PROLOGUE : ❤️❤️❤️ Ariana’s mother just got remarried. Jax, her new step brother isn’t shy about his attraction and on top of that there’s something awfully strange about him. Full summary inside.
Ariana Ellis was happy for her mother and tried to show that by forcing a smile on her face throughout the whole wedding. At the wedding was the first time she met her new step-sister Julie, they had agreed it was strange they had never met before when their parents had been dating all year. Julie went on to explain she had been gone all summer staying with her grandparents and that her brother wasn’t very social.
Ariana’s mother Mary Jane was marrying Julie father Mitch, she had met him numerous times before and thought he was great for her mother. The wedding had been low key but beautiful. Ariana found it weird that the mysterious older brother hadn’t showed up or if he had he left quickly. She was going to be living with this guy now and knew nothing except for the fact his name was Jackson, he was almost two years older and starting his senior year next week while she started her junior year.
The next morning they started to move into the new house Mary and Mitch picked together a month before the wedding, they had decided it would be best to start fresh with their new family rather then merge into one of their existing houses. Ariana loved the house, her room was bigger and she wouldn’t have to share one with Julie. She listened as her mother and new step-father decided the basement was big and in great condition and Jax would love to have it as his room. As the oldest at eighteen he needed his own personal space and that way Julie would have her own room. Ariana shrugged as she listened, her room was huge so she didn’t care what Jax got.
It was then her mind started to click into place ; Jax Reed, she knew that name but up until right now she had heard him being called Jackson, must be a nick name she thought. Her new step brother wasn’t that much of a stranger. She remembered seeing him around school, he mostly kept to himself and at times she thought he was strange. Great a strange new brother.
It wasn’t until that afternoon that her theory was confirmed, Jax Reed from school was her new step brother. He was taller than she remembered, at least 6’2 she thought, he had the same dark hair as his father but wore his much longer and tied back into a pony tail. His eyes were blue, the type of blue that made her stomach tighten when he looked at her because they were that intense. Julie and Mitch both had brown eyes and Julie looked a lot like Mitch, Jax must look like his mother
“Hi.” He said when their parents introduced them.
“Hi.” There wasn’t anything really to say.
Julie on the other hand was much easier to get along with. Ariana helped the thirteen year old un-pack her room. “So what type are you ?” Julie asked as she hung clothes in her new closet.
“What do you mean ?” she sat on Julie’s bed and handed her the next outfit.
“You’re in high school, what type are you ? The preppy kid, the geeky kid, the cheerleader type, normal type, loner type, secret like for goth ?”
“I guess the normal type that blends into the background of all the cliques and the geeky kid. I get perfect grades, my friends tease me about being a genius so do some other kids. What kind is your brother ?” she asked curiously and hoped she didn’t seem too interested when in reality Jax confused her, how were they supposed to live together ?
“Definitely the loner that doesn’t give a crap about what others think. He’s always been more inside his head and careful about who he lets in.”
“And I’m guessing you’re the fashion type personality ?” she said after noticing the outfits she was handing her.
Julie smiled. “I do love it. When I get to high school I want to be popular but not bitchy and hopefully by then Brian will notice I’m alive. Do you have any crushes or a boyfriend ?” she asked as they began working on emptying another box of clothes.
“No and no.”
“Maybe this year you’ll get lucky and have both.”
Ariana silently hoped not, there was already too much stress with keeping her grade point average. Boyfriends could wait and it wasn’t as if there was anyone asking her out. After they finished emptying Julie’s boxes she returned the favor by helping Ariana with her room.
“Wow you really are a geek.” Julie said almost in awe as she opened the box of trophies for spelling bees and science fairs. “No offense.”
“None taken. My parents always pushed for me to be the best at school, especially my dad. Now I don’t enter any competitions.”
“Where is your dad ?”
“He lives in town ; I visit him once a week. What about your mom ?” Ariana asked.
“She’s dead.” It was Jax who answered straightforward, suddenly appearing at the open doorway. “They wanted me to come get you both for dinner.”
“Yeah give us a minute.” Julie said and waited until her brother left to continue. “Our mom died after a serious fight with breast cancer when I was eight. Jax was always by her side and he sometimes feels dad moved on too fast.” She explained softly. “He’s not always a jerk.” She made excuses for her brother.
“It’s alright. Do you want to wait a few more minutes ?” she noticed how Julie’s eyes glossed at the memories of her mother.
Julie nodded. “Thanks. I like you as a sister already.”
“I like you too, now I don’t have to be an only child.”
Dinner was two large pizzas, trying to get moved in didn’t allow Mary Jane anytime to cook. “So school starts Monday,” she said in hopes of creating small talk. “Are you excited kids ?”
“Oh yeah.” Julie exclaimed. “Will you be taking me dad ?”
“Of course. Ariana I know your mother works early, why don’t you let Jax drive you to school or do you already have plans ?” Mitch suggested, his smile was nervous. He was hoping the kids would get along.
“I normally just walk.” She wondered if anyone felt as awkward as she did.
“I don’t mind.” Jax spoke up.
Mitch smiled. “That’s the spirit. You kids should help each other out.”
With their parents satisfied about how they were getting along, there were no more questions during dinner.
Ariana felt easy with Julie, the younger girl was easy to talk to but with Jax it was another story. They didn’t know each other and he seemed to make her nervous with his quietness, he didn’t speak much it was as if his mind was somewhere else except then at times she’d notice him watching everyone, especially her. What he was looking for ? She had no idea. She suspected he was trying to get to know his new family and didn’t know how to interact with strangers. That made the most sense but at the end of the night Jax still confused her.
By the time it was time to get ready for bed Ariana’s room looked somewhat normal. Her books and clothes were all unpacked ; the only thing left was a box of trinkets and old stuffed animals.
She gathered her change of clothing and her favorite towel before stepping out into the hall headed to the bathroom to go take a shower. Not paying attention she walked into a wall, or so she thought it was a wall and had assumed everyone was in for the night. She crashed right into Jax ; everything in her hands hit the floor. “Sorry.” Ariana said quickly, bending to pick up her clothes.
“It’s alright.” His voice was always naturally smooth, almost easygoing when his eyes seemed to carry the weight if the world behind them. He bent to the floor, “Let me help you.”
“No it’s---” her face grew unbelievably hot when as he managed to pick up her grey t-shirt and her white underwear and a little rose on the elastic, which he saw in clear view. She snatched them away. “Thanks.”
Jax chuckled and walked away. “I like the rose.” He said over his shoulder, there was no humor in his voice then.
Ariana watched him walk away back to the basement mortified over what just happened. Had he been teasing her ? Did he want to make her uncomfortable ? She didn’t know and that made her even more nervous. She didn’t want to share a home with a guy that was going to treat her like less. That happened enough at school.