

“So, this is the living room, obviously. See that door?” he said, pointing to the door on my right, “That’s the kitchen.” I nodded, trying to absorb everything he was saying. “And that one is the bathroom, and the wall,” he pointed to the end of the hallway where there’s a wall, “Behind that wall is the bedroom. It’s two separate rooms; you’ll occupy the left door. Don’t open the other room unless instructed, understood?”

I nodded in response, “Yes, sir,” I answered, scanning the entire house, trying to memorize it. Sir said it’s not too big, about three times the size of our house.

It’s not like what I see on TV shows where you enter and immediately see the kitchen. Upon entering, there’s a built-in aquarium that greets you, next to it is a shoe rack, and on the side is a rack for indoor slippers. When you turn right, that’s when you see the living room, which looks very clean.

The walls are a mix of black and white, there are three sofas, two single ones and one long one, there’s a glass center table in the middle with a fruit bowl on top, and there’s a gray carpet in the middle. It looks so comfortable, like you can just sleep there.

“Any other questions?” I was slightly startled when my companion spoke; I almost forgot he was there, given how beautiful the surroundings are, bright and airy, with glass windows all around the condo, and the curtains neatly arranged in the corners.

“Salary and day off, sir,” okay, now that we understand each other about the salary and day off, so I know how much I’ll be earning and when I can have my own life.

“Oh, about that, he doesn’t give me any orders about that, but based on your contract, you will have it. Every fifth and twentieth of the month, excluding food, which is provided in the house. You also have a thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth bonus, but the latter will be based on your performance. Either you’ll do well or not, it’s up to you. Your day off would be every two weeks, and you’ll have it on Monday.”

“Why Monday? Usually, it’s on Sunday, right?”

“Mr. Del Costa is usually here every Sunday. You can take your day off on Monday because he leaves early for the office, so you don’t have to cook early.”

“Ohh, I see,” I just replied, feeling sorry for my boss if that’s the case. Directly after, you have to prepare breakfast, as it’s the most important meal to start the day. That’s how it was with my mom before when I was a kid and going to school. She taught me never to forget breakfast.

“Okay, if you don’t have any questions, here’s my calling card. You can call me, but please keep in mind that it should be as important as firing you, okay?” I nodded, he smiled slightly and took his things, “You can fix yourself and take a bath. I know you had a rough day. Go get yourself rested.”

I took my things and went to my room; I have the one on the other side, so I opened the door immediately. I was greeted by a spacious room. There’s a queen-size bed in the middle, two side tables, one with a lampshade. On the right is a closet, and next to it is a vanity table, nicer than what Lita had.

Speaking of Lita, she’s really crazy. She took me to a bar and said I’d work there? Is she stupid? I know we all have our own preferences in life and work, maybe for others, that job is okay. I’m not belittling them; it’s all the same to me as long as you earn clean money.

But was it right for her to lie to me and put me in a risky situation just to get me? And she even got paid for it? So does that mean she sold me to that old woman? Is that her commission for pimping me out? That’s messed up.

Good thing, sir—wait, what’s his name? I don’t think I asked. Oh yeah, he gave me his calling card; I took it and looked at his name, “Maxwell Max Johnson.” Fancy, his name sounds wealthy.

I didn’t even realize I hadn’t recognized who my boss is until I felt my phone vibrate, indicating an incoming call. I immediately picked it up and checked who’s calling, a smile automatically formed on my lips when I saw my boyfriend’s name on the caller ID.

“Babe,” I greeted as I answered his call. “I’m with my boss now, you wouldn’t believe what happened to me today. It was crazy; I almost became an esc-”

“Do you have the money yet? I need it to pay for the wedding venue. They said they need a down payment to secure our slot because many others also want to reserve.”

That was his opening statement to me, as if something squeezed my heart. Brad and I have been together for four years, and our wedding is already planned. We’re getting married next year. I love Brad, even though he doesn’t have a job right now, so I’m the one taking care of all our wedding needs. But I know and feel that he loves me. We wouldn’t last if he didn’t love me.

“Babe, it’s my first day tomorrow,” I told him that I’ll be going out to work, and he immediately agreed, saying that it’s to prepare for our wedding. I entrust him with the money because he’s handling everything. I’m happy that he’s hands-on.

“Where’s the money you got from your long-time job with your pervert and stupid boss?”

“I gave it to my mom, you know—”

“What the heck? So you don’t have any money? I just wasted my load, annoying. Call me when you have it, the organizer is rushing me.” That’s what he said before ending the call.

“It’s just stress and pressure because the wedding is near.” I told myself, there are only five months left until our wedding, so I’ll just understand him. I’ll have to do these things anyway when we’re married.

But why does it hurt like this? He didn’t even ask how I am and what happened to me?

“Hey idiot! How are you there?!” I couldn’t help but laugh when I heard my best friend’s voice on the other line, “You didn’t call, you bitch, you’ve been there for two days now, and I even sent you unlimited texts and calls to all networks, and I still had to call you? Damn it!”

“Sorry, okay? I’m busy, I didn’t even know I had load, I would’ve called you then!” I took the vacuum cleaner and started cleaning the living room, “So, how’s work?”

