Caught In The Act
This hot as fuck sweet piece of ass has just helped me off the bar counter. That smile had me all but drowning in my own wet mess. For a moment there, I had my thighs clenching as his rough hand touched my palm. I don't think they make them any hotter than this.
I am assuming he is Rob's business partner, as he called it his club. The fact that he called me baby girl means that he is not just a normal kind of business partner either. I understand now why they want me to stay away from him. There is no way that it will happen; I am even more drawn to him now.
“Rob, I leave you alone for one minute, and you turn my club into a whore house.”
“Jackson, I would not call Kay a whore if I was you.”
“Yes, bru,” Mike adds, “She packs quite a mean punch.”
“Mike, what did I tell you about calling me fucking bru?”
“Sorry, boss.”
“Now, where is this useless bartender? I need a drink.”
“Sorry, boss, the usual?”
“Yes, and whatever my girl here wants to drink.”
I look at him, completely surprised,” You are quite sure of yourself there thinking I am your girl. You do not even know my name.”
“I don't need to know your name to know you are beautiful.”
“Do not try a lame ass line with me.”
“I like you; I like my women feisty.”
“I am not your woman.”
“We will see.”
“Try running your name by me first.”
“Now, Kaylee, what about that drink?”
I don't know if I should kiss or punch this guy.
He hands me my drink and takes a seat next to me, “You friends with that prick, Mike?
“Yes, and that asshole Rob as well.”
“I have never seen you here before?”
“First time.”
“I hope I will get to see more of you?”
“Who says I want to see more of you.”
“Come on, baby girl, I know you like me.”
“Like is too much of a strong word for what I am feeling for you.”
“So you do feel something for me?”
“Please don't get too excited; I did not say it was a good feeling.”
“Fuck I will take anything I can.”
“Are you always so cheesy?”
“Only when I am around beautiful women?”
“Damn you terrible, does that bullshit actually work?
“I do not need to make that work cause you are mine.”
“I told you I am not yours.”
“You will be.”
Then must to my relief, Rob interrupts; this conversation is getting hot and heavy. “Boss, there is some business we need to take care of.”
I cock my head and look at Rob, confused, “I thought you, the boss?”
“Not anymore; Jackson here has taken over.”
“Fan-fucking-tastic, I have a mafia boss claiming my ass.”
The man gets a stupid ass smirk on his face and proudly says, “Claiming is such a blunt word, I am making you my girl.”
“Is there something wrong with your hearing?”
“I have got some business to attend to; I will see you tomorrow, baby girl.”
“Are you telling or asking?”
“A bit of both.”
“There is no point arguing with your persistent ass.”
“I knew you would come around.”
“I will see you tomorrow Jackson.”
Just looking at him is making me horny. I cannot help but think about what I am getting myself in a world of trouble.
So it is with this turmoil that I have a very restless night. He is running circles through my mind. His charm is catching me around every corner. I have to go to work tonight; I don't feel like it; all I can think of is Jackson. But I need to pay the bills, so I best get my ass to the strip club
Finally, later, I find myself in the change room, chatting with Janice.
“Okay, Kaylee, calm down. The biggest mafia boss says that you belong to him?”
“You know he is serious?”
“He is crazy. But he is hotter than fuck.”
“Who are we talking about here?”
“As in Jackson D'Angelo?”
“Did not get his last.”
“Damn Kay, he is super hot but dangerous. He takes no bullshit; you need to be careful.”
“Janice, he does not scare me. I am seeing him later tonight.”
“Maybe more like now.”
“What are you talking about?”
“He just walked in with four other guys.”
“Fuck, I have a stupid ass show coming up.”
Just then, Mich comes walking into the change room, “You two get your asses out there. Crystal, you are up next.”
My stage name is Crystal; not many of the girls around here know what my real name is. In this industry, using your real name can make or break you.
“Can't someone else go?”
“Get your ass out there before I drag it out there.”
“But Jackson is out there.”
“All the more reason, you are my best girl.”
“Mich, you don't understand.”
“Get out there! Now! Or I fire your ass.”
Perfect, he is either going to be happy to see me, or he is going to flip; I am leaning towards flip. Hopefully, it is Rob and Mike that is with him.
I put on my stage clothes and go backstage to arrange my music with the DJ. He feels that he needs to point out the obvious, “You know Jackson D'Angelo is out there?”
“Please don't remind me.”
The music starts and I slowly make my way on stage; he has not seen me; he is talking to another hotty beside him.
But one of the idiots that are with him feels the need to make a stupid comment, “Hot damn, look at the ass in this girl.”
Shut the fuck up.
Then another one so eagerly joins him, “That sweet ass is mine for tonight.”
And then there is the third one, “Fuck both of you; she is mine.”
Slightly a bit amused, I just smile at them. Jackson has not looked up from his drink yet. It might look like I am getting away with this
No suck luck; as I wrap my ass around the pole, he looks up, “What the hell is going on here? Baby girl, get your ass off that stage.?
“I told you I am not your baby girl.”
For the second time in a day, this sweet piece of ass is helping me off something, just this time, it is a stage. “You need to understand that you are mine.”