The deep voice of the stranger resounds in an amused murmur.
- Did I take your breath away?
- You would like it, wouldn't you?
- I quite like the idea, you are also breathtaking.
This cliché side vaguely reminds me of something...
- Not for very long if this stain becomes embedded in my dress.
He notices the alcohol stain on the fabric.
- I have an idea to fix this, follow me.
He grabs my hand without waiting for my answer and crosses the central hall.
- Where are we going ?
- In the kitchens to borrow something, he answers without stopping.
The kitchens ?! Oh my God, what if someone recognized me?
Before I can stop him, he reaches the double door and pushes it open. I lower my head and cover my eyes with my palm so no one notices me.
Praise be to God, I have a mask.
We walk past the stove and he asks for baking soda. She directs him to the closet at the end of the room. He takes the jar before leaving as quickly, still pulling me by the hand. I currently feel like one of those little puppies that you walk around everywhere.
Nevertheless, its firm grip is not so unpleasant. And he smells so good. I've smelled that smell before...
- Let's go to the toilet, he lets go, advancing.
- It's the lady's toilet!
- Do you prefer those for men?
- I didn't think I would have to make this kind of choice one day...
He comes in and directs me straight to the sinks. I could well have done without his help, but his company does not seem unpleasant.
- Admit that you wanted to enter, I'm just a pretext.
His lips are barely visible but I guess he is smiling.
- You unmasked me.
He takes a cloth handkerchief from his pocket and pours a little white powder on it. It moistens everything and finally turns to face me.
His chin is covered with a beard of a few days and I can guess that it suits him perfectly without even seeing the rest of his face.
- Can I ? he breathes.
- You are welcome.
He covers the stain with the handkerchief, just under my chest, then rubs gently before removing it.
His hand goes under the jet of water and comes back to remove the white residue. She slides down my waist, pressing the cold water against my skin. A shiver runs through me.
- Everything's good ? he unchecks melodiously.
- Admit that you always wanted to do this too.
His gaze plunges into mine without me being able to detach myself from it. The atmosphere suddenly becomes intense.
- It's not unpleasant, I admit.
His hand tightens around my waist and he pushes me lightly towards him. I place my palm on his chest in surprise.
A woman suddenly emerges from a cabinet, her eyes wide with surprise. She leaves the place staring at us, not daring to approach the faucets to wash. I exchange a look with the stranger before laughing.
- I should leave you before you get into more trouble, he whispers.
He steps back, takes my hand and kisses it in a deliberately exaggerated bow that makes me smile.
- Princess.
The door closes behind him, leaving me alone by the mirror. Facing my reflection, I then remember the only rule that I must never break: do not fall in love. I am not insensitive, if I let myself go to love then I will be ready to sacrifice everything.
And I have decided to put an end to these sacrifices, it is time for me to obtain.
I take a deep breath and finish drying my dress.
God, let it be the young millionaire...
I return to the reception room when Leo suddenly appears in front of me.
- You're finally back! I was starting to worry, he sighs with relief.
- I'm sorry, an alcohol stain is much more complicated to remove than I thought.
- Please, I'm just saying this because I realized I was totally lost without you. You vaguely remind me of my big sister I guess.
Did he say his big sister right? How can I qualify how my plan may have failed with him...
- You're cute but I prefer that you see me as a good friend.
I associate a wink that makes him blush with my remark.
- Y-yes, of course.
Here's how to cleverly get out of the "friend" zone with a man. Above all, do not wait. The more he thinks you are comfortable there, the more you will take root there.
The rest of the evening passes fairly quietly. I try to avoid guests who won't bring me anything to limit the risk of being unmasked as much as possible.
Some are already leaving the premises, and my disappointment only increases. In the end, I have nothing concrete for the moment and impossible to find my stranger. As for me, I have to stay until closing time to ensure the end of my service.
- Miss, comes a deep voice behind me.
As I turn, I recognize Derek again.
- We were interrupted, I said with a smile.
- Indeed, and I do not believe that we introduced ourselves. The masks have the advantage of favoring inner beauty, something that I place above all else.
A man who really thinks so wouldn't feel the need to spell it out. This one is mostly interested in the inside of my dress, if you know what I mean.
- Nevertheless I do not manage to recognize you, he continues.
- Actually, I just arrived from England.
- An English ? I love that.
You surprise me. Naive and alone, just the way you like them.
- Glad you came, I'm Derek Liverson, a true diamond legend.
- Nice to meet you, Derek. For me, it's just Sofia.
- Well, just Sofia. How do you occupy your days?
I thank him internally for not asking more questions about my identity.
- I'm here to join a fashion school.
As we talk, his hand slips subtly down my back as he approaches me.
He's going way too fast for my taste, I'm going to have to set limits but without upsetting him...
- Dere-
- Allow me to recover my date, I just have to look away for a second to manage to lose her, a familiar voice interrupts me.
I turn and, to my delight, see the mysterious stranger from earlier.
- Who are you ? Derek snaps coldly.
The man slips a hand around my waist which almost immediately dissolves Derek's hold on me.
He replies in his same deep voice:
- CEO of Empire, delighted.
- The new hotel chain? resumes the other with surprise.
He ignores her answer and walks away carrying me around the waist. I don't think I've ever reached such a degree of satisfaction.
- You shouldn't associate with predators, he whispers in my ear.
- Aren't you one?
- I try not to be.
- Indeed, I seem to remember that you had abandoned me in the middle of the ladies' room.
A soft laugh escapes him. Usually, I would have played the innocent woman card. But my repartee seems to please him and as long as I can be myself, I'm not going to deprive myself of it.
- It was in your interest.
- What a brave knight!
He approaches me. I remain frozen, as if he had robbed me of all my energy to walk away. His mouth deviates towards my ear and his deep voice freezes me on the spot.
- And if we escaped from this stuffy reception room?
- What do you think ? I whispered into the crook of his neck.
- At the roof.
- Could it be a trap?
- You think ? he asks amused.
- Sounds like it to me.
- I wouldn't hurt you, he promises.
- I don't know you well enough to trust you.
- But it would be necessary to spend more time in my company to know me.
- Your logic is unstoppable.
- She is, he smiles.
- Very well, I follow you. But if you refuse to take off your mask, I will not take mine off as well.
- Bargain.
We walk out of the main room and into the lobby again, where he calls for the elevator. As the floors go by, her scent gradually invades the space. That smell is just... perfect.
Looking up, I meet his. I immediately turn my head, somehow hiding a smile.
- You seem less suspicious to me, have I already won your trust? he murmurs a bit amused.
- Think again, you have just entered the test.
- And how many obstacles would I have to face to hope to succeed?
I look at him out of the corner of my eye, raising a defiant eyebrow.
- You'll know once you've cleared them all.
The doors open after a gentle alarm signaling our arrival.