

Nora's pov

I was unbelievably comfortable around this young man, well not young. His looks are just deceiving. I'm not one who gets along easily with strangers, probably why I don't have much friends. However he made it so easy striking a conversation and following through with it.

All my life have been so uptight and always trying to make plans and work towards it. I kept telling myself, read Nora, do this Nora, do that Nora, this will get you in trouble Nora.

I've never actually lived my life as others, always on the guard. And right now I think that's gonna change. I'm going to live today and worry about tomorrow tomorrow.

The song that was playing was definitely setting the mood and it felt like the temperature in the room had increased a hundred degrees. This older yet youthful man was certainly doing things to my body that I couldn’t even explain.

As I swayed my hips to the song, my butt kept coming into contact with his hard crotch. He turned me around, his hands locked on my waist, staring intensely at me. I felt the blood in my body boiling up, the hair on the back of my neck standing firm.

His eyes traced the shape of my lips, and I couldn’t help but swallow hard. At that point, I knew I needed no further encouragement it was now or never. I locked my lips against his, and good Lord, he tasted like mint. It made me wonder if we hadn’t both been drinking the same alcohol just moments ago.

The kiss was slow and tender at first, but it quickly became ferocious, as if we were both fighting for superiority. His hands roamed over my back as the tingles between my legs intensified.

We broke away from our passionate kiss when the music stopped and everyone was gradually leaving the dance floor. At this point, it felt like fire was crawling on my skin. I had never been this attracted to a stranger, and right now, I could barely think straight.

"I think we should get some fresh air," Ray said, panting as heavily as I was.

I nodded in agreement, fresh air is definitely what I need right now. He took my right hand in his and we both walked hand in hand out of the club.

I caught sight of Jessica, who shot me a glance that said, "Where are you off to, and who is that dude?" I just waved her off, signaling that I was fine.

We got to the parking lot where his car was parked. It was definitely an impressive-looking car, certainly not one I could afford. He opened the door and ushered me in, which I did. He got in through the driver’s seat and opened the roof of the car, allowing air to come in freely. The cool air helped dissipate some of the steam that had been ignited just minutes ago.

At that point, I couldn’t help but burst into rolls of laughter. Nothing was funny, and goodness, I couldn’t even think of a reason why I was laughing. But it really felt good. Just a few hours ago, I was in my room sulking up and crying, but here I was now, sitting next to a hot man I didn’t even know.

Ray turned and gave me a look that had hidden questions in it, as if asking, "Are you okay?" Of course, I was okay. I was more than okay, as a matter of fact.

I just smiled at him and said, "I'm fine, I'm just excited about how today played out."

"Oh, baby girl, you must have really had a hell of a week. Come here." he said.

The sound of the baby girl and the way he said it sent shivers down my spine. It sounded Scottish. And hell I could live just to here that everyday.

I leaned closer to him, and he pressed a kiss on my lips. And again, the fire was back. We were sucking on each other’s lips like it was a lifeline. His hands wandered over my body, exploring and igniting every nerve ending. My nipples were so hard that it's clearly visible from the thin piece of fabric I have on. He trace a circle around it and the sensation was overwhelming, I couldn’t help but lose myself in the moment.

His kisses trailed from my lips to my neck. If a moment ago I felt the breeze was too much, I'm certainly taking that back cause it feels there was a fire place just next to me, ooh wait, of course there is. Mr Ray is the fire afterall.

My hands found their way to his hair, tangling in the soft strands as I pulled him closer. The intensity of our connection was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. It was raw, passionate, and completely consuming.

We both knew where this was heading, and the anticipation only heightened the desire between us. Ray's hands roamed over my body with a possessive urgency, and I welcomed every touch, every caress. It was as if he was trying to memorize every inch of me, and I was more than willing to let him.

The night was still young, and the possibilities seemed endless. All I knew was that I wanted more of this—more of him. In that moment, nothing else mattered but the heat between us.

He broke out of the kiss, both hands on my face. He stared intensely at me, his eyes were filled with anticipation as he asked, "Are you willing to go home with me tonight baby girl?"

I couldn’t help but smile at him, the playful side of me coming out. "I hope you aren't a serial killer ?" I joked.

He chuckled, shaking his head. "I promise, you're in safe hands."

Quickly, I messaged Jessica, letting her know I would be spending the night with Ray. I also turned on my location for security purposes. Always better to be safe.

We hit the road shortly after, the fresh breeze flying through my hair as the roof was still open. The drive was smooth and relaxing, with the city lights blurring past us. Eventually, we arrived at an exclusive estate, known for housing only the elite. Ray drove up to one of the most eye-catching houses and parked. It was definitely a mansion, at that point it made me wonder just how rich he was.

My family isn't exactly poor, we're well to do, with the little company my Dad runs we can be considered rich. However not rich enough to be able to afford this.

While I was still lost in my thoughts, Ray came to my side of the car and opened the door for me. As I stepped out, a thought crossed my mind. "Ray," I began tentatively, "I didn't ask if you had a wife. I might be reckless right now, but my morals won’t let me share a bed with someone else's husband."

Ray paused, his expression softening. "My wife passed away a few years ago," he said quietly. "But I do have two children. I hope you don't have an issue with that ?"

A wave of relief washed over me. "Well, it isn't all that bad." I muttered.

As we walked towards the door, the reality of the situation hit me. I was about to enter this man's life, if only for a night, and I knew so little about him. Yet, there was something about Ray that made me feel at ease, something that made me trust him.

The moment we stepped into the house, I was struck by its elegance. The high ceilings and a sweeping staircase. The decor was tasteful, blending modern sophistication with a warm inviting atmosphere.

"Make yourself at home." Ray said, leading me to a spacious living room. "Can I get you anything to drink?"

"A glass of water would be great." I replied, suddenly feeling the nerves catch up to me.

He nodded and disappeared into the kitchen. I took a moment to look around, taking in the artwork on the walls and the eye catching chandelier.

This was certainly a home one will dream about.

Ray returned with a glass of water, handing it to me with a smile. "Here you go."

"Thank you." I said, taking a sip. "This place is amazing."

He shrugged modestly. "It's just a house. The people in it are what makes it a home."

I nodded, appreciating his sentiment. "So, tell me about your kids." I said, eager to learn more about him.

Ray’s face lit up at the mention of his children. "I have a boy and a girl, they're twins. My daughter is currently in Paris, and my son is in town you'll probably get to see him. They're my world."

"That’s wonderful." I said, genuinely touched by the love in his voice.

We talked for a while longer, sharing stories and laughing together. The initial awkwardness faded away, replaced by a comfortable companionship. It was clear that Ray was not just a man trying to forget his troubles, but someone who cared deeply about his family and life.

Eventually, Ray leaned in, his eyes searching mine. "Nora.." he said softly, "I want you to feel comfortable here. If you want to take things slow, we can. I don't want you to feel pressured."

I appreciated his honesty and care. "Thank you, Ray.." I said, feeling a warmth spread through me. "But I’m here because I want to be. Let's just enjoy the night and see where it takes us."

He smiled, his eyes twinkling. "Sounds like a plan."

At that moment his eyes was all I could see, the mesmerizing ocean blue. I traced my hands in the hardness of his chin.

And just like we were both thinking the same thing he locked his lips in mine and it felt like we were back in the car, just that this time we have enough room to do anything.

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