
Was this my destiny? 

Was this my destiny?


- Angele, you're too slow, hurry up, the tables won't clear themselves.

my boss shouts at me from his office

If customers complain, you won't get your tip tonight.

I hurry to remove the cutlery and clean the table. Then I install the new arrivals.

This area is mine, it is made up of six tables, which means that even if the rest of the room is no waiter can lend me a hand.

AND I find myself in this situation today, it's as if my area attracts them. all the tables are occupied, and as soon as a table becomes available, customers come and sit down even if I have not completely finished setting up.

I'm exhausted, hungry, I haven't eaten anything since the morning.

Let me introduce myself: My name is Angèle Garcia Martin, I am twenty years old, I study architecture in Paris, and work part-time in a restaurant, not very far from home.

I still live with my parents, who don't want me to leave the house.

I walk towards the table of six men,

- Good evening gentlemen, what do we have for you?

I stop thinking for five minutes without anyone speaking among them, I look at them one by one to see who gets their order first, but I realize that they are all looking at one man who is looking at me.

I ask them the question

- What can I get you gentlemen?

Silence !!!!!!!

What do they have ? they don't hear or it's me the other guy (in fact the handsome one

but who is also scary continues to watch me without embarrassment)

- Shit, I'm talking to you, be polite and answer me.

He ends up giving a weird, really scary smile and says:

- Send four bottles of the best scotch.

I'm going back to get their bottles

which I place with shot glasses.

I come back five more minutes to order the meal.

The same gentleman told me:

- Give us the best dishes here according to you, if we are satisfied, you will get a good tip, otherwise....

- You will be satisfied

- I hope so.

I'm going to look in the kitchen to see what we have left because it's really late.

Thank goodness the dishes I presented to them are still available. I'm rushing to order for six people.

Three minutes later, I place the dishes on the table. And I'm waiting for them to taste it.

- It's not bad

- Say it's very good, replies another guy.

I let them eat, after their meal, I go to clean up, they get up to leave

I didn't even give the grade, I'm running

to see if there is money on the table.

Thank God there is money, I count fifty thousand euros. Shit the meal was fifteen thousand euros.

I got a good tip.

After my shift, I walk home, I have the impression that I am being followed however, I see no one, arriving five minutes from home, I stop for a moment, look behind me, no one, Well, I know my way, I'm exhausted, it must be fatigue.

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