*Angela’s POV*
As I turn my head, I see a man with a gun pointed at my head. BAM. The sound of the gun going off rings in my head.
⤗6 months earlier⬼
I entered my house outside the campus grounds when I saw my three best friends ; Ella, Eliza, and Gabby. We all live in a small villa here in Italy. The villa has 2 bedrooms so Ella and I share a room and Gabby and Eliza share the other.
« GET READY BITCHES ! » Gabby screams from her room.
Shit, I forgot that it’s Friday. Once a month, on a Friday, we all go out to a bar or restaurant. This month, it’s Gabby’s turn to choose where we are going.
Gabby wouldn’t tell us where we were going. I roll my eyes as we pull up to the valet and my eyes stumble upon a bright sign that reads : L’Alibi. Which happens to be one of the best clubs in all of Italy.
Great, we are going into debt.
« We’re here, » Gabby says, jumping out of her Jeep Wrangler and tossing the keys to the valet guy like she owns the place.
I throw my purse over my shoulder and run over to my friends that are in line. After a few minutes of waiting and talking, we reach the front of the line and are met with a buff bouncer. My friends hand over their IDs and walk into the club, leaving me behind.
As I’m looking through my purse and pockets, the bodyguard says, « Miss your ID ? You’re holding up the line. » I frantically look through my purse again, checking every crook and cranny.
Then out of nowhere, the bouncer grabs my upper arm and starts yanking me away from the line. Before he could take me very far, a strong, and handsome man wraps his arm around my lower back.
« She’s with me, » Says the really hot guy. But, the closer I look, the more I start recognizing who he is : Mateo. You may be asking, « Angela who is Mateo ? » He has been my crush ever since I transferred to this college, the bad boy of our school. He’s never really paid attention to me, he is usually seen making out with almost every single girl and is seen partying almost every day. From what I’ve heard he’s never had an actual relationship with anyone and is a rich douche-bag.
« Are you coming or not ? » He asks angrily, walking into the club with me chasing after him. As I walk into the club, I do a little spin, stunned at the amazing club. The club has a dance floor with a DJ stand and lots of lights. There is also an enormous bar with a huge variety of liquor.
« Thank you, » I say as I catch up to him.
« Just go back to your friends, » He says, rudely.
« No, I owe you a drink, » I say knowing he would reject me. But surprisingly, he grabs my wrist and leads us to the bar. As we walk, I notice Gabby, Ella, and Eliza staring at me from the dance floor. I mouth, « I’m fine. »
When we get over to the bar and we sit down, I order a Vodka Cranberry while Mateo gets a whiskey neat. While the bartender makes our drinks, I tell Mateo I have to talk to my friends quickly and that I would be back in a few minutes.
« Excuse me, ma’am, you have a lot of explaining to do, » Says Ella, being the overprotective one in our group.
« Nothing happened. He just helped me in and I offered a drink, which he agreed to, » I reply.
« Sure, » Says Eliza, rolling her eyes.
« Ok, Angela, whatever you say, » Says Gabby, clearly tipsy.
Before they are able to say anything else, I walk back to Mateo. I notice a blonde girl sitting on his lap, making out with him. When she finally notices me, she rolls her eyes, whispers something to Mateo, and walks away.
The bartender places our drinks in front of us and I turn to pull out my wallet out of my purse. Before I can even open my wallet Mateo sends the bartender away.
« I was about to pay, » I say pointing at him with my wallet.
« My father owns the club. »
I stare at him with my eyes open. I knew his family was rich and all, but I didn’t know they owned one of the best clubs in Italy.
Damn, what else does his family own ? The fucking mafia ?