
Chapter 02


Rohita tossed her leather purse on her bed and collapsed on the couch. Her Dad’s delay in coming home to take her shopping annoyed her. But she would wait for him. He should be busy with her wedding arrangements and she needed to remain patient.

The evening sun rays streamed through the orange drapes on the windows. The smell of fresh red, yellow roses put in the flower-pot wafted in the air. Rohita wished to call him to know when he would be arriving. She took her phone from the table and tapped on the screen.

Rohita’s father answered after a few rings. “Rohita, I will be there very soon.”

She frowned. “I’ve many items to shop for, Dad. Come soon so that we can get there before the shops close.”

Her father ended the call.

She placed the phone back on the table.

Rohita had seen Milind just four days ago and their marriage was fixed soon after. She hadn’t fully understood him. Her parents should’ve listened to her suggestion to wait for a few months. Why is Dad so keen to have the wedding tomorrow? Is he under pressure from Milind’s parents? He could’ve convinced them to schedule it for next year. Their hastened decision peeved Rohita and she was in a bind.

Her father always wanted her to settle in America, and he searched for the grooms who stayed there. She too was interested in working as a physician in America. If she refused her father’s suggestion to marry Milind, her marriage would be delayed further. She had her twenty-seventh birthday last month. It would be difficult to get a suitable groom if she remained unmarried.

She heard the approaching footsteps. Her mother, Brinda, in her dark blue sari, entered. She was holding a wooden tray with two brown teacups on it. Her wide forehead was adorned with a red large bindi. “When is your Dad coming home?” She placed the tray on the table. The aroma of fresh, hot tea filled the air.

Her mother sat beside Rohita and handed her the tea. “He never comes home on time. Better we go shopping.”

Rohita sipped her tea. “I spoke to Dad a while ago.” She was invigorated by the caffeine. “He is coming soon.”

“But we have a little time left.” Brinda sighed.

“It’s better to wait and take Dad along with us.” Rohita placed her cup on the table. “It will be late in the night when we come back.”

Rohita continued to savor her tea. She had complained to her mother about the hastened wedding decision. But it was her father who had planned everything. He didn’t agree with her mother’s suggestion to postpone.

Her mother didn’t tell him anything because she was an orthodox woman. She liked to see Rohita get married soon.

When Rohita met Milind at her home, he was very silent. He wasn’t proactive in talking to her. Is he egoistic, for he stayed in America? Rohita wished to talk about him with her mother.

“Mom, why is Dad so reluctant to postpone my wedding?” Rohita placed her empty cup on the tray and scratched her cheek. “Is he under pressure from Milind’s parents?”

“Yes, they wanted the wedding to be arranged for tomorrow,” her mother said, in a raised voice. “Your Dad is not interested in losing the alliance. He was waiting for Milind to come to India.” She placed her cup on the tray. “I think your Dad is right. Milind is handsome, and working in America. If we refuse, we may lose him.”

Rohita stared down at the floor, contemplating. Her parents never bothered to understand her feelings. Do they know how Milind is and about his habits?

“Mom, can I ask you something?” Rohita bit her lips.

“What is it?”

“Why was Milind so silent when he met us?”

“No---, I didn’t think so.” Her mother rolled her eyes.

Rohita put her curls behind her ear. “He never spoke to me.”

“He may be feeling too shy to flirt with you.” Her mother paused with her eyes wide. “It’ll take some time for you guys to get closer.” She pinched Rohita’s cheek. “You are so lucky to have Milind as your life partner.”

Rohita’s mother may be correct in her opinion. Milind was fair and sturdily built. Rohita agreed to the alliance because she was attracted to Milind. Rohita heaved a sigh of relief. “I agree with you.”

Her mother held Rohita’s hand with her lips parted. “I’m sure you both will make a perfect couple. Milind is a bit introvert, but he will be fine going forward.”

But Rohita hadn’t received phone calls from Milind. If he had liked her, he should’ve shown his interest to speak with her. “Milind hasn’t called me since we met last.”

“Hasn’t called you?” Her mother sounded surprised.

“Yes.” Rohita cocked her head.

Her mother paused, staring down. “He must be busy. Why don’t you ring him?” She forced a smile.

“Yes, I called him twice.” Rohita looked at her mother’s eyes. “His phone was busy.”

“Why don’t you try again?” Her mother put her hand on Rohita’s shoulder.

Rohita remained silent for a minute. However busy Milind was, he should’ve spoken to her for a few minutes. Should she listen to her mother’s suggestion? Better she would stay patient until Milind called.

Her mother cleared her throat. “Relationship will ripen over a period of time.” She held Rohita’s arm. “You both must work to make your marital life successful.”

Rohita looked at her mother in admiration. Her mother was experienced in family life and would help her if Rohita gets in trouble.

She was interested in enrolling for the master's course, but her dad insisted she go to America. “I wanted to study the masters. Dad didn’t listen to my request at all.” Rohita tried to sound irked.

“Don’t worry.” Her mother lowered her brows. “Family life is more important than your career. You can continue to study in America if you wish. Milind will help you.”

