I think I was possessed by the devil; no, by a demon because it had become my daily bread. Oh yeah! Fucking had become for me a very necessary delight. In the kitchen, I remember her; in the shower, I remember her; in the toilet, the same! Even in my sleep, the urge to fuck myself was the only thing and the only idea that haunted my mind. I didn't think about anything but fucking. My whole life was based on love. Everywhere I went, all I could think about was Joslius, the way he heated my pussy. It's true that I had passed my fifth grade class and instead of stressing about that, thinking about those young kids who had made it from fifth to eighth grade, none of that was my concern. All I cared about was getting laid; yes, getting high from my cousin, who was teaching me the different positions of fucking.
It was twenty-two fourteen minutes when Daddy took leave of us in the living room, leaving Joslius, Stephan and me at the table. Joslius shot me a few glances and I understood the message and guessed its purpose. To deceive my brother's vigilance, I answered him with simple smiles. Stephan, astonished by our antics, spontaneously stared at me and then at Jos with another look as if to ask what my cousin and I were up to.
I smiled at him as if to say that there was nothing there.
- Can I understand what's going on between you two?" he asked, his fork dangling.
- Like what?" I returned, holding back my smile.
- No, nothing," he said as he withdrew from the scene.
I stared at his back and coughed. To prove to him that there was nothing between Jos and me, I got up as soon as possible, even though my plate was still half full. I climbed the stairs and when I reached the top, I waved to Jos who was watching me all the time. He also understood the code and smiled.
When I got to my room, I activated my wifi connection and went to WhatsApp to see if Jos was online. Yes, he was and he was at the keyboard writing me a message.
"What are we doing tonight," he texted me.
"Please come straight to my room" I texted him back.
"Your brother suspects something," he texted me back.
"Don't pay any attention to him.
"I think it will be better to postpone the meeting tonight.
"Never! Please don't let me masturbate tonight.
"We have no choice. We have to break up the program for tonight.
"Please Jos, have mercy on me. Please don't let me get sick.
"Even if it's just for tonight.
"I know that! But don't forget that your absence from my side for this night only could be the object of my ills.
"Stop, Ida.
"Jos, do you want to see me sick?"
It was already three minutes since I sent my last message to my cousin and I hadn't heard from him, but he was on the line. Suddenly I saw his WhatsApp audio call, which I picked up quickly.
- Yes baby?
- Yes my love! My intuition tells me that your brother will surprise us tonight.
- Stephan doesn't have that kind of time, believe me," I answered.
- My heart is beating, without lying to you.
- You don't have to worry about it. First of all, he's a guy who likes sleep too much. By now, he'd be snoring in his bed. Or if you want, go to his door and knock on it; I swear he won't answer you.
- Are you serious?
- Very sincere!
- All right! I'll be there in a moment!
- Yes, come quickly, my cat is already crying for you.
- Tell her I'm already coming.
- I won't miss.
And Joslius hung up the call as usual without saying another word.
Twenty seconds later, he was already there, in his underwear. He entered my room and systematically locked the door.
Jos was a big coward and I thought he was right. To live in peace is to avoid problems. And to avoid problems, the only thing you have to do in life is to be afraid. Whoever applies this rule will live as many years as it takes without having any problems in his life.
- Your breasts are so hot! he exclaimed, gently.
- Thank you!
I got up from the bed and stood in front of him. I stared at him as if to ask him to start the first move. And as if still flabbergasted by my breasts, he reached down and grabbed my nipples and I spontaneously lost myself. Once again I felt something move inside me. He grabbed me by the head and looked for my lips. I let him catch them between his. We began to exchange saliva. His was luscious and I think mine would be too in his mouth. With one hand, he caressed my hair, my ear and my neck. With the second hand, the right one, he was running down my spine; the slit of my back and was flexing on my big buttocks. He sucked my lips for a few good minutes and went down to my neck. Yes, sucking my neck, I was lost; I lacked strength to stand and I was forced to lie down in bed. My cousin, as if he was expecting this opportunity, quietly spread my legs and with his middle finger, stirred the inside of my pussy. I was squealing. Yes, I was vibrating with desire. Sometimes he would tap me on my womb and instead of feeling pain, I felt sensual vibrations. On the periphery of my pussy, there was some grass! He was running his naughty fingers over this grass. I could see myself on a Boeing plane to Japan. Yes, I was in the air. Jos was my pilot and he was in control of the flight. We were alone in our private jet. We were eating love, he and I. I was in my body but my mind was elsewhere. I didn't even know when Jos had brought me to my knees, thrusting the big head of his cock into my mouth.
I think that's what we called blowjob.
Through my mouth my cousin was fucking me. I wanted to scream and moan but his plantain took up most of my mouth. There wasn't even space to say anything. His plantain was taking up the entire surface of my mouth. He was speeding up in his back and forth and I, as if doomed to receive them, was receiving them willingly. Holding my head stuck between his two hands, I saw myself screwed. Yes, I was the one looking for it and here I was, caught in my own trap; what could I do? I think it was time to put up with it. I was putting up with everything my cousin was doing to me. Besides, it was not a tyranny. It was rather a pleasure, an extreme pleasure.
Between the hands of my cousin, rested my two breasts which he handled like oranges.
He fucked me during nearly thirty minutes by the mouth and raised me a little. Inserting his cock between my two breasts, my cousin began another chapter of our story. This chapter was still interesting; more interesting than the first. I was going back and forth with his bangala clutched between the cleft of my breasts.
This time I had the freedom to let out moans and cries of pleasure. Through my mouth Jos could hear: "You're wonderful; go ahead; keep fucking me through my breasts; I love it; go faster; fuck me like crazy; go harder; kill me, baby".
Anything came out of my mouth.
My cousin didn't say anything; he just had his eyes closed and was banging me on his cock.
I was sweating and so was he. We were all sweating. This sweat facilitated the coming and going of his plantain which was in installation between my breasts.
After fifteen minutes of work without slackening, my cousin brought back me to the first position and put back his hammer in my mouth and resumed more beautiful, his repeated comings and goings. He fucked me by the mouth it seems that he had forgotten my pussy which was moistened unceasingly. My clitoris was crying down there. From my Jessica, lubricant was flowing. I could feel it falling but since my boss didn't ask for any, I kept my silence. Suddenly, my cousin started screaming and bim, he ejaculated in my mouth. His semen was salty and tasted funny. I wondered inwardly if I should swallow it? And since I knew that girls in porn swallowed the ones that their guy's plantains vomited on them, I swallowed Jos' too. One thing's for sure, if this liquid extracted from men's dicks killed, I think those women in porn videos would never dare to swallow them.
- You look fantastic, my love! Jos complimented me, all happy.
- Thank you! And why didn't you fuck me in the ass?
- I wanted to change our taste. Tomorrow I'll fuck you in the ass, don't worry. Or didn't you reach your orgasm?
- No, but it's okay! I don't want to tire you out.
- Thank you my love! Tomorrow you'll see how things go.
- I hope so!
- Thank you! I will leave.
- Okay, good night my treasure.
- Thank you, doll.
And Jos withdrew from me after placing a kiss on my lips.
When he got to the door, he unlocked it, and boy! Behind this door, my brother Stephan was getting impatient and was at the gaiety of a prey.