
Chapter 2

Everyone soon entered the long coaster bus that was going to take us to school. I found the only empty seat in the front of the bus, so I sat down there.

I tried to scan through the whole bus for the boy and maybe show my gratitude to him, but he was at the other end of the bus. There was no way I would be able to walk past all of these rogues to the end of the bus; I was too shy for that.

I hadn't realised I was staring at him until his face caught mine, and I adjusted myself in embarrassment. Something about his eyes was weird and strange, but I decided to shove the thoughts away. I will probably thank him after the long ride back to school comes to an end.

After what seemed like forever, we finally arrived at school with two heavily loaded wolf guards waiting outside the bus and examining every rogue before they came down from the bus.

"Lenora?" A guard's voice called, and I immediately recognised him. He used to be really close to our family when I was younger, but for some reason he never showed up at our house anymore.

"Gerald!" I greeted him with a weak smile, knowing that I wasn't a complete ghost might have made me a little bit happy.

"What the hell are you doing with the rogues? They could turn out really dangerous!" He scolded me, and I broadened my smile to reassure him that I was fine.

"It's a long story for another day, but hey! Nothing happened to me, and I'm fine."

"Okay," he finally said after examining my facial expression like he was trying to dig out the truth. He must have probably realised that my self-centred parents had done something.

I tried to look around for the boy who saved me earlier, but I couldn't find him anymore; he must have been examined by the other guard and probably left. It's a really big school, and it'll be really hard to find him. I guess I'll just have to forget about him.

I entered the school's building and inhaled a deep breath, hoping for today to at least not be harsh to me. I had history, and I always had history with Ariel. I owe her an apology and hope she accepts it.

I opened the classroom door, and the teacher's face fell on me with a scornful look before she continued her class, totally ignoring my greetings.

"Over here!" Ariel gestured at an empty seat for me with a smile on her face. At least if everyone hates me, my best friend still loves me. I knew she wouldn't stay mad at me for that long, but I was extremely happy that she forgave me and was cool with me.

"I'm sorry, Ariel!" I mouthed an apology to her as I sat down on the empty chair beside her. She gave me a light squeeze on my hand with a smile on her face.

"It's fine," she responded, but as I was about to bring out my notebook from my bag, the alarm went off, and we could hear the footsteps of hundreds of students trooping all around the hall.

"Everyone out!" The teacher yelled, and Ariel and I both looked at our faces in awe before running out of the classroom, but the main doors were locked. Even the strongest wolf couldn't break it open.

I spotted Asher running towards the panicked students as he tried to break the door open with his strength. He couldn't break it open, and I could smell blood coming from his body. He was bleeding. I knew I wasn't supposed to care about him, but I hated to see him in pain, even after what he did to me.

"Don't stress!" A calm yet powerful voice echoed across the hall, immediately silencing the panicking students, and everyone was trying to find where the voice came from.

My eyes widened in awe as I spotted the same guy who had saved me standing elegantly behind us all. On his hand was a bloody arm that was immediately recognized. It belonged to the Alpha.

The students all gasped in horror at the sight before them.

"You bastard!" Asher roared across the hall and ran towards the boy in an attempt to pounce on him, but the boy immediately dodged his attack and twisted Asher's arm. We could all hear the sound of his bones cracking, and all of a sudden I could smell the fear building up in everyone.

"I am Alaric, the son of Adolph, your new Alpha," his thick voice effortlessly said as he removed the hood from his head, revealing his long, wavy hair that fell right on his shoulders. He removed the bandana that was tied across his nose, revealing how perfectly built his face was, but he looked different.

"Adolph, my father, is the Alpha of the most powerful pack, the Crescent pack, but we chose to expand our territory, and now I'm the official ruler of the Serene pack," he said, tossing the arm on the floor.

It was easy to tell he wasn't just an ordinary wolf; he looked more like a god with his smooth and perfect face, unlike a typical wolf's rough face filled with scars. He looked really young but spoke and behaved like a full-grown wolf.