Most of her classmates had enrolled for the masters. “But Dad should’ve waited for two more years.”

“Don’t you remember your cousin who preferred having a baby instead of working?”

Rohita remained silent. She should listen to her mother’s suggestion. “I’ll study in America with Milind’s help.”

Her mother kissed Rohita on her forehead. “I’m sure he will help you.”

“Thank you, Mom.” Rohita hid her face on her mother’s chest.

Her mother placed the cups on the tray. “Why don’t you call your Dad?” She rose. “Tell him we are waiting for him.” She went out.

Rohita wouldn’t face difficulties in her marital life. Her parents had arranged her marriage and they would mediate if anything went wrong. Her mother spoke philosophically at times, and Rohita should learn from her life experiences.

Rohita’s phone rang. Her classmate Ravi’s number lit the screen, and it lightened her heart. It must be early morning in Chicago. “Hi, Ravi.”She had been longing to speak with Ravi, and she sauntered towards the balcony.

Rohita had studied with Ravi in Mysore for twelve years and she needed his support during her stay in America. She had often contacted him there, and she had asked him about the American lifestyle.

“Congratulations.” Ravi sounded excited. “I’m surprised to see your wedding invitation.” He paused for a moment. “You never told me about it before.”

“Yeah, I too didn’t expect this.” Rohita stretched out her legs. “My parents decided in two days.”

“I won’t be able to attend. I’m very sorry.”

“It’s okay. I can understand.”

“I will look forward to meeting you and Milind.” He paused. “When are you traveling to America?”

“I’m going to Chennai first to get my Visa. If all goes well, we will leave next week.”

“Where does Milind live in New Jersey?” Ravi asked.

Rohita’s pulse quickened. “He told me a place called Princeton. Have you heard of it?”

“Yes, I stayed near Princeton during my last visit to New York.”

“How far New Jersey is from Chicago?”

“Two hours travel by plane. I’ll come there after you guys arrive.” He paused. “Are you prepared for the wedding tomorrow?”

Rohita’s stomach clenched. “Yes, but it has been hectic for two days.”

“Don’t worry. You will be relieved after the event.”

They exchanged pleasantries for a few more minutes.

Rohita’s phone beeped. It was her father.

“Ravi, bye for now. I’ll call you very soon.” She answered her father. “Hi, Dad. Where are you calling from?”

“I am on my way home.”

“Come soon, Dad. We have been waiting for more than an hour.”

“Sorry, dear. I’ll be there soon.” He ended the call.

Ravi’s presence in America would be an advantage to Rohita. He would help her in achieving her career goals. Rohita had studied with Ravi and knew him for more than fifteen years. His backing would make her feel secure.

Milind’s silence had created a sense of anxiety in her. Though she would seek Milind’s support, it would take some time for them to get along.

Her father had been busy since the morning, but his delay would upset her plans. The shops would be closed in a couple of hours. Rohita didn’t want to return home disappointed.

She walked back to her room and sat on the recliner, stretching out her legs.

Rohita had sent the electronic wedding invitations to her friends, and she needed to call them. Some had replied, confirming their attendance. No wonder her friends were surprised as Rohita had never told them about her wedding before.

Adrenaline rushed through Rohita’s veins when her phone rang and Milind’s name lit on the screen. She grabbed it from the table. After tapping on the answer key, she waited, staring at the bed.

Milind cleared his throat. “Hi, Rohita. How are you?”

“Hi. I’m doing well,” Rohita said.

“Is it the right time to speak with you?”

“Yes.” Rohita’s lips quivered into a smile. “I have been waiting to speak with you since yesterday.”

“Sorry for keeping you waiting.” He paused. “How was your day?”

“Quite busy.” Rohita straightened. “I need to buy my wedding saris yet. Waiting for my Dad to come home.”

“Are you free now?” Milind asked.

“Yes. Why?”

“Can we meet?”

“Now?” Rohita swallowed a lump in her throat.

“I need to talk to you.”

What does he want to discuss at this time? Rohita didn’t want to skip her shopping. Her parents would ask her where she went and she didn’t want to lie to them. “I need to go shopping. Is there anything important?”

“Can’t you postpone it for tomorrow?”

Rohita’s stomach fluttered. Why is he so insistent? “I don’t think I can.” She furrowed her brows. “Why don’t you talk now over the phone?”

“I just....” Milind stumbled for words.

Nausea coursed through Rohita’s mind. She couldn’t understand why Milind proposed to meet. Should she insist he talk over the phone? Or should she remain silent?

“Rohita.” She heard her father from downstairs. Rohita needed to end the call. She would speak with Milind after she returned home.

“Milind, Dad is here. Can we talk later tonight?”

“I wanted...”

“I’ll call you later in the night. Bye.” Rohita tapped the end button. She grabbed her purse lying on the bed and went out. “I am coming, Dad.” She walked down the stairs, placing the phone in her brown leather purse.

Why does Milind want to meet me? He could’ve spoken to me over the phone. He sounded a bit disappointed and his eagerness to meet was intense. Was it related to their marriage? She would call him back in a couple of hours. But should she tell her parents Milind wanted to meet her?

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