

Going home after a long day, I didn’t expect to find more infortune along the way, I am walking alone to the car park area a little farther away from my cousin's Bookstore, I have to walked for a couple of steps before arriving in the area . walking in a cobblestone pathway , I am busy looking for my car key when suddenly someone tried to grabbed my bag . “ No!” I screamed as I tried to keep my sling bag from getting snatched away. The man in a bonnet which is a bit taller than me show me his Swiss knife making me gulped. And because I am afraid to die, I slowly motioned my bag towards him when suddenly someone came to my aid. And I didn’t know how he take care of the snatcher because I’m so drawn in looking at him. All I see is him alone.

The last thing I know is the snatcher fell into the Ground while Aiden called the police station.

And when two policemen came to take the man away, I finally felt relieve .

“ thank you.” I said sincerely towards Aiden and he only nodded at me and is about to walked away too.

“ Wait! I’ll take you home, I mean I can drop you off to your home. I still indebted to you.” I smiled trying to act friendly and mature.

“ No!”

“ Oh C'mon, it has nothing to do about my stalking , “ I rolled my eyes but he just stared at me.

“ forget about it, “ He said and walked away,

And I blow an air harshly before I decided to follow him.

“ Hey! Wait up. “ I shouted loudly.

“ What!!” he looks annoyed , but I just chuckled and smiled at him..

“ thank you again.” I said sincerely and tiptoed to reach his cheek and I gave him a quick kiss.

Making him frozen ,while standing in front of me. And when he finally came back to his senses , he glared at me evilly before he went away again. And I decided not to Follow him anymore. I went home.

Aiden El Fiaso

Driving back home, I still remember how that brat messed with my life. She is intolerable, she’s too clingy, bossy , spoiled , and mean and is willing to follow me around like a tail.

But I admit that she’s beautiful though, and she got soft lips. Oh damn! It’s danger zone.

I went out of my car when I arrived home and went directly to my room. I needed a cold shower.

My house is not totally big ,but it does scream luxury . It is quite simple but the materials were totally came from nice quality regardless of the price. I made this house way back when I am still the best author in the writing platform and at the same time ,as a successor of my dad’s wealth.

But the moment he died, I decided to give almost all of his wealth to the orphanage where I came from. Leaving enough for me to live a hundred years.

“ at least this is something I can be proud of.” I thought.


“ Oh daddy! I can’t believe that he is so hard-to-get! I didn’t imagine myself to find something difficult to acquire when I know I’m good at it.” Oh yeah, I also throw tantrums when something I want won’t be easy.

“ Not all things are easy dear. And that’s something you have to learn.”

“ But you taught me that ,I’ll get what I want if I just keep my mind on it and work better?” I asked.

Me and My father is currently at the Sala , enjoying our Father and daughter bonding by watching our favorite movie and eat popcorns. Time check, it’s already four hours since me and Aiden Separated .

“ Rogue..”

“ hmm, maybe I have to do some underhanded tactics dad.” I beamed and I could see my father’s

‘ your-making -trouble -again look.

“ I swear it will turn out right.” I winked and I hugged him.

Dad sighed and looked at me.

“ I wish your mom is alive. She could discipline you better.” He said as if he regret the way he raised me.

“ Oh c'mon , who said you’re the worst daddy ? I could break their legs and –”

“ See? Your becoming into a worst I mean , your becoming into someone you should not, and I felt like it’s my fault because I pampered you so much.” He said sadly and I felt a little guilty inside , like a sparkler that started to lit up.

“ oh dad! It’s not about how you raised me. Your good enough okay. “

“ Then, you have to act matured . Duncan has reported to me earlier the things you did at the bookstore.” Dad said and I blushed furiously.

“ w-which one daddy?” I asked , is it about Aiden?

“ You flipped the table and chased the man” He sighed.

“ Ohh..”

“ someday you’ll learn. “ He said and he stood up afterwards. “ I have to go to my room dear, I’ll be checking some financial statement from work. Sleep early okay.” He said and I nodded. When father left ,I sighed and imagined how would it be if mother is still alive.

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