Aislinn had been walking as fast as she could. She was just praying that she could reach her crappy apartment before Derrick could get his act together. It was only a ten minute walk from the bar but if he got in his car relatively quickly he'd be able to catch up.
When Derrick pulled in front of her, cutting her off, she knew that she was in trouble. Aislinn headed for the other side of the road as Derrick got out and followed her. "Hey Ais, are you sure you don't want a ride?" he slurred.
God, I wonder how much he drank tonight? Aislinn's mind raced. He was between her and her apartment. Just one more block.
Momentarily she thought she might be able to get around him. She was rather quick. Then there was the other option. He had tried this once before. She had cold cocked him and he had left her alone for a week. "Do you want me to hit you again?"
"You bitch," he said with a wicked glare. "You really do think you're too good for me. I'll teach you this time."
Aislinn set herself up in a defensive stance. As Derrick got closer she balled her hands into fists and punched him square in the face. Derrick grunted, but managed to catch himself just before he fell over. "Damn bitch!" he said, spitting out blood. "You on steroids or something?"
Aislinn took the opportunity to try and run around him but he yanked a black boxlike thing out of his pocket and caught her in the side with it as she tried to run.
Aislinn felt the electric shock shoot through her body. Suddenly everything spun and she lost control of her legs. She found herself lying on the ground in confusion, unable to move and staring up at Derrick. He held up the black box and pushed a button so that she could see what he had done.
Electricity jumped across the electrodes on the end of the taser. Derrick smiled an evil smile. "I bet you feel just as good unconscious as not."
A low growl caught Derrick's attention and he turned around but all he could see were shadows down the street. He figured he needed to work quick before the stun wore off. Derrick shocked Aislinn again for good measure and shoved the taser back in his pocket.
He had something more permanent in the car to deal with her. But he had to carry her over there. Another growl caught his attention and he looked behind him to see that guy Aislinn had been waiting on standing there out of nowhere.
The guy didn't say anything and his face was shadowed where he stood with a street lamp behind him.
"Mind your own business," Derrick spit at him and headed for his car with Aislinn slung over his shoulder.
Cullen lost it.
He couldn't believe the wretch would still be trying to get away with this even after being caught.
He stepped up and knocked Derrick's feet out from under him. As Derrick fell, Cullen grabbed Aislinn and pulled her to himself. The stun was starting to wear off and she looked up into his face.
His eyes were like molten pools of amber. It was almost hypnotic. They seemed to swim between dark brown almost black and glowing gold.
Derrick stood up swearing and pulled the taser out again. He headed toward Cullen and Aislinn and jabbed the device at them. Cullen took the shock in his arm and then shook his head at the guy. Derrick finally figured out that this was not going to go his way.
He turned and made a dash for his car but somehow Cullen was there first. Derrick tried the taser again but Cullen only grunted as the shock went through him and grabbed Derrick by the wrist that was holding the gun.
There was a disgusting crunching sound and Derrick's screaming as Cullen's hand squeezed around Derrick's wrist and the bones gave under the pressure.
Aislinn was still a bit dazed as she watched Cullen beat Derrick to the ground and then toss the guy in the backseat of his car. Then as if nothing had happened, Cullen came walking over to her. "Are you sure you don't want that ride home?" he asked.
Aislinn swallowed deliberately. She just didn't get it. "Why did you do that?"
Cullen watched her. She still wasn't afraid of him. This little human girl had just been attacked and watched him throttle her boss. He knew that she had seen his eyes turn. He's almost gone all the way. The alcohol was warping his sense of control. "I don't really know," he said honestly.
Cullen knew that Keith was watching from the truck. He could see the black SUV down the road a ways. "That ride?" he asked again.
"I just live a block down from here."
"Then I'll walk you." It wasn't an offer.
Aislinn could tell from the tone in his voice that he wasn't going to take 'no' for an answer. She took a deep breath. "Fine, it's this way."
Cullen walked with her toward her apartment building. "I think you need a new job."
Aislin harrumphed at him. "Yhea, well you gonna give me one? Here's my resume. College dropout with minimal bartending experience seeks nice stable job not working for an ass."
She refused to look at him and he knew there were tears in her eyes from the shaky way she finished the statement.
"Alright, you're hired," he said.
She stopped and looked at him incredulously. "Are you for real?"
Now he could see the glassy eyes. He wasn't sure if it had been his question or everything that had just happened that had caused her to be suddenly upset but he didn't like the idea that it might be his fault.
"What do you mean?" she persisted when he didn't explain himself.
"I have some influence with a number of different businesses in town. I can give you a job. Secretary, waitress if you really want."
Aislinn wasn't sure if she should take him seriously or not. "Who are you? Superman?"
Cullen chuckled and one corner of his mouth turned up in that amused smile he'd been wearing off and on all night. "I prefer Batman. I don't think I could pull off red and blue tights and Batman had better toys."
Aislinn shook her head. "I think you've done enough for me at this point," she said cautiously.
Cullen rolled his eyes and sighed in annoyance. "Why is it that people never do the smart thing when it's right in front of them? Look, I'm just offering you a legitimate job. You shouldn't have to put up with a creep like that."
Aislinn glared at him.
What right did he have to be angry with her? It's not like she'd asked for his help. "And what about the other girls there? You gonna give all the people working for Derrick jobs elsewhere? Why are you so concerned with me?"