
Chapter 9

Iris's p.o.v.

"Elijah is someone over or are the guys excessively loud today?" I ask him "nah it's the twins" he replies which makes me groan.

"Don't be upset they aren't here for you luv" I hear Seb's voice "no one asked you" I call out. "Daniel is asking for you" Seb says I nod at him and make my way towards the kitchen.

"HI IRIS" I hear James and Stephen yell as I enter the kitchen.

James and Stephen are twins they live across the street, and they assist Seb with most of his plans. Call them the devils trio.

"Hi" I say back with a black expression "someone's in a bad mood" they say as they sit down beside me.

"You're squishing me" I tell them "Boys give her space" Blake says as he walks in "hey Blake!" I greet "hey luv" he smiles at me.

"Iris here have your breakfast Dylan's in a hurry today so be quick" Daniel tells me handing me my plate.

"Alright we're leaving" James says as he grabs his jacket and waves at Seb "bye" Seb says "bye princess" Stephen calls out to me before leaving.

Seb laughs at his friend's antics while I let out yet another groan.


"Hiya girlfriend" Elise bids as she side hugs me and takes a seat next to me. "Hii" I say "I swear my mum wants to me to gain weight" she groans as she opens her lunch.

"Why" I chuckle "look she again packed like three courses" she gestures towards it "it's fine just eat what you want and can" I suggest.

"alright" she says "I have a feeling there hiding something from me" I tell her "Who your brothers" I nod "why what did they do this time" she asks "nothing much but half of them disappeared yesterday" I explained she looked at me with a confused look.

"Basically, I woke up and except Elijah, Seb and Isaac everyone was missing, when I asked Isaac told me they left early" I said, "okay I'm sorry but I don't really see the concerning part here" She said "I know but Dylan came in late like literally he was out before but reached after us and it was like a couple hours late things don't add up" I say.

She nods and mumbles a 'your right' "I would have added to it but your said brother is coming here so I'm gonna say quite for now" she tells me quietly I turn around and surely Dylan comes in my sight walking towards us.

"Yes?" I say as he comes close "what" He questions "she's asking you why your here?" Elise says Dylan sends her a small glare before telling her that he had not directed that question at her and then proceeded to ask me if I had lunch and if I was having it to both which I replied yes.

"That was unusual" Elise says as we place our trays away "I told you they were acting weird" I reply to which she nods her head.

"I'm heading to my class bye I'll see yuh soon, okay?" I call out her as we separate, she waves at me in acknowledgment as she walks away.

I join Elijah for our accounts class "I don't know even why I decide to take this class" I whine aloud "Iris you wanted to take business no one forced you to take it so suck it up babe" Eli says and I just glare at him.

"Hi guys!" Ace says while taking his seat while Eli verbally gives him reply I just stick to a nod in his direction "is everything alright?" I hear Ace ask "it's fine she's having some blues" Eli replies followed by Elijah making a sarcastic comment that I'm getting cold feet about taking business as a minor course.


"Hey Eli, don't you think that the guys have been acting a little weird these past few days?" I say out of blue "yuh honestly i have been giving it some thought myself that stunt they pulled yesterday was hella sus" He says "and the fact Dylan told us to ride with Damian which was weird" I add "yuh considering he hardly lets you ride with someone else when you want the fact that he voluntarily told you to not ride with him was really shocking" Eli says.

This puts me in a train of thoughts "we need to get to the bottom of this Eli" I state, and he looks at me giving me a nod of approval. "They're out again aren't they" Eli asks I nod my head.

"Hi Amy, where have you been why aren't you back yet, I thought you said you would be back before our school starts do you how much we and Elise have been worried about you" I breathlessly to her.

"Sorry Iris I haven't called much.......but I don't think I would......ahh... be able to come back.......umm something came up here...and... umm It's kind of hard for me to leave at the moment...I don't know when.... I will be able to come back......but yeah, I just wanted to let you know so you won't worry anymore......and yuh my phone might be not working for a while either so I don't think would be me during that I have to go bye talk to yuh later" she hangs up after that.

The hell I think there was so much Noice coming from her side that I could barely hear what she was saying and that's ignoring the fact that she sounded so panicked and rushed, along with the fact that she hung up on me that doesn't happen that often especially with Amy that girl can talk for days if someone doesn't interrupt her.

I quickly send a text to Elise to call me if she's free and she does so I explain her the whole situation to her and as expected this weirds her out too. I mean its look like Amy's in some real trouble. "Why don't we go to Amy's house and talk to her mother I'm sure miss riley would have an explanation for all of this" Elise says and I find myself agreeing with her, so we decide to do just that tomorrow.

Blake's p.o.v.

"Shes asleep you can stop hiding in your car now Blake" Dylan calls out to me, I let out a sigh before dragging my battered body out of the car and into the house collapsing on the couch.

"ARE YOU OKAY?!" Louis comes rushing to me, I muster a nod and ironically let a groan as my sliced arm makes contact with something which irritates so it starts to stings "Dylan get the first aid box, Damian get some clean towels both wet and dry, Louis help Blake remove his shirt" Isaac states "we need help him guys get moving NOW!" Isaac speaks again when no one moved but this time more sternly.

"Blake I'll help in an upright position, alright it might hurt but we need to get you patched up okay. on 3, 1, 2 and 3" Isaac lifts me up "there you go" he says when I'm sitting up, I slightly glare at him even though he's trying to help its hurting me to move even a finger.

"How did this even get to this point Blake" Damian asks me as Isaac stiches my arm and louis ices my jaw "I don't know bro I didn't even get a good look at them, I think they were like six of them I guess I would have left if it weren't for the fact, I wasn't sure if they would follow me home. you know I couldn't have let that happen that would endanger the twins".

"We know Blake, we know just relax alright it's fine" Louis tells me, once patched up Isaac hands me some sleeping pills and sends me off to bed.


Hey guys it's me so I hoped you enjoy this chapter and liked it.

If you guys want to leave a comment regarding anything be sure to leave it because I do read reply back so yuh and if you want you guys can leave a vote too but than I can't tell you what to do but your support is really appreciated :).

Anyways as always stay awesome and Treat People With Kindness.

-Maryam xoxo

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