
Chapter 04


Milind looked forward to going to Chennai with Rohita. At home, he spent time watching a movie with her. He worried she might tell her parents about their wedding night, but was relieved as she remained quiet. She enjoyed watching the movie. Milind spoke with everyone at home with enthusiasm and kept them cheerful. But he avoided going to the bedroom as it would get him in trouble. He didn’t want to hurt Rohita again. His mother insisted he spend time with Rohita alone, but Milind diverted her attention by changing the topic of the discussion. He was determined not to commit to the relationship. He would not betray Esha.

Before leaving for the airport, Milind controlled his urge to call his girlfriend. He had already spoken with her the previous night. His parents would become suspicious if they saw him flirting on the phone. He would call her from Chennai as he had promised. Rohita’s presence also prevented him from ringing Esha.

At the airport, his in-laws were waiting in the visitor’s lounge. After checking in the luggage, Milind joined them along with Rohita. His in-laws spoke to him in a jovial mood, and Rohita hadn’t told them anything about her last night. Milind assured his father-in-law Rohita would get her visa without difficulties.

Milind took his bag after he heard the flight announcement. “Let’s go.” He smiled at his in-laws. “Bye, Uncle. Bye Aunty. We’ll call you from Chennai.”

Rohita hugged her mother. “Bye, Mom.”

Her mother kissed Rohita on her forehead, holding her shoulders. “Wish you all the best, my dear.” She turned to Milind. “Take care.”

Milind’s mother gently patted Rohita’s back. “Call us when you get the visa.”

Rohita nodded. Her face blushed.

Milind shook hands with his dad and father-in-law. He walked Rohita towards the terminal gate.

Milind located their seats and put the luggage in the cabin. Rohita sat beside the window. Milind sat beside her.

She continued to stare through the window. Milind wished to speak but controlled his urge to disturb her. Is she still thinking about their wedding night? She seemed all right during the day, but Milind needed her response tonight. He should act with diligence without annoying her. If she again came closer to him, he would kiss her. But he needed to avoid having sex.

The plane became airborne. Milind put his hand on her back. “Are you feeling comfortable?”

“Yeah, I am all right.” She sounded a bit excited.

Milind wished to keep her cheerful. “Have you seen Chennai before?”

Her lower lip quivered into a smile. “Yes, two years ago. I went there on my college study tour.”

“That’s good to know.” He waited for the air turbulence to settle. “If your visa gets approved, we would be traveling to America in two days.”

Rohita put her curls behind her ear. “How long is the journey to America?”

“Around eighteen hours.” Milind inhaled a deep breath. “We have a break at Amsterdam for a few minutes.”

“Eighteen hours! It should be quite tiring.” Rohita widened her eyes.

“Yes, we feel sick.”

Milind continued to chat with her till they arrived at Chennai. Outside the airport, he hired a taxi to go to a hotel near the American Consulate.

The three stars Palm Grove Hotel had a wide wrought-iron gate. A lawn on the hotel premises shone in the moonlight. The huge, teakwood main entrance etched with an intricate pattern caught Milind’s attention. He walked past the lounge to the front desk. A fair, young lady, wearing a pale red coat, allotted a room to him.

It was half-past nine when Milind checked in. The large room had a king-size bed in the center. A TV and a plush, leather couch were placed next to the balcony entrance.

Rohita tossed her purse on the couch, and she threw herself on the bed. “The room is so luxurious.” She stretched her hands wide. “The bed is soft and comfortable.”

“I knew you’d like it.” Milind sat on the couch. “Would you like to have coffee?”

“Coffee? Now?” Rohita knitted her brows. “Don’t you want to sleep?”

Milind swallowed hard. He needed to spend time outside the room until Rohita slept. Staying together would tempt Rohita to have sex, and Milind needed to avoid it. Already hurt, she would repent if he refused to make love. He would go to a bar and relax in solitude. “I’ll be out for a while.”

Rohita tucked a pillow in her arms. “Where will you go?”

“Um...I’ll spend some time in the lobby.”

“I’ll also join you.” Rohita grimaced. “I don’t want to be alone.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll be back soon.” Milind grabbed the remote from the table. “Watch TV until you feel sleepy.” He tossed the remote on the bed.

“Come on, darling.” Rohita approached, her eyes glowing. She sat beside him. “Don’t you like my company?”

“Yes, I do.” Milind wrapped his arms around her waist. “You need to wait. I’ll be back soon.”

Rohita kissed him on his lips. “Yes, I will.”

Milind pressed his chest to hers. “Don’t get frightened if I am late, okay?” He rose and walked outside.

He heaved a sigh in relief, stepping down the stairs. If everything went well, he would be traveling with her to America in a couple of days. He hoped Rohita wouldn’t complain to her parents before he left India. She would be interested in traveling to America after she gets her visa tomorrow. Things had favored him so far, and he was confident of achieving his goal.

He crossed the hotel lobby and stepped into the veranda. A bar and restaurant, nestled within the hotel premises, caught his eye. A happy hour would unwind him. He would spend a good time there and speak to Esha. He needed to keep her interested in him because she was hurt. She hadn’t said anything annoying, and she still looked forward to marrying him. Milind needed to keep his promise.

