
Chapter 3


Feisty! I like that.

The girl who stood before me looked like she could bury me 6fts under if she were to be given the chance to do so. Her blonde hair was tied up in a bun giving me a clear view of her facial features. She was a beauty to behold. Even with the clear look of anger plastered on her face, I could see her beautiful she was. But I don’t like that tone she used with me and I’ll make sure to break her to submission after she’s married to me.

“I don’t appreciate you using that tone with me Miss” my right hand was in my pocket while my left hand held a glass of rum.

“And I don’t appreciate yours as well Mr Rocco, speak to me nice and I will reciprocate” she spat out angrily.

Well well, there goes our first meeting in the drain. It’s going to be a long long marriage.

She walks past me and plops herself into the seat next to the table and crosses her legs. She’s got an attitude and I lowkey love it.

“Why did you send for me?” She asked.

“No particular reason, I just wanted to see what my wife-to-be looks like” I take a sip of my rum and stare at her thigh which peeked through the long slit of her dress.

“You could have seen me at dinner, did you have to make me walk up the stairs just so you could see me? And stop staring at my legs” She looked like she was ready to stab a knife through my heart.

A low growl leaves my mouth “You keep pushing my buttons bambina” (baby).

“Seems we’re done here, you’ve seen me and done enough staring, I should head down first.” she grabs her purse and tries to walk past me.

“You don’t get to leave when I don’t permit you to” I grip her upper arm and push her fast but gently toward the table making her face me but with no escape route as I slam my hands on the table trapping her from both sides.

Her eye roll made me livid as I swore in my mind to make her respect me in my way.

I lean down towards her and press my body into hers intentionally, wanting to feel her body against mine. She’s so beautiful and she’s mine.

I brush my lips against her ear and her body shivers at the contact, her body responds well to mine, and I like that.

“This is my territory and I have the final say here, you’ll learn to submit to me with time. I’ll let this slide as this is our first meeting but next time you won’t be so lucky” I whispered huskily into her ears. I could see her from the corner of my eyes bite her lips with an expression I couldn’t quite grasp but she still looked sexy so I couldn’t care less about what she thought.

“I would beg to disagree with you and if you lay a finger on me, I’ll rip your throat out” she whispers back angrily.

I chuckle as she stares at me angrily letting my hands touch her shoulders which was bare thanks to the sleeveless dress she had picked for the dinner.

“I just laid 5 fingers on you, Tesoro, what are you gonna do about that?”( sweetheart).

With all her might she pushes me off her and huffs at me. With one last glance at me, she walks out of my office and slams the door behind her.

She’s such a character. I like her feisty attitude but her character is something I don’t like,but I’ll groom her to my taste. We just have to get married first.

And her body, oh my goodness Matteo!

I won’t lie,I am one notorious man who has this obsession with sex. I always want to have my sexual pleasure whenever, wherever and with whoever I set my mind with. I’ve had tons of sexual partners over the years but that will have to come to an end now that I’m getting married. MAYBE!

She had a nice body that smelled so good, and her skin looked smooth and beautiful underneath the gown, at least what I was able to see was pleasing to the sight. She was just very perfect when it came to her physical appearance but I can’t say same for her character.

I hope she’s good in bed, I thought as I took my last sip of the rum in my glass, adjusted my shirt and put on my suit. Walking out and closing my office door behind me gently I made my way down the stairs to the dinner table where my soon-to-be and her family sat and waited for me. From the stairs, I could hear voices and I recognized my mother’s voice.

My family had gone on a trip the previous month but were supposed to be back today for the dinner and they did make it in time. Impressive!

I got to the edge of the stairs and my mother's attention was on me that very instant making her rush towards me, “You look so worn out, have you working this whole time son? You look like you’ve lost some weight”. She keeps on ranting and making comments about my looks. She’s always been that way with me and I find it adorable tho I’ll never say that out loud.

My father on the other stood by my soon-to-be and gave me an empty expression. He is the exact opposite of my mom when it comes to me and I don’t care. We’ve always had some sort of bad blood even as father and son.

I walk towards him and greet him, “Buonasera Papà”(Good evening Father). He nods without a word and walks off leaving me alone with my soon-to-be. She looks me dead in the eye and gives out a sigh. She walks off to her seat which was next to mine on the table.

“FRATELLO” my sister’s voice rang from the other side of the table and she flashed a bright smile at me. Sofia, my junior sister is the youngest in the family and the most jovial of all of us. We are 3 and I’m the only boy of 2 girls.

Sofia and Bella, my two sisters with Bella being the shy and quiet type. But what people don’t know is that she’s the most dangerous of the two girls. Mess with her and she will take her revenge, SLOWLY.

I smile back at Sofia and Bella gives a little smile at me and turns back to her phone. Sofia looks at my fiancée and tries to make small talk with her from across the table. The two girls clicked at once and throughout dinner, they kept chattering away like long-lost friends.

Dinner with the Marco’s went by fast and easier than I thought it would be. Her sister was sulky for most of it, maybe because he sister would be leaving her soon, but aside from that it was just fine.

Aurora was to move into our house today after dinner and her stuff was moved while dinner was going on. I’m a little excited to see how well she will adjust to her new environment. And to me her fiancé.

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