you want me to do?" He asked, forcing a confidence that he didn't feel into his voice.

"If you are attacked by mixed blood, you take them down and bring them in; you do not take their freaking body parts!" Damon roared. "Did you kill him?" he asked when he had gotten control of himself.

"Yes, of course I did," Ram said angrily, staring at Damon as if he were a particularly obtuse five-year-old. "He was mixed blood; I don't see what the big deal is," he muttered.

"The 'big deal' is that I have a meeting with Miss Clary in less than three hours," Damon shouted, breathing through his nose as he tried to keep the Alpha to a bare minimum. "How do you think I am going to explain this to her?" he asked.

"Why should I care what a mixed-blood wolf thinks of me?" Ram spat out defiantly, the Alpha in him surfacing and refusing to be cowed. "It was a mixed-blood vampire I took these from," he said, staring into Damon's eyes as he scowled.

"That mixed-blood wolf has been made the leader of all mixed-blood spice groups in Nigaland," Damon roared in Ram's face. He saw the flinch as the man stared down at the floor. "The night creature will not stand for this. They will see it as an act of war," he said, turning to look around at them all. "We are on the precipice of war. They will not stand for your treatment of them any longer. Do any of you actually realize what will happen if I cannot persuade them not to retaliate? They are gearing up for a fight by making him their leader. A fight that we cannot win; we don't have the numbers for a start," he roared at the room, unable to hold back his anger any longer. He saw several of the Betas take a step back, saw every Omega in the room bow their heads, and saw every Alpha flinch, shaking as they tried to hold their heads up at his tone.

"Every one of you is now under review," Moni said, stepping forward as Damon tried to get a grip on himself. She saw the looks on their faces as they glared up at the two of them. "Your cases, actions, and arrests will be reviewed."

"Who are you two to come in here and..." Ram piped up before clamping his mouth shut at the look Damon gave him.

"One more fucking word and swear to Moon Goodness, I will rip you apart where you are fucking stand," Damon said, pushing his tone out to wrap around Ram.

"You can't do that," Ram screeched, glaring at Sebestian with pure hatred in his eyes.

"I don't think any of you actually understand my position within the Royal Blood Group," Damon said, a dangerous glint in his eye as his gaze swept the entire room. "As the floating station head, I have the power to shut this station down if I see the need. I have the authority to walk into any station and replace any station head on the spot, and, furthermore, I have the authority to rip apart any one of you without a second thought, so don't fucking test me; I have taken down the entire station and will do so again if you cannot follow orders," he growled.

"I answer only to the consul. Jasmine James sent me here to clean up the mess Sebestian left in his wake and to whip the entire station into shape. I am telling you now that you will conform to the new regime, or you will find yourselves living with the humans. Do I Make Myself Clean?"Damon roared in the room.

"If you think we are going to bow down to mixed blood, you have another thing coming." Ram shrieked, shaking with anger, as he lunged at Damon.

Damon didn't hesitate; he dove under the enraged beta wolf's outstretched arms and grabbed Ram around the neck, sweeping his feet out from beneath him. Twisting his body and dropping to one knee, he drove Ram's body down to the floor by his throat with a roar. He pinned the beta arm to the floor with his knee and whipped his knife out, carving a breaking wolf mark into the royal mark on the man's arm with one quick fluid motion before he could even register what was being done to him.

"This is not the first time Mr. Damon has had to do this," Moni said to the crowd, pacing up and down as they stared silently at Ram writhing on the floor, screaming at the top of his lungs. "And it will not be the last. It's time for a change, ladies and gentlemen. Anybody else who feels they do not want to be part of the new regime, please step forward and have a beautiful mark. You and I both know that if you get a broken wolf mark, it means you are no longea royalal wolf. And no other group will ever accept you. Even if they have mixed blood, you will treat them like criminals," she said. Watching as every one of them averted their eyes.

Damon stood up when he heard the station doors open. "That will be our guests," he said as a group of twelve wolves entered the Ops center. "They will be searching your rooms; anyone found in possession of any other body parts belonging to mixed-blood creatures will join these two in the cells," Damon said, pointing at Evergreen and Garcia, glaring around at the group. His eyes narrowed when he saw a few faces pale. "You will remain here while they search. Anyone that tries to leave this room will be detained," he said.

"Moni, see to the details, then come and find me," Damon said before storming from the room without a backward glance. He needed a hot shower before he had to go and deal with Clary!

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