

Nora's pov

For a moment, we just stared at each other, the silence stretching out between us like a chasm. My mind raced to make sense of the situation.

How is that even possible ?

Or could he be referring to someone else as his Dad?

It can't possibly be Ray right ?

Those were the questions that ran through my head as I stared at Jake speechless.

I didn't even know what to say, cause truth be told I didn't really know his father. Yes he had promised I'll see him soon, however that promise hasn't been kept.

Ray entered the kitchen moment later, drawn by the noise I suppose, he walked in wiping sweat off his forhead with a towel when his eyes fell on Jake.

"You're here early son, thought you said you won't be free until dinner ?" Ray said as he walked into the kitchen further. I see you've met Nora."

He said smiling, he was about stepping forward when his eyes fell on the broken glasses on the floor.

"What's going on here?" He said, looking between I and Jake, his expression one of concern.

The word 'son' and 'Dad' still playing in my head. Realization hit Ray as he muttered an "ohhh!!"

"You two know each other?"

I nodded, still unable to speak. Jake recovered first, his voice tinged with disbelief. "Dad, what is she doing here?"

"Dad???" The word felt like a punch to the gut. Still unable to process the information. Ray is Jake's father?. How is that even possible, he's only just 40 and Jake 23. The room started spinning, and I reached for the counter to steady myself.

Ray’s face turned serious. "Jake, calm down."

"Okay I'm calm" Jake said folding both hands. "Now why don't you tell me what my girlfriend is doing in your house wearing your robe." Jake said his veins popping out from anger. Definitely got the good traits from his Dad I thought to myself.

Funny how I'm still admiring someone in such a situation.

"Ex Girlfriend." I barked out. I might be in shock right now doesn't mean I can't defend myself.

Ray walked closer to me placing a hand on my shoulder to calm me down as well. His voice subtle he turned to Jake."Nora and I are friends." Ray said, from his tone one could tell he was trying to contain the situation.

"Just what kind of friendship are you keeping with her that will warrant her to be in our house wearing your robe ?" Jake at this point looks like he could kill someone.

"Nora and I met at the club last night." Ray said in a calm voice.

Jake's eyes widened in realization. "You spent the night with her?"

"Do you have a problem with that Jake ?" Ray said, confusion clearly hitched on his face. "You both are over from what she just said and neither of us knew each other. It was an honest mistake".

"An honest mistake huh !!, so this is the lifestyle you're leaving now going around sleeping with men twice your age. I should have known earlier." He kept on saying as he poi his fingers at me.

At this point I couldn't take the insults anymore "Stop it!!!" I shouted at the top of my voice. " Just stop it, you've said enough."

It felt like I was going to pass out from and the anger and confusion running through me. I held on to my head trying to calm it down, goodness knows I might be on the floor any second from now.

Ray looked at me, his eyes full of concern. "Nora, are you okay?"

"You should be asking me that Dad, she clearly wants to get back at me for sleeping with her sister. That's why she made a plan to sleep with you . You clearly have no shame Nora, you had to play dirty by going ahead to sleep with my Dad you fucken whore" Jake said his voice echoing in the house.

I took a deep breath, trying to process everything. "I... I didn't know." I said trying to defend myself.

Jake's anger flared. "Of all people, Nora? Really? my Dad??"

Ray stepped forward, his voice calm but firm. "Jake, you have no right to judge. What happened between you and Nora is between you two. And I can guarantee you she wasn't aware of the fact that I'm your father. There's clearly no reason to start pointing fingers. This is all a misunderstanding and I won't have you speaking to her like that."

Jake looked like he wanted to argue more, however from the look in his eyes it seems like he knew better not to, he bit back his words, clenching his jaw. The tension in the room was palpable.

Ray turned to me, his eyes softening. "Nora, I'm sorry. I had no idea."

I could clearly see Jake's eyes boring a hole through me. If eyes were guns I'll be lying dead on the floor right now.

I nodded, still trying to wrap my head around the situation. "It's... it's okay. I just need a moment." I said as I quickly ran out of the kitchen, needing space to think. I walked out into the garden, the cool morning air doing little to calm my racing thoughts. How could this be happening? Of all the men in the world, I had to end up with Jake's father. I still find it really difficult to believe.

At this point tears was already wailing up in my eyes. Running in an uncontrollable manner that my hands could barely stop them anymore.

I sat on the wet grass not minding I had a white robe on. My heart was arching so much, that little things doesn't even matter to me anymore.

Just when I decided to leave a reckless life, mother nature choose to give me the worst punishment ever.

Moments later, Ray joined me, his expression full of concern. "Nora, I'm so sorry. I should have told you more about my family."

I shook my head. "How could you have known? This is just... unbelievable."

"I understand how unbelievable it is, I was only seventeen when Jake and his twin sister Kate was born. We were both in highschool and when she got pregnant I had to do the right thing by taking responsibility.Their mum passed away when they were twelve and I've been the one looking after them since then, It wasn't easy, however my kids are the best things that has ever happened to me. That's why I'm pleading with you not to take to heart what Jake said."

Now it actually makes sense to me, not many men his age even have their own children. I was clearly thinking his children were around ten or eleven.

I never would have thought he had a grown up man as a son. The universe was certainly playing tricks on me.

Ray reached out, gently touching my arm. "I understand if you want to leave. But I want you to know that last night meant something to me."

I looked into his eyes, seeing the sincerity there. Despite the shock, I knew he meant it. "It meant something to me too, Ray. But I need time to process all of this."

He nodded, his hand dropping to his side. "Take all the time you need." He said before walking away.

I sat down there still trying to process everything that has just happened. Finally I stood up and decided to leave before I'll be shocked any further.

As I walked back into the house to gather my things, I couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of irony. The man who had brought me so much comfort and solace was also the father of the man who had broken my heart. Life had a twisted sense of humor, but I knew one thing for certain: I needed to figure out what to do next, for my own sake.

I was actually grateful that when I got to the room upstairs no one was there. It gave me the chance to pick up my things with no awkward stares or having to say something.

The dress I had on last night was too showy,and won't be comfortable to wear out during the day. I looked through the things in the closet and decided to settle for a black jacket. It smelled like what had been worn recently, that was one of the reasons I choose that one. It smelled like Ray and I'll like to have that feeling of him around me.

I wore the jacket over my gown as I took a look at the room one last time before grabbing the door to leave. However in the last minute I choose to write a short note. I walked back to the table he had left the morning note he dropped for me earlier. I picked up the pen and wrote down.

"Thanks for standing up for me earlier, I really appreciate it. However I do not wish to come in between a father and a son. Jake might be a jerk and have failed to take your caring personality. However is only right for me to do the right thing and that's me staying away from you as far as possible. I borrowed a jacket from your closet since it's too bright outside to wear the gown I had on yesterday. You won't be getting it back thou, cause we won't be seeing each other after today. I really hope you won't mind.....Nora."

I dropped the note on the bed before walking out of the room I went downstairs and caught sight of Ray and Jake both engaged in what looked like an argument. I stood,taking a good look at Ray one last time. The way his muscle flex as he speak, how the morning sun compliments his skin. One could mistake him for a sculpture. Cause with those pair of jeans he was killing it.

I released a sign before walking to the front door, knowing fully well I won't be stepping into this house anymore.

I took a cab that stopped me at home, luckily Jessica wasn't home so I just went directly into my room to start another day of tears.

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