
him again

him again


- Consider that your shift is over, or do you want me to call your boss so he can tell you himself?

- No, it's okay.

- Good, now what are you going to drink?

- An orange juice.

He calls my boss to serve us himself. My boss says how if he had the devil behind him to serve us.

I wonder who this man is who can send my boss as he pleases.

It's really surprising, it's like he's afraid of him, but why?

Strangely, since I sat down, the gentleman has said nothing, he just stares at me, devouring me with his gaze.

- What is your name, my dear?

- I think that for a gentleman, it would be more appropriate to introduce yourself before asking the other to introduce themselves.

- you are right, so what is your name?

- I think I'm talking to a wall.

- Indeed, since you do not want to introduce yourself, I will do it for you: your name is Angèle Garcia Martin, you are 20 years old, you are a second year architecture student.

It must be said that my mouth remained open for 5 minutes.

- Flies will get in there.

- What ?

- Close your mouth otherwise flies will enter it.

- How did you do that? are you a magician?

- No, I finished my little investigation.

- Why ?

- Because I want it!

- And why ?

- Because you interest me.

- For what ?

- I ask myself this question, why are you interested in me? You are

a little ugly, you have no class

you are neglected, you are definitely not my type of woman.

- You see me delighted because you are rude, arrogant, impertinent, impolite

and very ugly.

- Thank you for the compliments.

- Those weren't compliments.

- I know, but I take them as such.

- It's getting late, and as you know I have school tomorrow.

- indeed, you have classes tomorrow, I also know that you sent your CVs, looking for an internship.

- How did you know that? I sent it from my cell phone.

- I know, I have several companies that could help you validate your diploma. If you are interested, you can go to the company "Orchid"

as you can know it is the best architectural company in all of Europe. Be there Monday at 8 a.m.

If you want the place.

- I place it, except that I am with my friend.

- Sorry, but I only have one place. Yours

to see if you want it or if you give it to your friend.

- I'll be there at eight o'clock.

- Well ask the CEO, say you have an appointment.

- Well sir, you still haven't introduced yourself.

- I know, see you soon my dear.

They all get up and leave as they came. leaving on the table a sum of €75,000. They must be really rich to tip that much. Their consumption was €30,000, it's a good day for me again today, and the icing on the cake, I might find an internship.

I quickly unpack and go change to go home. In front of

restaurants Alfred is waiting for me, he's been chasing me for several months, I tell him that I'm not interested in him, he doesn't want to give up, he's a rich kid

a spoiled baby, he thinks he is owed everything.

- Good evening the most beautiful star.

He annoys me when he says such nonsense to me.

- Good evening Alfred, what are you doing here at such an hour?

- I was waiting for you, my midnight sun.

Damn, he's going to stop this bullshit.

- Well first of all, I told you not to bother lecturing me and secondly I'm not your sun.

Please, I'm exhausted, I'm going to bed, good night.

- My golden honey, don't do this to me, I can't sleep anymore, I only dream of you.

- If you dream, it means you can sleep.

Good night to you.

He is on board his car, he thinks he can influence her with that.

- Wait for me to accompany you.

If I tell him no, I might spend the night here convincing him to leave me alone.

I ride

- How do you like my new car?

- Very pretty.

He drops me off at my door.

- Sleep my princess and think of me.

- good night Alfred.

I go up to my house. I see a vehicle parked in the corner, I don't pay attention to it.

I'm very happy this evening, I'm going to have a good night.

I am confident, tomorrow will be better.

IF I KNEW !!!.

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