Father travelled Europe for an important business trip and I am Left here , bored and alone in the house. Good thing I was able to invite Didi over to stay with me for awhile. Well, Didi is my Father’s best friend’s daughter that’s why we are close even though we don’t usually see each other.
And now he is currently silently writing a manuscript about the haunted Manor . And looking at her writing skills, she is improving day by day. She even got new word to add up in her vocabularies. Now I believe the quotes that says “ Hard work and Patience sharpen the ability.”
And thinking about myself, aside from modelling and acting for extra, I didn’t know what’s why other talent except pestering Aiden El Fiaso, and talking about him. I wished I knew where he live so I could sneak in there. But kidding aside, I wonder how to get that man. Should I drunk him until he passed out and manipulate him? I imagined myself doing such dirty tricks and I smiled. Evilly.
“ Hey! What’s with that smile?” Didi asked, oh, she saw me flashed an evil smile.
I giggled but I didn’t answer her and that makes her even more curious.
“ C'mon tell me.” She insisted ,but I won’t .
“ You’ll know later ,if I already did it.” I winked and she just sighed.
“ your scary.” She shivered and I laughed at her.
“ So why not tell me about that haunted Manor, is it something that could attract readers?” I asked .
And she smiled at me.
“ Well, it depends . “ She shrugged.
“ that’s not an accurate answer.” I scoffed and she just chuckled.
Okay, she get back on me. Very interesting.
“ Hmm.”.
“ Yes?”
“ What do you think about Duncan? “ I asked seriously .
“ Duncan??Well, he is a human being.” She answered seriously too. But I glared at her knowing that she’s not answering me well.
“ I mean, as a person. My gosh. His personality. What do you think about his personality?” I asked and emphasized the word PERSONALITY!
She laughed at me
“ Well, what can you expect to an introvert?” She asked back.
“ Introvert?” I chirped.
When did my cousin become an introvert? Jeez. He is more like outgoing and thick face.
“Yeah. He is shy, reticent person.” She said and I grimaced and bark into laughter. Didi looked at him differently. If only she knew how emotionally brutal my cousin is ,I don’t know If she would still consider him Introvert.
“ What are you looking at?” She asked when I suddenly stopped laughing and stared at her
“ Your more likely an introvert than he is. I swear “ I said and she smiled .
“ Really? ,well I don’t really know him well.”
“ Yeah. Your right.”
“ But Didi, would you like to date someone like him?” I suddenly asked that made Didi’s stare flew to me.
“ Excuse me?”
“ I mean, you know, opposite attracts.” I said teasingly and Didi blushed shyly.
We both talking about nonsense the whole day, and just called FOOD PANDA to deliver our meal. Less cooking time, and more time to spent .