“Of course, I’m doing great,” she replied, followed by an annoying laugh, “And you, what’s happening there?”

I just shook my head, thinking about what really happened to me. Since I stepped into this city, “It’s okay, my boss hasn’t come home yet. I’ve been here for two days, but I still haven’t seen him.”

“That’s how it is when you’re rich, they rarely come home. I understand him,” she arrogantly replied, which I just laughed off, “Send me your address there, okay?” She’s always like this whenever I have somewhere to go, “So, Lita can do something good with her life, huh? She even got you a job. I thought she only knows how to enjoy herself—”

“Don’t go near her, and don’t talk to that devil, even if you bump into her. If she offers you a job, don’t go with her, do you understand?”

“Damn it! Why would I go with her? I don’t get why you went with that filthy person, who’s with different men every day, and I have a good job, and a big salary, are you stupid?”

“Just leave it, okay? I’ll call you later, I’ll clean up here first, and it looks like a grenade exploded in this house,”

“Okay, take care of yourself, bye fake BFF!” I rolled my eyes and laughed, then hung up, put it in my pocket, and used both hands to vacuum.

I must have vacuumed the living room for almost twenty minutes, then I went to the kitchen, I washed the dishes, checked the fridge, which only had water, and the cabinets, even the garbage that hadn’t been touched in a year.

I let out a deep sigh before separating the clothes to wash, determined. I didn’t know if this was a house or a dump. There’s actually a person living here even though it’s dirty. But as Lia said, they don’t have time to come home or see if the house is clean.

“Oh my gosh, exhausting,” I couldn’t help but complain when I sat on my soft bed. I cleaned, I did laundry. I just couldn’t cook because there’s nothing in the fridge, just water and two apples, damn it.

I took the card that Sir Max handed me. Can I use it for shopping? But I don’t know what to cook. What if my boss has allergies, and I accidentally kill him?

I took my cellphone and hesitated to call the number on the card. He answered before it even rang three times, “Maxwell Johnson,”

“Uh, sir, this is Samantha,” I introduced myself, but I thought he might not remember me because he was in a hurry when he toured me here.

“The new maid, yes Ms. Feliciano? What seemed to be the purpose of this call?” His voice was strict, no different from his voice in person.

“I just wanted to ask if my boss has any allergies. I was planning to use the card you gave me to do some grocery shopping and cook meals,”

“He’s allergic to peanuts, and he loves stir-fried rice and buttered garlic shrimp,” he quickly replied, but before I could thank him, he said, “I have a meeting to attend, goodbye,”

I didn’t even get to say thank you before he hung up. I just sighed and put my bag back on. As I stepped out of the building, my feet seemed to stop on their own as I remembered what happened on my first day here.

I looked around, if there was anything unusual about the people around me, but I didn’t feel anything, so I took a deep breath and started walking.

My eyes widened when suddenly an arm wrapped around my waist, and I found myself hugging a stranger. In a moment, I felt someone’s breath near my ear.

“Please help me, I’ll explain and even pay you later, just help me,” he whispered, with a mix of nervousness and something I couldn’t identify, “Come on, Chanel, stop chasing me, can’t you see that I have a girlfriend?”

“Lucas! I know she’s not your girlfriend! You’re lying! I’ve been watching you for a while, and I know you’re not seeing someone!”

“How can you say so? Hmm? She’s always staying inside, because she hates going out, right babe?” he asked, with a hint of pleading, I even looked up to see him, but because of the heat and the glaring sun, I couldn’t see him clearly.

“Uh, yeah, babe,” I emphasized the term, along with a nudge on his side, I couldn’t miss the simple grin on his face, “Who is she? Did I hear it right, she’s been chasing you for a while now?”

“Yes babe, I keep on telling her that I already have a girlfriend, but she keeps on insisting herself on me, I’m not cheating on you, okay?”

I looked at the girl named Chanel, she looked like a Barbie doll because of her dress, she was petite so it suited her, she was holding a small shoulder bag, “You’re Chanel?” she nodded, she seemed young, so I approached her and whispered something.

I could see her eyes widen, and she nodded, “OMG!” she said loudly, then looked at the guy, “Thank you, Ms!”

“Sure, you can go,” I said, smiling at her, “Take care!” She waved at me before walking away from our spot. I faced the guy and extended my hand.

“Oh, you want an explanation? Sure—”

“Fifteen thousand,” I said, he looked at me in confusion, “You will pay me, right? I don’t care about your explanation, I want my payment, I need cash,”

He seemed to still not believe what I said, so I just rolled my eyes at him, while he laughed as if he were relieved, “Easy woman,” he said when I got it, I counted it first, then put it in my wallet, luckily it’s big, “Wait, why did you say to Chanel that made her walk out? I probably said everything to her, but she never listens,”

I looked at him as I walked away from him, “It’s simple, I just said that you don’t change your underwear and socks immediately,” I could clearly see how his grin suddenly disappeared and was replaced with annoyance, “Thanks for this! I’m out!” I shouted and quickly ran away from him!

“Come back! You little witch!”

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