The pop accents that tint the blazers of the new Dior collection, making it a point of honor to revere elegance. The shiny reflection on the leather of a Hermès bag for which some would be ready to slip half a million on the table. These splendid pumps with red soles are sufficient in themselves to make any woman look like a real fighter plane...
Has all this never made you fantasize?
I am Sofia Lisburg, daughter of the governess of one of the richest men in the country. And I'm about to enter the elite of society.
Have you ever heard of the legend of Troy?
A city besieged in vain for nearly ten years which was defeated by a horse. A fucking simple horse, wood painted and covered in gold by Epéios as the most beautiful present.
Because in this world, only appearances matter. Show yourself as an object that should be desired and everyone will begin to desire you, make them believe that they need you and they will seek you out.
Troy is my dream, this elitist and luxurious world which holds the key to success. The horse, my image. I only need one thing: a single person who will succumb to my charm to open the doors of the city to me.
What better for that than a man?
After all, I am attractive, young and intelligent. Any man's primal instincts will scream at him to throw himself into my arms. With nature on my side, nothing can justify me failing.
Don't expect a Disney-style tale.
Personally, I was forged like Marilyn Monroe in How to Marry a Millionaire or Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. I grew up in a billionaire's house, I know how they think and I know what they're looking for.
Others will take me for a diamond digger, a femme fatale greedy for money.
The fatal side flatters me, the greed a little less. I am neither miserly nor insatiable, I just feel entitled to be part of the elite. After all, we all expect something from our partner. Isn't this also the case in your rose water romances?
The time has come to take the stage.
Are you ready to follow me on my meteoric rise?