

EARLY THE NEXT DAY,. Doctor Lopez came to visit me in my room. Wearing her ever snow white Lab coat, she looks stunning and younger looking at the age of forty-five. She is our family doctor who serve us for more than ten years.

“How was your feeling? Master Vindelle called me right away to dropped here so I can check you. He looks worried about you.” The doctor said.

“ aren’t you got used to my daddy’s behavior? He always panic. I am fine. I can do horseback riding if I want.” I said with seriously .

“ tell your dad about that, he won’t calm down unless he see you playing and do something unusual outside. He was used seeing you engage into different trouble and get caught in a risky adventure.” The doctor chuckled and checked all my vital signs. She even took my temperature which is already normal right now.

“ Your exaggerating. I’m not that Worst Doctor Lopez. But anyways thank you for coming.” I said politely afterwards , and the Doctor nodded and smiled at me.

“ Your always welcome. Just make sure you won’t get into another wet adventure. You sure had a weak immune system.” She said before she left. She walked elegantly towards the door and closed it gently. I looked around my room. I grimace when I saw that my rooms floor is full of used tissue. Yuck!

It’s very embarrassing.

“ YAYA LINDA! “ I screamed loudly while calling our maid , and because--- I have a loud and clear voice, it is easy for Linda to hear me from downstairs.

“. Yes, young Lady?” She asked and I frown at her and pointed the floor. She opened her mouth in surprised. And I could laughed at her reaction when she realized that she had to picked up all the pieces .

“ Clean that mess, and when you finish with that, I want you to prepare my bath. I want raspberry shower gel this time.” I said and lay down again. I am not in a mood to jumped out of my bed and wander outside .

“ y-yes, young Lady.” Yaya Linda said and I smiled at her.

I looked for my phone at the side table but I couldn’t find it, so I have to raise my head to look in the drawer. And when I found it, I dialed Duncan’s number.

“ Duncan. Hey it’s been three days, how are you? Did you see him in your bookstore?”

“ Wait! You just called me because--- you want to know if his here? Wow cousin your hurting my ego.” Duncan is obviously acting.

“ Ego your face.” I glared

“ yes he came. And he is thankful for not seeing you around.” Duncan said and laughed and. I could imagine him being strangled by me and bald him.

“ you should be helping me.”

“ No way! I’m not Cupid.” He said dryly.

I could not really expect anything from this cousin of mine , he always had an excuse when it comes to me.

“ And who said you have to be Cupid to help me? I even try to match make you and Didi without complaint.” I snarled at him but he sure got lose patience of me.

“ I am busy..”

“ your not, your just obviously trying to avoid me.” I said frankly and he got no choice but to be frustrated.

“ I am not trying to avoid you.” Duncan said over the phone. And when Yaya Linda finished Picking up the tissues and put it in a plastic Garbage can, she mouthed me to go out and I nodded.

“ You are really very unapproachable Duncan. You don’t love me do you?” I asked and pretended to be sad. Because--- I knew my cousins weakness. My tears and sadness. Because--- I am their only princess. Out of seven grandchildren , I am the only woman and the youngest, that’s why I can do all the stuff easily..

“ Fine. I’ll call you if he will come here again.” Duncan said in surrender and I am celebrating secretly for my job well done. My grin almost stretch my mouth to it’s limit but u only care less. Now that my fever is gone, I can go back to pester him again and again. Just like what I did to him before I was caught with the fever.

' I’m so excited seeing him again.’

When the call ended , I jumped off to bed and went to check my bath. And I smiled when it’s ready. I took a warm bath and enjoyed their for a minute and when I’m done, I quickly dried my self and took some clean clothes from my huge wardrobe. An olive green skater dress and a pair boots is what I choose for today and I just tied my hair into a ponytail before I went down and expected, father is waiting to talk to me.

“ Good morning Dad.” I greeted him and he just nodded

“ how are you? I thought Doctor Lopez told you to stay in bed for awhile?” he asked me.

“ I’m fine. I’ll be more alright if I go out instead of staying in my room.” I said.

“ you really think so?”

“ yes. “

“ you’re going somewhere , aren’t you?” He asked.

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