"No, you're not!" Asher tried to fight back with his broken arm, but Alaric brought him back to the ground with a kick. I couldn't bear the amount of pain Asher was feeling, and I didn't realise it when tears started to flow freely down my eyes. I still loved him and couldn't bear him in pain.

My face met Tala's face, and there wasn't a tiny feeling of pity on her face; rather, she was busy gawking at the new boy.

"Courtney!" Alaric called, and the whole class gasped again. No one had dared to call the school's mistress by her name, not even Asher himself.

"Yes, master," she kneeled before him with her head bowed, leaving the whole school in awe. My thoughts were right because I doubt he was just a mere Alpha heir; he appeared stronger.

"Next time, try not to raise an alarm; otherwise, you won't like it. You could have made these kids end up dead if I hadn't sealed the door. My men wouldn't think twice before killing them all if they had run out that way," he threatened, and I stared at how her shaky knees trembled before him.

"Take care of your kids, make them behave well, and also teach them respect!" he ordered, and she immediately responded with a "yes, master!".

His face fell on Asher, who was groaning in pain on the floor. He was about to give him another kick, but I couldn't bear it in me any longer. My wolf, Lora, couldn't bear it anymore; it was deeply breaking our hearts.

"Just stop it!" I yelled at Alaric as I ran to where Asher was laying in pain. Never had I imagined I would actually make my voice heard in a place filled with a lot of people like this, not to mention being in the presence of death himself.

The whole school stared at me as I kneeled on the ground beside Asher and covered him with my body in an attempt to help him.

He was the son of an Alpha and was supposed to immediately heal, but with the throne being taken away from him, I doubt he would heal on time.

I bit open my wrists and tried to feed him my blood since I came from a renowned and special family, but instead, he shoved me off of him, making me hit my head really hard on the floor. I couldn't hold back the tears in my eyes as I winced in pain on the floor with tears flowing freely, nor could I tell if they were from the impact of the fall or from the fact that he wouldn't even let me help him.

I looked up to see Alaric staring at me with a confusing emotion on his face. He immediately walked away from the hall with his fists clenched together, and I realised he left with anger boiling in him, but why should he be angry? I had expected him to hit me or probably give me a punishment for raising my voice at him, but he just left.

"To your classes!" The mistress ordered with a shaky voice as she embarrassedly stood up. Everyone hurriedly left for their various classes before she would transfer her aggression to them.

I spotted Ariel standing alone in the middle of the hall with hurt in her eyes. I was sure she didn't care about her brother but for the fact that her father had been brutally killed by the so-called rogues.

She was the main reason why the Alpha allowed rogues to stay in the kingdom despite their dreadful threats. Her mate was one of the rogues that landed in our territory, and because of their relationship, the Alpha let rogues come into our territory in an attempt to let other wolves find their mates. He did it for her, but he's also dead because of her.

Her eyes were heavy and filled with tears, but she was trying to control it. I have never seen her cry because she happens to be a really strong wolf, and it broke me to see her hurt. Her tears were going to fall, but she ran away from where I was.

Asher had started to heal by himself, even though it was a slow process, but he was now on his feet as he angrily leaped away from me without glancing at my face or saying a word to me.

I decided to take whatever was happening to me as fate; perhaps I was never meant to find a true mate who would love me equally. My wrist had healed, and I wiped away the blood stains on it as I ran to look for Ariel.

I knew where she would have run—the spot she likes to go to whenever she wants to be alone to clear her mind off of some things. The last time I saw her this sad was when Luna passed away, and I felt like a really bad friend for choosing to help Alaric without considering the fact that she also had just lost her father.

"Ariel!" I called out her name upon arriving at the school's abandoned classroom, which she somehow turned into her own personal space.

On entering the room, I spotted her seated on the bare floor with her back turned away from me. I walked up to her and sat beside her as I rested her head on my shoulders while stroking her hair. She didn't bother to wipe her tears away, and it hurt me more to know she was this pained. It was literally the first time I've seen her cry, yet there's nothing I can do about it.

"Aren't you two supposed to be in your classes?!" A familiar, thick voice growled in a tone that came out as a command rather than a question.

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