Calvin’s POV
We pull up to the house that is two stories and bordering the forest. We have to check out everyone who moves in to our town just in case they are a threat.
I hear very off key singing coming from the house, as I close the truck door and walk up to the houses front door. Kevin is on my right, dancing along to the singing and Layton is on my left, his mouth twitching up slightly into an amused smile. Whoever is in there has a pretty terrible singing voice.
After listening to the singing for a while, I use my other senses. I take a big sniff, to check for rogues, and I smell the most wonderful smell to ever exist. It smells like honey and flowers. It’s intoxicating. I look to the others to see if they smell it, but they don’t show any inclination that they do.
I may have just found my mate.
Miles’ POV
There is loud music playing in my earbuds, and I’m dancing in the empty house. My parents go away to work for long periods of time, and then they go off and travel somewhere. It’s a blessing because I can do what I’m doing now. I can dance and sing as loud as I want to.
The music changes to the next song, and I hear a weird noise. I unplug my earbuds and realize someone is knocking at the door. Hopefully they didn’t hear me.
I check my outfit and see my casual clothes. Good enough to meet new people. I walk over to the door, my anxiety finally setting in. What if someone is here to murder me ? I don’t want to open the door. I’m pretty sure they know I’m in here so I have to.
I open the door and see three massive men standing on my doorstep. All of them having amused looks on their faces. I look at all three briefly until my eyes focus in on the one in the middle. He is tall, probably a foot taller than me, and he has dark black hair that looks so soft, and beautiful brown eyes that look so inviting, yet guarded.
I realize I’ve been staring for a bit too long to be normal and ask nervously, « Who are you ? »
The one the middle, who was also staring at me for too long, causing me to blush, smiles. His smile is so gorgeous, straight white teeth that are blinding. He introduces, « I’m Calvin Reed, mayor of this town. And my friends are Kevin and Layton. » He motions to his friends as he says their names.
I’m in shock, even his name is hot. But he is the mayor ? He doesn’t look a day over 24.
I don’t know how to respond so I ask, « Would you like to come in Mr. Reed ? »
His eyes darken a little, which scares me slightly. He insists, « Please call me Calvin. »
« Okay, Calvin. Come on in. You aren’t getting any younger standing out there, » I blurt, very awkwardly.
The gorgeous man scowls, « Did you just call me old ? » He look playfully annoyed, like he isn’t actually mad.
« Nope ! » I yell back towards the guests as I go to the kitchen to make some coffee for them. « You can have a seat in the living room, I’ll be right back with some coffee. »
After making the coffee I hand them their cups and they all take a sip at the same time. « That was so creepy, » I state bluntly.
Calvin laughs and looks at me with a light in his eyes. He seems so happy ? Why ?
Calvin then starts talking, « We wanted to welcome you to Fall Haven. Weird name, I know, but it’s like fall here all year round. »
I say the first thing that comes to my mind, « That’s good because I hate cold and hot weather. »
« Don’t we all, » Kevin says. I smile at him, glad to know someone else shares my opinion.
« I want to get to know you a little better, what’s your name ? » Calvin asks politely.
« Oh my gosh ! I forgot to tell you my name, how stupid of me. My name is Miles Eaton, » I ramble on, « My parents are away at work right now, they would usually be the ones to greet you, if they were ever home. I mean, sometimes they are home, but not often enough to matter. » I take a deep breath, wondering where that came from. Of course I had to speak my thoughts out loud in front of the mayor. I’m mentally face palming right now.
« Where do your parents work ? » He asks, totally ignoring my rambling.
« They oversee construction and the financials of it all. They have to travel around the country for the jobs and logistics, » I explain, not knowing much about their work. That’s all they’ve told me.
« Sounds interesting. So what do you do ? » Calvin asks, an inquiring smile on his face.
« I’m a senior in high school but I want to become to study to become a doctor when I graduate this year, » I admit, feeling kind of bashful about my job choice since I’m not very smart.
« You seem to be very intellectually talented, I can see you becoming a doctor in the future. »
I blush a deep red, never having gotten a complement before. I mutter a quiet thanks and he grins at my red face.
« Why did you decide to move here ? » He questions, drawing attention away from my blushing.
« I was getting bullied at my old school and my parents got a job here so it just worked out, » I say as I run my hand through my curly brown hair. My curls are the one thing that I like about myself.
« I’m sorry to hear that, but I’m glad that you are here now. Otherwise I wouldn’t have met you, » he says the last sentence quietly, but I hear it. Kevin awkwardly chuckles, and pats Calvin’s back.
Kevin stands up and says, « We must get going, but it was nice to meet you ! »
Kevin practically drags Calvin to the door, Layton watching amused. Layton hasn’t said a word since he’s been here but that’s fine, I did enough talking for the both of us.
Calvin turns to me once he’s at the door and says, « My little brother, Jason Reed, is in your grade. You should get to know him, he’s quite friendly. Hope to see you soon. » As he says his goodbye, I get a sad feeling in my chest, like I didn’t want him to leave. That’s weird, I just met the guy. He seems to be feeling it too because he looks back at me with sadness in his eyes.
I watch as they drive away in their black truck, and go back to what I was doing before, dancing and singing in the house, alone.