
Chapter 7: The Apocalypse II

Uncle Toni let out a heavy sigh and looked down at his feet, his shoulders dropping. "It has already happened, and now we have to deal with the consequences," he said.

As Lynx stood there, shocked by what his uncle had just revealed to him, Uncle Toni spoke again, "Lynx, there is something else you need to realize," he said, his voice calm and firm. "The child that your Luna is carrying is definitely not yours."

Lynx felt as though the ground had opened beneath him, all that he had wished for was about to slip away. "What!" he lamented, his voice hoarse. "What do you mean, Uncle?"

Uncle Toni took a deep breath, his eyes filled with sympathy for Lynx. "I'm so sorry to inform you about this, but it's the bitter truth, and I think you should know before it's too late. That's why I traveled all the way down here," Uncle Toni said.

Lynx's anger surged, his hands clenched into fists. "This can never be possible. I am Vanessa's first, and Vanessa has always been indoors ever since she came here. How could she have slept with another man?" he said, his voice low but audible.

Lynx shook his head once again, "No, I can't believe this. I need to know everything that is happening. I need an answer to all of this," he uttered, his eyes filled with anger.

Lynx's mind was spinning; he couldn't think straight again. He had always trusted his uncle, but this revelation seemed too much for him to believe. "I can't believe any of this," he uttered again.

"When you were very young, you fell in love with a girl named Sophia," Uncle Toni began. "You were so much in love with her, and you thought she loved you too. But one day, you found out that she was destined to be with another man named Everett. Sophia chose Everett over you, and you were so hurt and angry that you murdered them both."

Lynx listened in horror, "Yes, I remembered that I did something like that, and I do not regret my actions. They got what they deserve," he said. "Why would the moon goddess do that to me because of such a thing? I am Lynx Vance! I am an Alpha! A descendant of the strongest pack in the continent! I can do and undo!" he roared, his voice dropping like thunder. He turned swiftly and used his fist to crush the big flower vase beside him, shattering it to pieces.

"Lynx, I know this is hard on you and difficult to accept, but it has already happened, and you have to accept that," Uncle Toni said, his gaze steady on Lynx.

"I didn't know how to tell you at that time because you were quite young, and I felt that you wouldn't be able to take it, but now I believe you are old enough to accept the fact," Uncle Toni continued.

Lynx felt like he was going to be sick; he didn't want to believe it. "But I still can't accept this," Lynx uttered.

"Lynx, you need to consider the possibility that what I am telling you is true," Uncle Toni continued. "You have evidence right in front of you, and you need to look into that without letting your emotions cloud your judgment. There is one very strong piece of evidence to prove that the curse is real."

Lynx's head was spinning, and he felt like he was going to pass out. "What evidence?" he asked urgently.

"Your mate is pregnant," Uncle Toni said. "However, you are not the father of that child."

Lynx felt the world tilt on its axis. "This can't be true," he stammered. He couldn't stand to listen any longer; he moved past his uncle, his anger rising with each step he took. "I need to see Vanessa, I need her to explain everything to me. I want to know nothing but the truth," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Lynx stormed down the stairs to Vanessa's room, taking two stairs at a time. He reached Vanessa's room and flung the door open, his heart pounding in his chest.

He grabbed Vanessa and dragged her down the stairs to the hall. "Vanessa, I want you to tell me nothing but the truth," he demanded. "How did you get pregnant? Tell me the answer right now."

Vanessa struggled against his grip, her eyebrows raised with fear in her eyes. "Lynx, please let me go, you are hurting me," she begged, her voice shaking.

Lynx's grip tightened. "Just tell me the truth right now. I want to know the truth!" Lynx yelled, his voice echoing in the hall.

Vanessa's eyes were filled with tears, her vision became blurry. "I don't know what to say. Please Lynx, I'm scared," she managed to speak.

Lynx was no longer asking Vanessa to speak; he was demanding an instant answer. He pushed Vanessa to the ground and leaned over her, his eyes blazing.

"Don't anger me further than this. Tell me everything about how you got pregnant right now!" he roared, his voice filled with rage.

Vanessa's body trembled with fear on the floor. "Yes, I will," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Lynx's chest heaved, and he felt like he was going to explode. "Then start talking now!" Lynx yelled.

"The baby!" Vanessa cried out, her eyes wide with terror. "Lynx, please don't hurt the baby."

Lynx's eyes narrowed, and he leaned forward. "Don't try to play games with me," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "I am aware that the child is not mine, so tell me who the father of the baby is right now!"

Vanessa bit her lip, her eyes pleading. "Lynx, please, it's your child," she said, her voice breaking.

Lynx's fist clenched, and he gnashed his teeth. "I will ask you for the last time, Vanessa," he said, his voice filled with rage. "Who is the father of that bastard in your womb?"

Before Vanessa could answer, Lynx slapped her, his fury boiling over. The slap sent her rolling on the floor, and she lay there, stunned and sobbing. Lynx stood over her, breathing hard, his fists clenched tightly.

"Answer me now!" he shouted, his voice cracking with emotion. "Who is responsible for your pregnancy?"

Vanessa put her hand on her face, her cheeks already red and swollen. "I don't think I can tell you," she sobbed. "I'm very sorry, Lynx," Vanessa pleaded.

Lynx's anger increased, and he grabbed Vanessa's hair, shaking her head with force. "What do you mean you can't tell me? So you know who the father of the baby is?" Lynx yelled at her.

Just as Lynx was about to hit Vanessa again, a hand grabbed his wrist, stopping him from striking her. He turned, his eyes blazing with fury, only to see that it was Alexander, his business associate, holding his wrist.

"Lynx, stop!" Alexander said urgently. "You are hurting her!"

Lynx pulled his hand away from Alexander's grasp, his chest heaving. "I won't let her get away with this!" he yelled, his anger visibly showing on his face. "I want to know nothing but the truth. This is my life, my future! You can't walk in here and tell me what to do, so stay out of this," Lynx said.

Alexander's eyes softened, and he took a step closer to Lynx, his voice very calm. "You have to think straight and calm yourself. If you continue with this anger, you might regret it later on," Alexander said.

Lynx shook his head. "Alexander, you don't know how serious this matter is, so stay out of this!" Lynx said, fuming.

Before Lynx could raise his hand again, Alexander held him by the shoulders and pushed him to the ground. Lynx landed hard on the floor, and Alexander stood over him, his eyes filled with anger as he looked directly at Lynx.

"I won't let you hurt her again," Alexander said, his voice firm and threatening.

Lynx pushed himself up, his eyes turning red. "How dare you, Alexander?" he said, his voice breaking. "Who are you to interfere with the affairs of my pack?"

There was a moment of pin-drop silence, and then the hall erupted in ruckus. Everybody began to talk at once, their voices muddled with confusion and bewilderment.

Lynx's head began to spin, and he felt as if he was about to explode. Through the noise in the hall, Alexander's voice dropped. "I won't let you hurt Vanessa and my unborn child," Alexander said, his voice strong and clear, his eyes fixed on Lynx.

The room went solemnly quiet. Nobody moved, nobody talked. Lynx stared deeply at Alexander, his eyes filled with anger and rage. "What did you just say?" Lynx asked in a low but audible voice.

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