Ken, sitting on my bed, had his hand on my breast, my left breast suspended in his right hand.
Dumbfounded, I watched him, for this was too strange for me.
- What are you doing, uncle?
- Please don't say anything; it's because I like the roundness of your breast.
- No, you don't! You're my sister's husband.
- It's not a problem, Fidelia; everything is possible in love.
- But how? I'm not in love with you!
- Feelings can never be the same otherwise I love you.
- This is an abomination in our family!" I exclaimed, shifting my position on the bed.
I grabbed the large cloth on the bed and draped myself in it. My companion also changed position and caught up with me on the bed.
- Uncle, what exactly is your problem?
- Please stop being hard on me. To be honest, I really like you. Ever since you arrived in this house yesterday, I swear my heart hasn't stopped beating for you...
- That's bullshit, Uncle! After all, you're my sister's husband and what's more, I'm a little girl.
- Stop talking nonsense, Fidelia. A woman with breasts is no longer a little girl. And let me tell you something: I want us to love each other in silence without anyone knowing. And let me tell you something else: if you accept this deal, I'll do everything for you. I'll set up a bank account for you and you'll have lots of money in it. Don't you like your sister's life?
- Yes, I do!
- Then you should know that I'm the one who changed her whole life. That car you see her driving, I'm the one who bought it for her. Or do you think someone could have done it if it wasn't for me?
- No, she's already told me a lot about you.
- There you go! There you go! As you can see, she sells textiles. I've made your sister a great international businesswoman. She's recognized in Italy and I've already launched a new process to get her recognized in India and California. Do you think there are still men like me in the world today?
- No, I don't!
- That's it! So, if you accept the deal, I'll do exactly the same for you as I'm doing for your sister. I have money and you know that someone with money has practically everything! Just accept and you'll see. Not only will I teach you how to drive a car, I'll also buy you one.
Ken's words touched my heart. Yes, they tugged at my heartstrings, and I wondered whether I should give up this great opportunity.
Head down, I pondered. Sisters always fight for one man. If that's the case, I'm not the one who started it.
Carried away in my imaginations, I was thinking about the present and the future when I suddenly felt someone's hand touch my right cheek. I gasped before catching myself face-to-face with Ken.
- What did you say? Do you agree?
With a gasp, I agreed.
- Thanks for being mine," he said, very happy.
- But I'm scared!
- Of what?
- Of my sister.
- Your sister won't suspect a thing. And you know, she's never home. Sometimes I feel like making love to her, and then she's never there for me. Since her activities started to work, I only satisfy my sexual desires at night, and sometimes she still tells me she's tired. I've been masturbating in this house for a long time to satisfy my sexual desires...
- What? Do you masturbate?
- Yes, I do! Because the woman I have as a wife doesn't have my time at all, and what would you have me do? That's why, when she told me about your father's death, I asked her to make you come and stay with us. So relax, our love will be silent.
I listened silently to Ken. After all, he was right to come after me. My sister has no right to deny him sex because, that's why he took her in marriage. So why deny her sex? Where there's smoke, there's flame.
- Okay, I agree with your advances. It's true that I don't love you yet, but let me tell you, I like you already. And since I like you, that's a big step because you can't buy something without liking it first. I promise you that in time, I'll like you. It's up to you to help me love you faster.
- Don't worry, my darling! I know how to help you love me as quickly as I'd like. You're beautiful and very ravishing.
- Thank you, darling!
- You have a supple, graceful body.
- Thank you very much.
- And when I look at you, my heart beats.
- Thank you. Thank you so much.
- You have a very extraordinary beauty.
- Thank you so much!
- You also have a beautiful smile.
- Thank you very much.
- When I look at you, I can see myself in your eyes.
- Thank you so much!
- I love everything about you, if you only knew.
- Thank you Uncle Ken.
- I love it when you call my name.
- Thank you for everything! Since my father died, all the joy that had always brightened my heart and soul has fled me. Every day, I've mourned the cause of my father's death. If as jovial as you are, you will be with me forever, who am I not to offer you my body, my heart and my soul? I'll offer you everything about myself, because my body doesn't belong to me; it belongs to the man in my life. Do everything you can to be the man destined for my life.
- I will be and I already am.
Voluntarily, I knelt down on my two knees and dragged myself towards him. I threw myself into his arms and let myself go naked. With his cool hands, Ken grabbed both my breasts. With my head resting on his legs, he gently lowered his head and located my lips before placing a kiss on them. His right hand roamed over both breasts while his mouth sucked my lips. Eyes closed, I surrendered to his actions. Ken palpated my breasts and my tongue hung in his mouth. For the first time in my life, I could feel someone else's saliva flowing into my mouth. The saliva was succulent; yes, it was as sweet as sweet potatoes. I felt like I was in heaven, because the touches had taken me to the heavens. Ken, very attached to my mouth, sucked both my lips simultaneously and finished on my tongue. As for me, I sucked his lips and received his saliva in my mouth.
Although I was far, far away from planet earth, I at least noticed that something was happening between my legs. That's when I sent my right hand to my private part and found that a liquid was flowing down me.
- My God," I exclaimed, startled, "I've urinated on my bed.
Ken smiled and whispered to me:
- It's not urine, darling; it's a juice that many men like to suck from a woman's private part.
- What's that? But it's sticky!
- Yes, it's because it's sticky that men like to suck it.
- So you can suck it?
- With pleasure! I like sucking it too much.
- I can't believe you unless I see you in action.
Smiling, Ken laid me on my back and spread my legs. And as he'd just said, very gently, he placed his head between my legs and started sucking the liquid out of me.
- It's called licking," he said before continuing.
And now Ken is licking me. How sweet! No, licking is too sweet.