
We are married

Days turned into weeks , it’s been two fucking weeks since that marriage of mine that I had always wanted and dreamt of ended .

No matter how hard I tried to think that none of this had happened , I still couldn’t bring myself to believe that my best friend could do something as crazy as that to me .

It all felt like a dream but yet it was true , they never loved me but yet they pretended that they did when they should have told me the truth .

It was just two weeks after my marriage that Jared and Laura got married and the craziest part of it all was that they are expecting a baby .

The pains in my heart had never healed and the thought of it was killing me with each passing day .

I didn’t want to keep on thinking about it as I knew that I was just going to get hurt if I did , but then I couldn't let it go .

I was supposed to be married to this man but he cheated on me , in fact he had been cheating on me my whole life. He even had the guts to prove it to me and make my life a living hell and two days later he got married to my best friend .

I had never seen a couple more cruel and wicked than my ex and my best friend , they had destroyed me in the most inhuman way that I could ever think of and never did I think that something as cruel as this was ever going to be my portion , I thought that they loved me .

Immediately after their marriage , the both of them went on their honeymoon. I knew that it was of no use thinking about them again , but I couldn’t help it.

These few weeks my parents had been doing everything in their power to make sure that I am comfortable and I knew it , the thought of the crazy things that I had to go through was making me go insane already .

A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts .

“Come in “ I whispered and the door opened and my maid was standing there .

“ Your mom asked for me to send for you , she said it’s urgent and wants you down immediately .

“ I will be there , tell her that , I told her and she nodded and walked away .

I knew that I hadn't left the room in two weeks and for a moment , I wondered why mom wanted me down at this moment .

I wore my flip flops and walked out of the room .

When I got to the living room , I saw my mom and my dad seated and there was a man seated right in the middle of the two of them .

From where I was , I could notice The tense environment around them .

I could tell that my parents weren’t in good mood .

“ ok there she comes “ I heard my dad say as I approached them .

Getting to where my dad was, I turned to look at the man who was sitting there and that was when I felt the chills go down my spine, I didn’t need anyone to tell me where I had seen those familiar hazel eyes, it was definitely the man from the club.

“ our eyes ran into each other and for the first time ever I felt ashamed of myself while standing in front of my parents .

“ this man here said you had signed a marriage agreement with him , just two weeks ago , the day your husband called off the wedding , I do not want to believe that what he is saying is true because this man sitting right here is the father of your ex fiancée and I hope you know that “

I felt my legs go wobbly , the moment , my dad mentioned ex fiancée dad to me , it was then that realisation dawned on me , I had sex with the Jared father but what I couldn’t understand was why , he claimed that I had signed a marriage agreement with him when I can’t even remember myself doing that “

I didn't know why I didn’t know it was him that night , did he change that much.

So many thoughts ran through my head at that moment as I stared at Ethan who never took his eyes off me .

if you can think well Lisa., you accepted to be my wife that night and these are legal document for it “ Jared dad said to me

I grabbed the papers from his hands and stared at it without looking at my parents .

I knew a legal document when I saw one .

I couldn’t remember when I had signed these papers but from what it is , I knew that I had signed this in my drunken state .

Stupid bitch “ I cursed at myself angrily when I remembered what I had done .

“ How could you do something as crazy as that? What do you think that people are going to say about this , your fiancée broke up with you and you married his father , how could you be so loose? "My dad screamed at me”.

I didn’t care about my dad ranting , I stared at the man in front of me and for the first time in two weeks I had a very big smile on my face. This was it, I am finally going to pay those bastards back.

“ In the next two weeks, I will be back to take you home as my wife gets prepared. I am going to introduce you to the whole family so get yourself ready for it.

For the first time In Two weeks I was so happy with my life , I didn’t care about the outcome .

I couldn’t wait to see his reaction when he finds out that I married his father .

He loved his mother so much and he is going to be so broken, knowing what I had done , but I didn’t care because he never cared about me or my feelings, since he thought that he was smart enough to fuck my best friend and marry her, then I am going to marry his father and be his step mother.

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