Tonio couldn’t get Wynter off his mind. Everything he did seemed to remind him of her, and the short time they had spent together. He thought of the nights she laid in his arms asleep and how she made him watch romantic movies and pillow fights in the morning. He really missed her. And last night had only made him want her more. How could he think up a strategic play in a football game but not manage to simply come up with a way of saying sorry. He had to make things right between them.. Pulling outside the gate to his home he pressed a button on steering wheel it opened. He hated being caged in but he need the added security since his found out he had a stalker. As he drove up he watch the contactors loading their equipment they were finally finished. Jim the man charge stood talking on the phone.
Tonio parked his truck and walked over. « Hey Tonio. » They shook hands.
« We are finished. »
« Great »
« So are you going to get an interior decorator. Because I have someone if you need help. »
. »No. I’m fine ..
« Well then I’m off man it was nice working for yeah, and I know you’re gonna get that Super bowl ring this year. »
« That’s my intention. »
After letting the contractor out he walked into the house. It was no need for him to stay at Jason’s any longer. Which meant he wouldn’t see Wynter.. Owning his own home had been a dream since he started making six figures two year ago . He knew he should be happy but he wasn’t. He had all of this and no one to share it with. « I want her back ! » He shouted to the empty house. « I need a plan. » . Feeling a vibration he reached for his cellphone . recognizing the number instantly .. »Hello Jase what’s up man ? »
« Nothing much just checking in ..taking a break from shooting this commercial. So how is my sister ? »
A picture of Wynter lying naked popped into his head. « Oh she’s fine, of course I didn’t know she was going to be there. »
« Sorry I thought she needed a little distraction and I can trust you. »
Damn he really felt like shit. « I wasn’t there when she arrived I was hanging out with couple of the guys last night it was late and I was drunk… » He had to stop babbling .
« So did she look up set, how was she ? »
Another picture of Wynter lying under him crying out as they came together entered Tonio’s mind. He had to get off this phone.
« She’s great, I think she’ll make a quick recovery. »
« I hope so I don’t want her mooping over that fool..he better pray I don’t catch up to him. »
« Don’t do anything that will get you in trouble man. »
« Trouble, Tony that’s my baby sister that cat…hurt ..If someone hurt Tina you would take there head off we would have been hunting him down..and if I recall that’s what you said we should do last week. Anyway I’m getting ready to call her I just wanted to check in with you first. »
« Everything is good. »
« You sure, you don’t sound like yourself. »
« I’m good. »
« Ok ,just looking out.. »
Tonio closed his phone , he felt like an complete heel and the situation did not look good…He was suppose look out for Jase sister not be up in the man’s house making love to her. What would he do when he found out shit what would Wynter do ? He gazed out the window ,It felt right being with her and that made the risk worth it. He could see her in this house with him with two or three kids the thing was convincing her that he was right for her. That’s if she would forgave him.
Cleaning had not been one of the things she planned to do while staying at her brother’s house but she couldn’t tolerate the mess, it looked like he hadn’t cleaned since he moved in. The living room was where she started getting rid of three bags of trash. Next she wiped down everything then threw a load of laundry in the washer while she mopped floors and opened windows to let fresh air in. Heading back upstairs she entered the second guest room. It seemed untouched like no one had even been in it. Hadn’t Tonio slept in there last night ? Going back into her room she looked around. The bed was still unmade and it was a mess . She never slept wild drunk or not. She always stayed on one side. Lifting the pillow she noticed a faint smell of cologne one she recognized well. « OMG….That freaking bastard. ».