Rohita would be asleep when he returned. Milind would not worry about having sex.

The security guard at the bar entrance saluted Milind and opened the door for him. The bar was dimly lit with yellow lamps, and only half of the tables were occupied. Milind waited for an attendant to escort him. A waiter in a red turban approached. He walked Milind to an empty seat amidst the customer’s muffled conversations.

Milind ordered a scotch whiskey with soda. He looked around the hall for a while before he took his phone out from his shirt pocket. Esha would be pleased to talk to him. She would trust him and continue to love with him if Milind remained faithful to her.

He tapped on her number and waited for her to answer.

“Hi, Milind.” Esha sounded excited. “Where are you calling from?”

“Chennai. I’m taking Rohita to the consulate tomorrow morning.”

“Congratulations.” She paused. “Is she around?”

“She is in the hotel room.” Milind rubbed his nose. “I’m outside the lobby. How are you?”

“I’m doing well. I was waiting for you to call.”

Milind stared down, contemplating. He must tell her he’d remain loyal to her by avoiding sex with Rohita. “Esha, I love you. I’ll avoid being intimate with Rohita. You need to trust me.”

“But she may get frightened.”

“She is all right so far. Let’s hope things will go as planned. After the visa approval, she will be eager to come with me to America.”

“You are very unkind.”

Milind gritted his teeth. Esha seemed to be supporting Rohita rather than encouraging him. “I love you. I can do anything for you.”

“Okay, what about her future?”

Milind swallowed a lump in his throat. He pushed up his sleeve. “I will leave her only after she gets a job, and settle with her classmate.”

“Settling with her classmate?” Esha knotted her brows.

“Yes.” Milind leaned back in his seat. “Her classmate Ravi stays in Chicago. He is unmarried and looking for a suitable girl. I’ll plan for their union and make sure they remain happy.”

Milind told Esha about his plan. Esha listened to him without asking anything. In the end, she wished him success in his endeavor.

Milind had convinced Esha, and he needed to execute his plan. He wouldn’t risk losing Esha and his family fortune in the process.

Milind extended his happy hour and ordered another drink. He wanted Rohita to be asleep when he went back.

It was half-past ten when he paid the bill and came out. He drew in the fresh air, standing on the hotel premises. The full moon shone on the horizon, and the stars twinkled in between the scarce, silvery clouds.

His phone rang. His father-in-law’s name on the screen sent a cold shiver down Milind’s spine. “Hi, Uncle.” He tried not to sound drunk.

“Where are you both?” His father-in-law sounded peeved. “I told you to call us after you go there.”

“I’m sorry, Uncle.” Milind clenched his hands. “We checked into the hotel a few minutes ago.”

“Is Rohita all right? She didn’t pick up her phone before. Is she around?”

Milind’s stomach fluttered. “Um… she is in the hotel room---.” He stumbled for words.

“Where are you?”

“I am in the lobby.” Milind walked towards the main entrance. “I am on my way back to the room.”

“How can you leave her alone at this time?” He paused for a few seconds. “Go and tell her to call me.”

“Sure.” Milind ended the call. He inserted his phone back in his shirt pocket.

Why didn’t Rohita answer her father? Is she asleep?

He was content with spending a good time in the bar, but his father-in-law upset his mood. He hoped he would end the day without getting into trouble with his in-laws.

Milind unlocked the room door and glanced inside. His heart raced as Rohita was seated on the bed, watching TV. She would ask him where he had been for so long.

Rohita hadn’t answered her father’s call to avoid telling him where Milind went. Before she acted against Milind’s wishes, he needed to appease her. He went and sat beside her on the bed. Rohita pressed the TV remote in distress and changed the channels.

Milind put his hands around her neck. “I’m sorry dear. It took some time for me to come back.”

Rohita tossed the remote, heaving a sigh. “Where did you go?”

“I was in---.”

“Are you drunk?” Rohita asked before Milind could continue.

Milind smiled. He controlled his urge to answer. He needed to quiet her first. “I drink only when I feel tired. I’m sorry.”

“You prefer alcohol instead of my company, then.” Rohita glared.

“It’s not like---” Milind stumbled for words.

Rohita got off the bed. “I hate you, Milind.” She went and sat on the couch.

Milind needed to calm her before the matter reached its peak. He went and sat beside her. “Why don’t you listen?” He held her hand. “I came late because I was speaking to my friend.” He put his hand on her back. “Did uncle call you?”

Rohita shrugged and remained silent.

Milind needed to be patient. Rohita would be quiet only if he showed his compassion.

“I told him you’ll call him in the morning.” He pressed her to his shoulder. “Answer your parents when they call you.”

Milind told her about their schedule and calmed her. He promised her he would take her shopping.

He rose and went to the bathroom to freshen up. When he came back, Rohita was lying on the bed, facing the balcony. I hope she wouldn’t insist on making love.

He sauntered to the bed and curled into a ball beside her.

Rohita breathed heavy and didn’t turn towards him. Milind sighed in relief as she slumbered into a deep sleep after a few minutes. He looked forward to taking her to the American consulate in the morning.

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